•soft lips•

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y/n's pov
the last thing i remember from last night was george's soft lips, gently pressing onto my forehead. i stir for a moment in the spare room of george and alex's flat before slowly waking up, i look around the room, it's deserted apart from me. its a small room, pictures hanging on the white plastered wall, a wooden desk with a chair to match. i sit up on the bed and pull the covers off me and slip off the bed onto the hard wooden floor. the door to the en-suite bathroom is slightly ajar, i shuffle over and shut the door locking it behind me.

i look at myself in the mirror, my bed hair is unreal, i see that i'm wearing a hoodie that isn't mine. i remember that george gave me his last night. i brought the hoodie up over my nose. i breathe in and it smells like george, there really is no other way to describe it, i lower the hoodie to see that my cheeks have flushed pink. i didn't feel that way about george.

or did i?

i turn the tap on and cup my hands underneath it, i splash the water over my face to wake myself up. my stomach made a loud groan. when was the last time i ate? i pull the hood of george's hoodie over my head to hide my bed hair. i unlock the bathroom door and walk to the bedroom door. i can hear someone in the kitchen, it might be alex, but it could be george.

i open the door slowly. it's george. his back is to me, i open the door fully and he turns around. "good morning sleepyhead" he says softly, smiling. "good morning" i smile back, my voice is different then usual as i just woke up. i walk over to him, his arms are open slightly. awhh he's asking for a hug. i place myself between george's arms and wrap my own round his back . he holds me tightly and says "i made breakfast" i look up at him and smile "you did?!" my arms are still round him.

george's pov
i smile down at her "if you go and sit at the table i'll bring to to you in a moment." i say.
she walks over to the table excitedly. i have made omelettes because i can't really cook anything else. i dish them up, one on each plate with some pepper "do you want some tea with this?" i ask bringing the plate over "wow george, this looks amazing, and uh yeah i'll have a tea if that's okay." i give her a small smile before proceeding back to the kitchen, the kettle just boiled and thick steam is coming out of the spout. i pour two cups of tea, "do you have milk and sugar?" i ask as i stir the water with the tea bag "yes please" y/n replies i add some milk to the teas, careful not to spill it. i add a small lump of sugar to y/n's tea, i personally don't have sugar in my tea. i take the tea bags out and put them in the bin. picking up both the mugs i wonder back over to the kitchen and place y/n's tea on the table in-front of her before i sit opposite her .

•time skip brought to you by your uncle bob•

after eating we sit at the table just looking at each other, y/n has the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen, they say eyes are like windows to the soul. if that's true then y/n's soul is beautiful, just like her. it doesn't take me long to fall for someone, as soon as i saw y/n i fell extremely hard for her. i'm not even sure why, i've not even known her for a whole day yet but i feel like we've already known each other for years. it's cliche i know, but i can't help it. she's just so perfect.

y/n's pov
we sit in silence, not awkward silence, just enjoying each other's company. george was just looking at me, smiling lightly. i looked at his mess darkish brown hair, my eyes wonder to his murky green eyes, my eyes wonder further down to his balmy lips. i find my mind wondering off i longed for george's lips to be against mine. shit. no, y/n you are not falling for him, he doesn't feel the same, or does he? he carried me home last night, and, not to mention he did kiss my forehead before he left the room.

i cant deny it any longer, i have fallen for george, it's hard not to, he's perfect in every way, from his ruffled hair to his mysterious green eyes, to his tender pink lips.

i smile at him, i wonder what he's thinking about. "whatcha thinkin' bout?" i ask

"you" he replies.

a/n: sorry for leaving you hanging! this chapter is about 800+ words. i'll update again later! a bee cane into my room and landed on my nose whilst i was writing this aha i love bees though xx
~Lottie 🐝

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