•oversized hoodie•

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george's pov
we stood there, looking over the towering buildings and busy roads of london. my head resting gently on hers, every now and then i breathe in the cherry like smell from her dark hair.

i could get used to this.

she looks up at me and smiles "could you really" i start to blush as i realise i thought out loud. "we're standing here like this,and, i don't even know your name" i smile at her, my eyes still slightly red from crying. "oh, it's y/n" she returns my smile. "y/n... that's a nice name" she rests her head on my shoulder again, instead of resting my head on hers, i put my arm around her and squeeze her gently.

y/n's pov
as he puts his arm round me i feel like i'm safe from, well, anything. i never want this moment to end. "george!" it's will, i turn round to face will "oh, hello y/n!" he grins at me. i didn't have to ask george for his name now, will had just told me, when he called george's name. will continues talking to george "i've been looking everywhere for you mate" he says looking anxious " you okay?" george smiles at him and replies "yes, yes i've got y/n with me now." his arm is still around me and i feel his thumb gently rub back. "well," will turns to look at me "look after, little george won't you y/n" i nod at will and smile. will slides the balcony door shut and me and george are alone again.

•time skip,brought to you by corny big•

george's pov
it's getting late now, i check my phone 2:54am
i don't want to leave y/n. we had spent the whole evening together and i really felt like we had a connection. i look at her and i can instantly tell she's tired, i mean, she's practically asleep on me. i whisper "y/n?" she makes a cute groan to show she heard me, hang on...cute? "i don't think you'll make it back to your apartment, you're so tired." she nods, eyes still closed. "i'm just gonna..." i scoop her up into my arms, she snuggles into my arm, i blush and smile, she feels safe with me, i slide the balcony door open with my foot, so i don't have to put y/n down. most of the people who were at the party had left now so it was just will and a couple of his mates. "i'm gonna take y/n back to mine" i say "she's extremely tired and i don't feel like it's safe for her to walk home." they all nod "just don't do anything funny with her, will you george?" i know what will was implying when he said that, did he really think i'd take advantage of her? "will, who do you think i am? of course i'm not gonna take any form of advantage on y/n" i look at him, offended "all i'm gonna do is put her in the spare bedroom"  "ah if that's all then"will says and i nod firmly at him.

y/n's pov
i'm not  really asleep but i know george is right in saying i'm not fit to walk home. i feel a rush of cold as george carries me outside of the apartment building, i shiver slightly and george holds me closer, shielding me from the cold. we enter a well heated building and i feel george begin the climb the stairs, about three floors up he carries me down a corridor. he begins to slow down before coming to a complete stop. he fumbles in his hoodie pocket for the keys, struggling a little because i'm in the way. eventually he gets the and unlocks the door. the door handle clicks as george opens the door. "hey alex" george whispers "hi, who's that?" alex asks "oh, it's y/n, she's far too tired to walk home so i'm gonna put her in the spare bedroom." george explains.

george's pulls back the covers on the bed and gently lays me down. "george?" i mutter slightly "hey y/n" he says softly "if you don't want to sleep in your clothes, i can see if i can find a hoodie you can wear." i nod sleepily. george leaves the room leaving the door ajar.

george's pov
i enter my room and open my wardrobe, looking for a hoodie that y/n could wear. i find  a black tøp hoodie that looks like it will do fine. i take it off the coat hanger and close the wardrobe door.
i walk back into the spare room that y/n was vacating. "y/n" i whisper "i've got a hoodie here if our want it "thanksss" she mumbles prolonging the 's' "i'll leave for you to get changed, then i'll come say good night" i say walking over the the door and shutting it behind me.

•time skip brought to you by heinz beans•

i knock gently on y/n's door "y/n? are you done yet?" i ask, i hear a muffled "yeah" from behind the wooden door. i open the door to see y/nearly asleep. i walk over to her "good night,
y/n" i smile and kiss her gently on the forehead. she smiles softly, i'm glad she didn't mind me doing that, i don't want her to feel uncomfortable. i tiptoe to the door and shut it quietly behind me.

a/n: sorry that was such a long chapter! would you like shorter and more chapters or longer ones! i will most likely update a few times a day as i have nothing to do and this is quite fun!


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