Please Relax

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Areum POV

I was waiting for Jaehyung in a cafe since he asked to meet up. I didn't want to leave my home, to be honest, but Kookie literally snatched my phone and told me to go, refusing to give it back until after I meet up with him. I shook my head at the memory.

"Areum-ah!" I looked up to see Jae there, sitting opposite me," Hey!"

"Hey Jae," I smiled. We talked for a bit and ordered something to eat before Jae looked at me with a expression. "Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing with me, but something with you. Don't deny it... I know."

"What? Everything is fine!" I lied.

"That's not what Jungkook-nim told me. If you need a lawyer, you can always come to me, and you should know that" He flicked my forehead.

"Thanks, Jaehyung-ah. I just don't know how I'm going to be proven innocent..." I sighed and buried my head in my hands, feeling a migraine come along.

"Look, what proof does she have to prove your supposed crime?"

"Well, the company has found some of the makeup stolen in my lockers, bags, etc. Also, Iseul and Yesung, one of the photographers, have claimed to witness me stealing," I told him.

"Do they have any footage of you stealing?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I don't have anything to say otherwise either," I made circles on the table we were sitting at.

"Well, if you haven't done anything, then it wouldn't be caught on camera. And also, people can make up shit just for the attention so that cancels their witness out. Another thing that can help you is how trustworthy you are in general compared to the other two. Has there been any incident regarding the two of them before?"

"Well, a couple of days ago we had to hold a trial against Yesung to prove Eui, our other photographer, was falsely accused of being aggressive. Both Yesung and Iseul twisted the truth and lied about the situation. Iseul also has been known for her dishonesty. A lot of the staff can confirm to that."

"Well, there you go. Although it seems not much, With me, I guarantee you're going to be fine," He hugged me and I let him. He then dropped me back home and held a quick meeting with Jungkook and me.

Areum POV, A Few Days Later.

I bit my nail. Ugh, now I have to file and shape the rest as well. I was currently signing the defamation forms that Jae had brought me. Why was there so much work?! Can't I just go to the court session already?! I felt yet another migraine come up as Jae walked back into his cosy office room.

"I brought you coffee," He said, handing me a cup and taking a sip of his,"And bad news".

"Thanks. And Now what? Surely nothing can get worse than it is now," I took the cup from him.

"Well, I happen to find out that one of the three judges hearing your case happens to be related to Iseul. And she's also requested for a small jury to be placed as well. Now knowing her connections we can assume that your hearing will be slightly biased," He told me.

"Yay! That's so great! Exactly what I need!" I groaned. Jae watched me with an amused smile plastered across his face.

"Have you told your parents about this?" He asked. My head shot up.

"Ha. Do you think I'd be in this country at the moment if my parents knew?" The bitterness in my voice was worse than the sour juice of a lemon.

"You know what," He had me in a headlock in that moment, "You need a break. After this hearing, you are going to go somewhere and relax. In fact, I have something planned for you and you are going to accept it whether you want to or not... I already paid for it," He grinned with a playful-evil look in his eyes.

"Jaehyung-ah!" I whined.

No one POV

Jungkook was currently in Jaehyung's office with Areum in his lap. He tilted his head and watched as she shifted a little at his movement. Her mouth was slightly open and she was drooling a little. Jungkook smiled and bit his lip to stop him from chuckling out loud. He took a sneaky picture of her... this was going to be fun teasing her.

Sarang walked in as he was putting his phone away. "Oh, Jungkook-nim," She bowed a little out of respect and sat down opposite the couple. "I have what you guys wanted," She said as she handed him a USB.

"Thank you. We really need this".

"Are you sure this will work... I mean it is kinda wrong what I did to get this".

"It will be fine. We'll be fine. I hope we will," Jungkook sighed.

"Well, we'll find out tomorrow if she's out of the woods. Now I should go before the wardrobe stuff gets targeted next," She left leaving Jungkook alone once more with Areum.

"Areum-ah... we can't mess around with this one. This isn't a joke anymore," He kissed her forehead.

Areum POV

I'm scared and worried and nervous and excited and hungry. I'm hungry I want food.

"Jungkook-ah! Get me food!" I whined.

"We just had pizza, Areum," He replied.

"I'm hungry".

"Ugh fine. But get your butt off of me and come with me," He playfully pushed me off and began walking out of the door. I got up as well and climbed onto his back.

"Come on Unicorn! Ride me to the magical antidote called food. I need it to heal me from this rare illness called hunger!" I cheered as he continued walking.

"She-sus you're heavy. Are you sure food is a good idea?"

"Yah!" I playfully bit into his earlobe," Shut it and get me food".

We both laughed as we made our way into the elevator, where I got off of him and pressed the button for the ground floor. I took out a face mask from my bag and gave it to Kookie-ah. He took it from me and put it on. The elevator door was just about to close when someone ran in.

"Ugh, Areum! Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at the dorm?" Iseul spat. Why did she have to come?

"I'm here because I am. Can we please not speak?" I mumbled.

"No wonder Bang-PD-nim agreed to take the matter to court. You're so horrible!" She turned her back to me and finally realised Jungkook was here as well, "Oh, hello Jungkookie!"

"Hello," He replied politely, wrapping an arm around me as he did so.

"I didn't realise you were here. But why?"

"To make sure you stop making my girlfriend's life hell and get a taste of your own medicine," He replied.

"Savage," I muttered into his ear as he smiled.

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