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A Week Later
Areum POV
My parents had come to visit me too. They may or may not have glared at Jungkook, thinking that he had caused the accident.

"Honey, do you really want to go to work so soon? I mean, it was what caused this accident in the first place..." Eomma began.

"It's your choice. We just want what's best for you...maybe you should continue with school instead of this apprenticeship...? Think about it," Appa continued for her.

"And we, your father and I think that the people you work for... well, are they really the safest people to work with? Considering because of one of them you're here..." My mother trailed off as my eyebrow twitched.

"Look, I appreciate you guys being worried - I really do - but I'm fine. And this apprenticeship is the only thing I have going for me... I suck at school. The guys aren't dangerous... no one did a thing to put me or my work in danger. In fact, they interact with their staff like they do with each other... Oh, the doctor is here," I changed the subject.

The doctor asked me how I was doing and did a few check ups before telling me I could leave the hospital. Much to my parent's protests, I did my own paperwork and soon headed straight back to the dorms, where Sora was waiting.

"How's you arm?" Sora asked me.

"Meh, it's useless but fine. Apparently, it might not be of any use for a while. I ripped a muscle as well as fractured it so... Guess I should be happy that my right hand wasn't affected!" I smiled as she fed me cake, "I can feed myself, you know,"

"I know. It's fun force-feeding you," She poked her tongue out.

"But-" And she stuffed my mouth. I swallowed the food before laughing with her.

"It's good to have you back," She smiled, lightly punching me.

"It's good to be back," I pulled at her fringe.

"Oh, you're going to start today, right?"

"Yeah... We better get going," I said, getting up. The two of us refreshed ourselves before heading out and going to the BigHit building, where the boys were practising.

When we entered the practice studio, I was surprised to see J-hope running up to me and spinning me around in a hug.

"You're back!" He cheered, spinning me around.

"yes, I am! Hoseok-ssi!" I laughed at his warm welcome. The other members slowly greeted one by one while the staff gave me my list of activities for the day.

the first thing was buying the new makeup needed to replace the old and broken. Aish.
"We should get started quickly!" Iseul came up to me. 

"Oh, you're coming?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's the boys' day off too, so I'm going to ask them if they wanna tag along too. You can go ask for the allowance," She gave me a look before doing as she said she would. What is her deal? Being nice, being weird, doing something bad or downright evil, and then being nice again. What's her deal?

I received the allowance and waited for Iseul by the reception desk. She finally came with Jungkook following behind, wearing a face-mask and beanie.
"Ah, you're coming too? Okay then... Let's go," I walked out of the building first.

I was annoyed at Iseul. She was attracting way too much attention to Jungkook and her. how you may ask. She continuously clung onto his arm and instead of finding the makeup on the list, she kept on dragging him to other stalls that sold makeup aimed at women. 

"Iseul, do we need any more... ISEUL!" I shook her as she was putting lipgloss on her already painted lips. The gloss smudged across her pale cheeks and she glared at me.

"Why on earth would you do that?!" She screamed, causing a scene.

"We're here to buy makeup to replace the ones we used up! We aren't here to buy ourselves stuff that we could buy by ourselves!" I scolded her.

"Wow. Stop bossing me around! First, you cause a scene and get yourself run over. Then, you hog all the attention from the boys. Now, you're telling me to stop having fun?" She scoffed. 

"Iseul. We only have a small amount of money! We can't use that money to buy for ourselves- that's what our paychecks are for... Wait... where's Jungkook-ssi...?" I looked around, wondering where he was. My answer was received when I heard a bunch of girls screaming.

"OMO!! Jungkook! Kookie" Those were the words that were repeated over and over as I saw a crowd gather around. I saw people with their phones out, taking pictures and videos.

"Jungkook!" I cried out. He seemed to have heard me and I fumbled to take my face mask out in time. He ran through the crowd, grabbed both me and Iseul and ran out of the store.

"Where did you go?!" I yelled at him.

"Don't look at me! Noona dragged me to a random stall and then went off again! Some girls recognised me and started the crowd!" He defended himself.

"Areum, stop shouting at the boy! It was clear he isn't to blame!" Iseul sided with Jungkook.

"Iseul, you're right there. he isn't to blame. You are!" I retorted.

"Me? How-"

"You were supposed to be buying the makeup on the list! Not going off and dragging him with you like the two of you were on some kind of date! If you hadn't done that, maybe he wouldn't have been spotted! And why bring him along anyways? Just him being out in the open can put him at risk!" I yelled.

"Well, you could've done something about the makeup yourself! And I was just trying to be nice when I asked the boys if they want to come!"

"Iseul. I've been trying to buy the makeup and get the right ones since we began this wild goose chase! Why don't you just do your work!"

"This girl! Jungkook, just tell her to shut up!" She looked at Jungkook.

"Noona... Areum is right. You shouldn't have been dragging me around. And also, the only reason Areum needed someone is because of her arm. Surely you could be a little sensitive?" He stepped towards me, secretly connecting our fingers together. I looked down in embarrassment.

"Why are you taking her side?" Iseul asked as if something completely unfair was happening to her.

"Because... we're..." He looked at me, "We're dating. And I won't stand it if you're going to misbehave with my girl," He said firmly. I looked at him open-mouthed.

"You're... a thing?" She repeated his words.

"Yes," I confirmed, aiming it more towards Jungkook rather than Iseul, gripping his hand tighter.

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