The Other Perspective

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No one POV
Namjoon was on his way to talk to his manager about some recent production when he bumped into one of his makeup artists. He apologised for being clumsy and entered his manager's office. He found a note stating that their manager was ill, and another letter besides. He quickly skim-read the letter and stormed out of the room.

"Maknae! Where are you? Yah! Jeon Jungkook!" He soon found the younger boy and dragged him into an unoccupied room.

"What is this?!" He yelled, holding the note in front of him.

"How should I know?" Jungkook replied.

"This is a letter from Areum, our makeup artist, to our manager. Would you like to know what the subject is? You!" Namjoon.

"I don't understand... what does it even say?" Jungkook.

"Dear Manager-sunbae-nim,

I would much rather have discussed this situation with you in person, but you were absent and I find this matter of the utmost urgency - to me, that is. I am unable to work with the group known as... Bangtan Boys because of a certain member. Jeon Jungkook had lied about a job that was for an older member of staff and joined me in my own task of sorting out the equipment in the dressing room, of which I didn't give any consent to. As much as I didn't mind his company at first, he tried to make a move on me and evaded my personal space, and this, I can't tolerate.
I don't know if you are aware, but Jungkook-ssi and I have had a history filled with pranks and resentment, and I do not want that to interfere with my career. Please, take my words seriously and be kind as to place me with a different group, or if possible, maybe even a different company. As far as I would like the matter to go, I don't want to be anywhere near Jeon Jungkook.

Yours sincerely,

Park Areum," Namjoon quickly finished reading the letter and glared at the Golden Maknae.
"You see, I told you before... Don't mess with people's feelings, and this is what you get!" He scolded.

"But I didn't do anything wrong! All I did was try to kiss her!" Jungkook protested.

"Well, did she feel the same way? Did you force yourself on her? Either way did you not realise that because of your history, she might come to hate you completely?!" 


There was a scream and the two ran out immediately. Areum was on the floor, clutching her abdomen where a dark brown colour stained her light pink shirt. Namjoon tried to help her up, but the shocked girl wriggled out of his grasp and ran out of the building.

"She's in shock... That stain was so hot!" Namjoon commented as Jungkook chased after her.

He kept on calling her name, hoping she'd turn around, to which she did. Jungkook began crossing the street when he saw her run towards him and push him back onto the pavement. The next series of events were a blur...

"Jungkook, do you know who this girl is?"

"Is she your sister, or girlfriend perhaps?"

"What relation is she to you?"

"Why were you chasing after her?"

"How do you feel about her saving you from a traffic accident?"
He was shocked. He could remotely make out sirens in the background and the voices of his Hyung, but he couldn't hear her voice... "Areum-ah, please don't die," He silently prayed as he watched the ambulance take her away, "I don't hate you... I never did... I don't want to play with your feelings ever again..."

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