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I think there was enough lightning crackling in the atmosphere to light up the entire of Seoul. I pushed Jungkook off of me and stood up, slightly glaring at Unnie for not telling me before. She knew how much I hated him! She knew how much he hated me! 

"Why is Areum here?" He frowned, and I wanted to smack him for his obnoxiousness.

"Areum will be your new makeup artist," The manager replied.

"As long as Noona is still working with me, and she," He began, pointing at me," Doesn't come near me, I don't care," And he stalked off, out of the room. After some more introductions, I was escorted to the dorm I would be sharing with the other stylists. Since I lived quite far away, I was allowed to stay with some of the staff, so I was just about to enter the dorm. It was right next to Bangtan's dorm, so if they needed us, we'd be there for them- not that I minded, they were all nice, except for Jungkook, obviously.

I think, I might be confusing you guys, right? You're probably wondering why I hate Jungkoko so much, especially because he's the "Golden Maknae"- Golden my a**! He's far from amazing! What kind of a kid pulls your hair on a daily basis until middle school? What kind of a kid spreads so many rumours about you, people from other middle schools know about them? Yeah, definitely not golden...

But hey, I need to act professional so I don't lose this apprenticeship. I sighed as I set my suitcase down in the middle of the. Unnie had gone to help... Eui was it... With cameras and stuff... I'm going to have to learn so many names! A girl emerged from another room.

"You must be Areum! My name is Iseul and you'll be working with me!" She smiled as she saw me. 

"Ah, hello!" I smiled, moving my pink hair out of my face, and shook the hand she offered.

"Shall I give you a tour of the place?" I smiled and nodded at her offer before letting her lead me around, "Let's start with this part of the building... Bangtan's dorm is right across the hall so we can do that last," She led me around the rooms and showed me my room, which I'd be sharing with her. There were four bedrooms, two for the makeup artists, one for the two costume designers and the other for Sora Bangtan's dance instructor.

"Are you a fan of BTS?" She asked after we sat down to have a bite.

"They're alright, I prefer BIGBANG though..." I said sheepishly.

"Well, to each their own, am I right? I really like Jungkook! He's so amazing at everything!" She gushed. I choked on my water... he was really amazing... at being a jerk!

"I don't like Jeon Jungkook. He's stuck up and selfish and doesn't give a damn about who he's hurting," I say, not knowing I voiced out my thoughts. 

"Well, we wouldn't want any problems so you better watch it pinkie," Iseul growled and I was surprised by her sudden change of tone.

The next few days, Iseul acted as if she never said anything so I played along. I got to know Sora much better and the two of us were quite alike. Currently, I was applying makeup onto Taehyung-Sunbae-nim's face.

"Taehyung-nim, please stop moving!" I begged him. He kept on squirming around it was next to impossible to keep him still and apply the makeup on him.

"Oppa! Stop! You're making it hard for the artists!" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned to see a girl, around my age, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"But Dongsaeng!! It tickles!" He whined. The girl shook her head and giggled. She asked for the fluffy brush in my hand, which I handed, and squeezed it a little, changing its shape.

"If you hold it like this, the bristles are less likely to tickle him," She told me, placing my fingers in the position she had had them.

"Ah, thank you... Sorry, but I don't know your name..." I flushed a little as I didn't know her.
"No problem! My brother is very... A unique person so if you have any more trouble, then ask me. My name is Mi-Hi," She smiled. I liked her, she was nice.

"Thanks for the offer, Mi-Hi, I appreciate it," I say honestly before we resumed our respective tasks.

I was glad Unnie had done Jungkook's makeup. I didn't wanna do that at all! They were currently having a photo shoot and Jimin and Jungkook were currently filming. They came back to get a touch-up, but before I could go to Jimin, he went to unnie...





I sighed as I eyed Jungkook. He caught my eye and glared back, before sitting down in a chair.
"Areum-ah, please hurry!" Unnie called from where Jimin was sat down. I muttered a reply before taking out a couple of times and brushes, and a palette too. He turned his head in the other direction, and I saw a blush creeping up his neck. Was he embarrassed or simply annoyed at the fact he was near me?

"Turn your head back," I said coldly, gently tapping his chin back. He shuffled a bit but continued to look anywhere but at me, which I didn't mind, "Look up so I can do your eyeliner again," I instruct. He closed his eyes before reopening them and looking up. I carefully lined his waterline before highlighting his corners.

Once I was done, I stepped back, allowing him to stand. I had failed to notice his full height. I looked up at him, he who was staring at me menacingly and rolled my brown eyes.

"Can I have that?" He said, pointing at the brush in my hand. I handed it to him and began to sort through the colours for Namjoon, who was next in line. I looked up and my face was met with something soft and fluffy quickly and, rather roughly, brushing against my chin. I looked at the mirror and saw there was a dark smudge prominent on my face. My eyes darted towards Jungkook, who was holding his stomach in laughter.

"Your face! You should've seen it! That was funny, wasn't it Noona?!" He roared with laughter, hiccuping before calming down and smiling as he made his way back to the photoshoot. Namjoon only shook his head and gave me a smile.

I was too flustered to reply and resorted to fixing the mark. You see, I didn't do anything and he attacked me! Do you all see now, why I hate him? He's been doing things like that ever since I could remember!

One Month Later
Bangtan were getting ready for Christmas. All of us staff were helping them film a Bangtan Bomb and put up decorations. We had face masks on and I was feeling a bit stuffy, my breath making my upper lip moist. I tugged it down a little, so that it was under my chin, and continued to hang up tinsel along the walls. 

I was on a small stool, trying to pin it in place, but I think the stool slipped and I fell on top of someone.

"Ah! Sorry!" I began to apologise before I realised it was Jungkook. I immediately shut my mouth, and offered him a hand, trying to be nice.

"No, thanks," He ignored my outstretched hands and huffed away, while didn't care anymore and carried on with the task I was doing previously. This will be very interesting few days, I thought.

The next day, the staff were picking names out of a hat. There was seven of us who volunteered to play a game called 'secret Santa' but we were changing the rules slightly. We all wanted to congratulate the boys for working really hard so we decided that we were going tho pick names out of a hat and get the designated member a present without them having any knowledge of who their sender was.

Iseul, Sora, Unnie and I, along with three others had volunteered to get the gifts and We were currently un-scrunching our pieces of paper.

"I got Jhope..." Sora frowned... This would be funny.

"Oh, I have got Jin-ssi!" Unnie smiled.

"I have... Jimin," Iseul remarked, sounding disappointed.

"I've got Jungkook," I sighed. This definitely will be funny. While the others told us who they had gotten, I felt eyes on me but took no notice and began wondering what I should get him... Let's see... He likes art and tasty food... and he does like a little jewellery... but what do I get him?
I scratched my head before finally settling on an idea. This definitely will be funny!

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