Bailed Out

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An hour later...
"I'm bored." I whined.
"Yeah, I don't know if you know this, but that's what happens when you get us put in jail."
"But you got yourself put in jail by locking me in a closet, and I got put in jail because just like you, the cop didn't wanna listen to me!"
"Wow, you just love shifting the blame to everyone else, don't you?"
"Are you sure it's not you who loves shifting the blame to everybody else? Because I'm just explaining how it actually happened while you've done nothing but blame me for something you did, but I'm not going to continue having this argument with you because you've already proved that even a brick wall is easier to talk to than you!"
"Look, I'm sorry for locking you in a closet."
"Yeah, you're sorry now that you're in jail. Are you also sorry for throwing me up the stairs with an already broken leg? Are you sorry for all the times you said I could tell you anything, only to not listen when I finally do?"
"Yeah well, at least I apologized. Where's your apology for, oh I don't know... Making me late for work? Sneaking out of the house twice? Getting the cops involved in what should've been a very minor situation?"
"You're not getting one unless you want a fake one, because although I'm sorry for making you late for work, I am not sorry for sneaking out of the house, because I did that for a reason that you also refused to listen to, and I am not sorry for getting the cops involved because you locked me in a closet."
"Okay, what is your reason for sneaking out of the house that I supposedly refused to listen to then?"
"I didn't even want to do it the first time, but some bitch who is only my friend when she wants to be basically dragged me out, tried to make me egg somebody's house with her and her equally annoying friends, then when I said no, she still made me watch them so that the person living there, who just so happened to be the same girl I called a whore, would think that I had part in it, and the second time, I snuck out because you were being an asshole to me and (My stepdad's name)."
"Nobody made you do anything the first time. You could've very easily told them no."
"I tried to, but they wouldn't listen."
"But she doesn't know where we live, does she?"
"No." I sighed.
"Then they did not 'drag you out' at all. You could've blocked her number."
"I know."
"And as for the second time, I was yelling at you because you lied and said your phone was dead, which, even if that was the case, you could've used your iPad to at least text me back so that I know you're okay, and I was yelling at (My stepdad's name) because he thinks his hockey games are a valid reason for the rest of us to have to bow down to him and do as he says."
"Well at least we can agree on something..."
"So can you see my point of view a little more now?"
5 minutes later, she calls her friend back. "Where are you?" She asked. "Stuck in traffic." He said. "Well when are you gonna be here?" She asked again. "Never if these people don't start moving their asses."
"Can you call me when you get here?" My mom sighed.
"Yeah, I was planning on it." He said as he hung up.
"Well?" I asked.
"He's stuck in traffic, so he's probably not going to be here for another while."
"At least he's coming at all though."
2 hours later, my mom's friend calls again.
"I'm here."
"Well are you coming in?"
"Yeah, I was just letting you know that I'm here."
"Okay." My mom said as her friend hangs up and rushes inside. "Alright, we've gotta move fast." He said.
"No, no 'wait's. You wanted me to come get you and that's what I'm doing!"
"But my child is here too!"
"That's great, but you should've told me that sooner." He said as bails my mom out and runs off with her, but then the cop hears and rushes out. "Was that you?" He asked me. "No."
"Well it sounded like it came from over here." He said as he notices the now empty cell. "Your mom got out, didn't she?"
"Maybe...?" I said. "Bob!" The cop yelled. "Yes sir?" Responded 'Bob'. "Send out more police officers!"
"What?" I exclaimed. "You keep your mouth shut!" The cop yelled. "Unless you're planning to tell me where mommy went!"
"She probably went to go bang her new boyfriend." I responded. "Yeah right. We both know no one would want to bang that fat hunk of shit. Now tell me where she really went!" He demanded. "Don't call my mom fat, fuck wad!"
"Tell me where she went then!" He ordered again. "Will you let me out if I do?" I asked. "No!" He yelled. "Good because I wasn't going to tell you anyway."
"Listen up mommy's girl. You'd better tell me where she went or we'll kill her when we do find her!"
"I did tell you." I responded. "Whatever you little shit! If I can't get an answer out of you, then we'll just track your precious mommy down instead."
"Excuse me bitch, but why are you here threatening to track down my mom and kill her? Especially after you were THAT butt hurt about me jokingly talking about killing your stupid cousin, which I was obviously not really going to do because I still love his music even if he's a huge asshole, that you felt the need to put me in this tiny ass cage over it!"
"Because you and your mother are both psychos!"
"Excuse me, but wasn't your bitch of a cousin the one that broke my leg on purpose and probably laughed about it?"
