Mirror mirror

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Mirror mirror on my wall, I want to be pretty skinny and tall

Mirror mirror, if I change my hair maybe someone will start to care?

Mirror mirror, if I starve myself, at least I'll be beautiful, forget my health

Mirror mirror, if I cut my wrist, will I feel like I exist?

Mirror mirror, don't you see? What you you show is killing me

I cannot sleep

I will not eat

And all my cuts

Are never too deep

Mirror mirror can't you see? All you do is ruin me

No one cares

Yet everyone stares

Wondering why,

all the cat scratches are in a straight line

Mirror mirror can't you see? What you show is ruining me

For far too long it had watched her cry

So the mirror decided to reply:

"What you think you see?

It isn't true.

The misery is found inside of you.

Don't lock yourself in a broken soul,

Or I promise one day you'll lose control"

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