Plot Twist

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After that, I go downstairs to the cop holding out handcuffs.
"Don't even talk. Just put your hands behind your back!"
"Look, I've already been through enough. Please don't do this!" I begged. "I don't care! I should've done this a long time ago!"
"Wait! Are you still Adam Gontier's cousin?"
"I sure am, and I heard you up there saying you wanted to kill him!"
"But I didn't actually kill him, meanwhile he breaks my leg on purpose and you don't care! You probably encouraged it."
"You were sitting on his car!"
"Yeah, well he was being a dick when I was just trying to say hi, so none of this would've happened if he had just said hi back."
"I still don't see why you felt the need to jump on his car."
"Can we at least talk about this?"
"No, you should've thought about it! Now put your hands behind your back!" He yelled, but then my brother overhears the conversation and laughs. "Hey, you know what else you should've thought about? Letting some random guy in our house!" He said. "You shut your bitch ass up!" The cop yelled as he turned back to me. "And you, put your hands behind your back now!"
"Are you one of those people that get offended whenever someone says anything even remotely bad about him?" I asked the cop. "Who?"
"Who do you think?"
"Yes, Adam."
"He's my cousin. Of course I'm going to be upset when someone threatens to kill him."
"But you know why they do, right?"
"Because they're insensitive pricks?"
"No, because HE'S an insensitive prick!"
"Again, you're judging him based on how he was to you AFTER you jumped on his car like a maniac! Now this is your last chance to put your hands behind your back now before I just tase your ass!"
"Do it then bitch, no balls!" I said as the cop tases me, takes me to the prison, and throws me in a cell. "There! Lay there and die you piece of shit!" He yelled as he stormed away.

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