\5/ Wait is that possible?

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@y.acc.n second stop France! Someone help give me some tips to do!  


@user1 hey i saw your post can i ask why you are going from Glasgow to France 

@y.acc.n of course you can. I'm doing a world trip I started in Londen.

@user1 wouw thats awesome btw Happy birthday! 

@y.acc.n Thanks XX

Liked by user1 


i drove back from Glasgow to London to start the trip to Paris, it will be amazing and i will finally be away from you know who. i drive on the road to channel tunnel that will be the first stop for this road, i turn on the radio and rip my shirt of. i let go off myself and sing as loud as i can with the radio.

it was a long drive but i made it to tunnel, i pay for a ticket to get on the train with the car. all i have to do now is wait till we ae on the other side of the tunnel. at least it didn't took that long like 15 minutes, I go off the train and continued to Paris.

I park the car by a drive by restaurant, I'm going to grab some food and drink. I walk inside the store, I go to the balie Uhm hello sir do you have coffee here I ask yes we have what kind of coffee do you want Madame he ask me, some latté I say coming he say and start to make it. i grab some food and wait, there you go he say thanks and this food i say and give it to him alright that's then 5 euro's can i pin I ask him of course there you go he say. i paid, say good bye and walk out of the store. I go back to the car and eat and drink something. 

I start the car and drive further to Paris, its a long drive but i survived it. as soon as i arrive I don't know where but somewhere in Paris a parked the car. I locked it i close all the curtains and go to sleep, it was a day full of driving.

Happy birthday to me Ft The Vamps [English] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now