Chapter 9

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(Y/N) (POV)
Rosalina was Gone. There was no use to take her out. She was innocent she was just apologizing to me. And I couldn't do anything. I have to tell someone but who. No one don't really care about it.

I'm still in my room I looked around me until I met a pair of ruby eyes. "(Y/N) FiNaLlY I MeT YoU. iT BeEn AwHiLe. I NeEd YoU ThE WoRlD iS CrUeL AnD I DeCiDeD tO HeLp YoU."

I was confused this person wearing a black cloak and needed my help but I don't understand. Why?

"I UnDeRsTaNd ThAt YoU ArE CoNfUsED. BuT I BeLiEvE I CaN HeLp YoU."

I don't know why I have a bad feeling about this. So I shook my head. "I don't even know you? And I don't trust you. Maybe you are the one who did this to Rosalina!"

The person look disbelief. "I'm GiViNg YoU A GrEaT OfFeR iF YoU CaN't dO iT I HaVe nO OtHeR ChOiCe BuT tO DeStRoY MaRtH!"

I summon my light magic. "Leave him alone! I will never let you hurt Marth!" The person smirked. "If YoU WaNt tO bE iN mY WaY ThEn sO bE It."

Palutena (POV)
Awhile ago Peach came up to me and said Rosalina went missing. I had a hard time believing it but. It was true. I was now running toward Master Hand office. I open the door.

"Master Hand we have a problem Princess Rosalina went missing no one can't find her!" Master Hand immediately told everyone to evacuate to the auditorium. And told me to help everyone that was in danger I nodded and left.

I was in the hallway until I heard Rosalina. "Palutena there you are I been expecting you."

"Rosalina what happen why are you like this?" Took me about a moment to figure that she not the real Rosalina. Someone controlling her. "Who ever controlling Rosalina better released her at once."

Rosalina chuckle "You really think that easy she under my demand and I would do as pleased." She went through a straight attack. I barely dodge it. Why is she strong. She use Luma and rocket launch it. I use my mega laser. But it hit her.

"You know, you are damaging Rosalina real body if you keep this up she will die."

This can't be good. "Let her go right now!" Rosalina summon a red ruby Diamond. For some reason it draining my power. I fell to the ground. I'm to weak against it. My vision got blurry. I blacked out.

Ike (POV)
Something not right where Palutena. I saw Link ran out of the door it was suspicious so I decided to follow him. It led me to the hallway. I heard a thud against the wall. So I started running.

"Palutena don't worry I'll get help!" Sound like Link voice.

Palutena blacked out and Link was next to her. I guess he got injured. "Link are you Okay." He nodded.

I glanced at Rosalina guess she the one causing it. She holding the red Gem maybe that the one affecting Link and Palutena. Middle of the hallway their Link Arrow it should stop if I hit it. I ran and grab the arrow.

This is the only chance hope I was lucky, I aim and release. It shattered the gem now this is my chance. I grab Palutena. Link just gain his balanced and told me I hurry up. We were now running to the auditorium. Palutena was weak she couldn't stand on her own so Pit was now accompany Palutena.

"Link do you know what happen to Rosalina?" I ask.

Link shook his head. "No I don't have no clues either." He then thought about something.

"Hey Ike where (Y/N)? I realized she was the only one that ain't here?" Link ask worried.

Why Link is worried. "Link why are you worry about (Y/N) did something happen between you to?"

Link blushed and rapidly shook his head. "N-No nothing happen it just that I'm worried about her that all."

I nodded in response.

Marth (POV)
Everyone seem safe for now I was trying to comfort Peach. I hope (Y/N) okay wait why am thinking about her.

I snapped out of my thought and look around the ground is shaking. The ground look like is about to dissolve. We didn't have time to react but. Palutena forced herself up and use a barrier underneath us.

"WeLl LoOk LiKe YoU GuYs ArE StIlL LiViNg i'M ImPrESsEd. LoOk LiKe PaLuTeNa PuShInG HeRsELF." *Laugh* "ShE GoInG tO DiE."

I look up (Y/N) knocked out. It has string everywhere in her body and her gown. Look like she a puppet. I was furious why would they do this.

"FiNaLlY CarInG FoR HeR ShE NeEdEd YoU BuT YoU BeTrAy HeR. MaRtH."

I didn't understand what she was talking about. "Whoever you are! Let go of (Y/N) right now! She not your puppet!" I yelled.

The person stopped and laughs. "ReAlLy iS ThAt AlL ShE WaS WeAk You DoN't KnOw AnYtHiNg ABoUt OuR HiStOrY I WaS MeAnt tO FiNd HeR!"

I'm guessing the Princess was hiding something from us for the whole time. Maybe it was something big and what is their history. Palutena doesn't look so good I look down clearly the floor and the ground are gone. The barrier is still here.

"FiNe dO WhAt YoU WaNt!" She use the Red Gem on Palutena look like the power are wearing off.

She fell back again. "I'm sorry guys I can't hold it any longer it to strong for me." The barrier shattered I quickly grab Peach.

Palutena (POV)
I'm sorry I couldn't do it. It was to strong for me. All of us are now falling to the portal. I open my eyes I saw the (H/L) (H/C) Princess. Knocked out. I force my magic wing toward her even though we were still falling. I gently embraced her. She didn't deserve it.

I know her life went upside down.
But I really want to know what happen to get past.
She the only one.
That I cared

I am so Sorry. I thought I update chapter 9 in the story. Guess I didn't the Wattpad somehow glitch. Now here the story and enjoy. Have a Good day or Night.

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