Eui and Yesung and Areum and Iseul

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Areum POV

I was a nervous wreck... There were two trials today. Mine as well as Eui's. Eui was framed for being an aggressive and abusive employee by Yesung. I could think of a few people who are aggressive and abusive *ahem* Iseul *ahem*. All of the 300+ employees gathered in the conference hall. Eui was sitting next to me and fiddling with her scarf. She was clearly as nervous as I was.

"It'll be fine," I try to calm her down.

"I hope so," She replied.

We watched Yesung sashay her way to sit in the chair reserved for witnesses making accounts and begin her speech. "My side of the story is that ever since I have joined BigHit, Kim-Tsubaki Eui has bullied me as a result of jealousy over not only her childhood friend, Yoongi-sunbae-nim but over items that don't belong to her. Every chance she has gotten, she has insulted and embarrassed me, trying to ruin my relationship with Yoongi," She lied.
"Do you have any witnesses or anyone with proof to back your account?" Manager-nim asked.
"Yes, I do. Park Iseul, please testify your account," Yesung got up from the chair to make way for Iseul.
"Lee Yesung is absolutely correct. During a little while, I've known the two together, I have noticed Eui eyeing Yesung, snatching cameras out of her hands while she is using them and not being very polite at all," Iseul continued along the same web of lies as Yesung did.
The manager eyed Iseul as she sat down, noticing the smirk on her face as the two whispered among themselves. He then signalled for Eui to get up but Yoongi pulled her down.
"Manager-Hyung, this is a USB containing screenshots of every message that has been sent from me to Yesung and Vice Versa," Yoongi stated as he passed the USB to the older man, who plugged it into a laptop that projected it onto the smart board. "As you can see, there have been many threatening messages targeted at Eui and myself, but what is more important than this piece of proof, is the fact that both Eui and I were missing for the past two days, coming back soaking wet and exhausted-"
"How does that relate to anything?" Iseul spoke up, interrupting him.
"Let me get to it. It isn't known among everyone in this room but Eui has recently struggled with anxiety, depression and the loss of a family member to a brain tumour. Yesung pushed both Eui and me off a bridge, where I lost my grip and we both fell into the river, managing to survive thanks to Eui's swimming,"
"Is this true, Eui?"
Eui spoke up, "Yes, all that Yoongi-sunbae-nim has said is true. Yesung has even acted out on her threats multiple times, verbally lashing out at me and physically harming me twice- once during MAMA and the other as Yoongi mentioned," She confirmed. The manager scrolled through the messages Yoongi provided, clearly making a decision.
"I will need to talk to Yoongi alone, for this. Please, you may all leave," He finished. I smiled a little when Yoongi quickly embraced Eui, kissing her forehead, before following Manager-nim.

I was sitting with Eui and the girls as Bangtan- minus Yoongi- were doing a photo shoot.
"Eui, I doubt Manager-nim will listen to Iseul-ssi... She's nothing but trouble," I began. I was cut off when there was a knock at the door. Manager and Yoongi walked in.
"Eui, I'm afraid to say that you will be given the rest of the week to go home..." He took an agonisingly long pause. Eui sighed and nodded and got up, smiling at the girls, only to be stopped by Manager, "You didn't let me finish. You will be given the rest of the week to go home with the boys. It's a reward and thanks for working hard and helping out as much as you can, despite your mental situation,"
The girl's eyes widened

"I... THANK YOU!"She hugged the manager suddenly, "Uh... SORRY! I.. uh... Thank you very much!"

"I told you you'd be fine!" I hugged her. We all pulled the girl into a group hug.

"Now we have another case to solve don't we?" Mi-Hi Spoke up.

"Aish... Why did you remind me Mi-Hi?" I sighed, my mood immediately dropping.

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