The New House

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"Look, I know you've been through a lot, so I will be generous this one time and put your grounding down to 3 months." My mom said as she started driving. "So how did you get out?"
"2 girls from my school bailed me out."
"Well that was nice of them."
"Not really. The only reason they did is because I pretty much made them, and they were the same people that dragged me out to watch them egg people's houses."
"They still came and bailed you out though, so I don't understand why you're being so rude."
"Because on top of them pretty much forcing me to join their stupid squad where they do illegal shit like that, so I'll probably end up back in there in a week tops, I now get to go live with some random guy that didn't even get me out."
"But you don't have to join their squad, just like how you didn't have to do anything with them."
"I can't just break the deal we had though."
"What deal?"
"That I would join their squad if they came and got me out."
"But they can't make you. It's not like they can just undo bailing you out, they don't know where we live, you could've blocked their number this whole time, and you're not even gonna be going to that school anymore."
"Wait, what?"
"You guys are switching schools?"
"But why?"
"Because our new house is way too far from that school."
"Where are we even moving to?"
"(Some other random ass city name)."
"I'm sorry, but we couldn't find any houses in (My city name)." She said as I started to tear up. Later at the new house, I called my friend.
"(My friend's name)..." I sighed.
"(My name)? What's wrong?"
"I won't be back at that school after my 2 month suspension is over."
"It's a long story, but my mom and stepdad recently broke up, so my mom, brother and I are moving into a house with her new boyfriend, but the house is in (Random ass city name) because we couldn't find any houses in (My city name), so I have to be transferred to a different school." I explained as my friend bursted into tears. "But how can we hang out if you're living so far away?"
"Don't worry. I know it's going to be tough, but we at least have each other on Instagram, right?"
"But it won't be the same."
"I know it won't, but you're gonna have to trust me on this, because I've had a lot of friends move away over the years, but I'm still in contact with some of them."
"I am unfortunately still grounded for 3 months though, so I can't go on Instagram until then, but it's better than what it was before."
"What was it before?"
"9 months."
"So that's like triple what you have now."
"That's good."
"I'll call you soon though. My mom got busted out of jail today and she isn't supposed to know I have this."
"Okay, sounds good." She said as I hung up.

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