\12/ Sweden

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@y.acc.n love Sweden it's an amazing and beautiful land and @georgina thanks for driving bæ

Liked by Connor and 20 others

@User1 :is this real, are you in Sweden!?
@y.acc.n :@random1 yes, I'm I'm Sweden with Georgina. I'm just doing a world trip 💕

@Georgina :love you bæ I hope your video is getting famous 😍😂😚
@y.acc.n :@Georgina oh shut up
@georgia :@y.acc.n no ik you love it
@y.acc.n :@Georgina just stop talking

@deansherwood :your photography skills are amazing, I just checked your account your great.
@y.acc.n :@deansherwood thank you, it means a lot I guess I owned that from my uncle



you and Georgina are walking back to the car, why are those bags so heavy Georgina complain.
because we have a lot of groceries, we cant go stop everywhere to just get some food or drinks I say
ugh I hate groceries shopping she say I agree but it has to be done you say. lets just go to a park or something I just wanna relax Georgina say thats a good idea I love to just go to a park and watch everyone around us I say. and that is just what happend, You and Georgina are walking to a nearby park.

Wauw its massive you say as you enter the park, yes it is Georgina say and you two looking your eyes out. this is a nice spot Georg say pointing to somewhere yeah lets go sit there you say, the weather is so nice its sunny but not that warm its like the perfect mix.
you two sit down on the field and just start to talk about the rest of your trip like what do you wanne see, you take your backpack and take your drawing stuff out of it.
Georgina put some music on but on a low sound so nobody can hear it except from you two, you look around and think about what you can draw. look after you maybe those boys Georgina say you look back and see four boys playing soccer (football) yeah that will do you say and took an photo of them and start to draw them.

what do you think you say after you finished the drawing, its great your really good she say. maybe we should leave and get some dinner its getting dark and i wanna have food You say Georgina nodded in agreement can you pls bring the drawing to them you ask and look over to them you dont have to give it just drop it between their stuff she sigh but stand up and does what you asked.
you both left to go back to the car and get some food, Thanks Georgina your the best you say when you left the park only this time i did it the next time you just do it by yourself she say and you nodded like a young kid.
you both made dinner and after that you two watched some Netflix till you fell a sleep.


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