"You deserved it!"
"Why? Because I said hi to him and wanted 5 seconds of him not being a douche bag that thinks he's the greatest thing that's ever existed and looks down on his fans? Is that it?"
"He thinks he's the greatest thing that's ever because he IS the greatest thing that's ever existed!"
"You're only saying that because he's your cousin. Trust me, he's not even the greatest thing in Three Days Grace."
"Whatever." He said as he walked away, but soon, I call Whore #2. That bitch has got to make up for dragging me out with her and her whore squad somehow.
"Where are you?"
"At my house. Why?"
"Oh, that cop didn't catch you?"
"Well that's unfortunate."
"Oh whatever." She huffed. "What now?"
"What do you mean 'what now'? You're the one that dragged me out and made me watch you and your drunk ass friends throw eggs at people's houses, causing (Whore #1's name) to think I had anything to do with it and the only reason she didn't get me arrested is because she was at least nice enough to look over the footage, so for that, I want you to come get me out of jail!"
"Wait, you're in jail?"
"Yep, and you're coming to get me out whether you like it or not!" I demanded.
"Okay, let's slow it down a bit. First of all, why are you in jail?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes it does matter. Tell me now or I'm not coming!"
"Alright fine, I'm in jail because one of the cops here overheard me jokingly telling my friend over the phone that I wanted to kill Adam Gontier, who is apparently his cousin, got butt hurt and took me to jail, but then that same cop later told me that he was going to kill my mom when he did find her if I didn't tell him where she was."
"Oh great, but I'm still not coming."
"Why the fuck not?!"
"Because I don't feel like getting myself in trouble for you!"
"Fine, I'll just remember that the feeling is mutual next time you want me to come egg houses with you."
"Well, you haven't even told me which jail you're at, so what am I supposed to do? Pull a guess out of my ass?"
"If I tell you, will you come get me out?"
"Yes but only under one condition."
"You have to join our squad."
"Your squad? And what would that be? The 'we egg houses' squad?"
"But what would be the point in coming to bail me out when you're just going to make me join a squad of people that do illegal shit?"
"I don't know. You're the one that asked me to come, so you tell me."
"I know I was, and I still kind of want to be out of here, but what's the point if you're just going to drag me into your 'squad' where I'll have to do illegal shit with you guys and end up back in here in maybe a week?"
"If you join our squad, and if you end up in jail again, we'll bail you out every time."
"Alright fine."
"So is that a yes?"
"I guess so."
"No, it's either a yes or a no."
"A no if you don't stop asking and get me the fuck out of here!"
"But is it a yes if I do?"
"Okay good." But then she pauses. "Only one problem though. You still haven't told me what jail you're at."
"The only one in (The name of my city), jackass!"
"Okay, I'll be there in about 2 hours."
"2 hours? Seriously?"
"At least I'm coming at all you ungrateful bitch!"
"Fine." I sighed as I hung up.
Soon, Whore #2 finally does arrive. "(Whore #4), make sure nobody see us while I get (My name) out."
"Too late bitch!" The cop said. "Shit!"
"Wait, aren't you those same little ass kids we got the call about who egged that other little ass kid's house?"
"Not at all." Whore #2 lied, but then Whore #4 busts me out while the cop is distracted with Whore #2 as I run away. "Ma'am," He said to her. "Who gave you permission to let that girl out?"
"She did." Whore #4 responded. "Bob!" The cop groans. "Another prisoner is on the loose!"
"Seriously? Again?" Bob sighs annoyed. "Yes, again! Send more cops out!" He ordered. "But sir, I already sent them all out."
"What about him?" The cop asks as he points to another cop. "Sir, do you not notice that guy dead?"
"Forget it!" The cop grunts. "Just go find her while I take care of these two!" He ordered. "Yes sir..." Bob sighs as he slowly starts to walk out. "FASTER!" The cop yelled. "Alright, sorry..." Bob said as he runs off. The cop then turns to the whore squad. "And as for you two..." He said as he grabbed them and threw them into the two empty cells and storms away. "Great!" Whore #2 sighed. "I knew we shouldn't have bailed her out."
"Why did you agree to it then?" Whore #4 asked. "Because she said she would join our squad if we did."
"But she probably lied."
"Yeah, I don't know if you know this, but I kind of know (My name)..."
"So we did this for nothing?"
"No, it wasn't entirely for nothing. At least now I don't have to put up with her calling me a million times."
"Oh yeah, true." Whore #4 responded. "But you still could've blocked her number."
"Oh well... Nothing we can do about it now." Whore #2 sighed.

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