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Myles P.O.V

Walking towards CDC (Canadian dance company) after the winter holiday break felt astounding, knowing that all of my friends were gonna be there to greet me made me feel ecstatic. I couldn't wait to start filming season 2 of 'the next step', although pretty much all of the cast was the same as season one, I overheard Allain talking about some new members joining. Hearing this news made me feel excited.

As I enter studio A I notice Victoria and Issac already warming up to begin filming, so I yell over to them 'hey guys' and with a quick response back they also reply with 'hey myles' in unison. I observe my surrounding once again waiting for the rest of the cast to arrive and as if it was on cue, Lamar, Trevor, Jordan, Alexander and Brittany all walk in through the door. With excitement filling up the room, we all huddle together , bouncing off each other's energy as we say hi. At this point everyone was now reunited together until I caught a glimpse of a person stood in the corner of the studio.

Without really thinking I walked over to what seemed to be a young girl about the same age as me. Getting closer toward her I couldn't help but admire her beautiful golden locks of hair and her hazel eyes which seemed to follow my every movement. I thought I'd introduce myself to her as she seemed lost and confused. 'Hello' I said while waiting for a response, she sheepishly replied with hi. 'My names myles and yours is?' I asked trying to sound confident. There was silence before she replied with 'briar, nice to meet you I guess, myles'. There was a tense moment between us before I decided to ask if she was lost and if I could help her at all.

Briars P.O.V

I precariously stood in the corner of a large studio where I noticed lots of other dancers gathered around. I was being featured on a show called 'the next step' and I was told to meet in studio A to begin warming up, which I believe is where I am right now. As I stood there in the corner observing my surroundings, I notice a cute looking lad stroll toward me. I examine him from his torso upward, checking him out, making sure he's no threat. He come over and introduces himself to me but from the way he's acting I can tell he's never really talked to a girl before as there was awkward pauses in between our 'conversation'.

He seems like a sweet guy though, very mature and has an appealing look on his face. He then asks me, if I'm lost or do I need help. I simply reply with 'I think I'm good, Im being featured on TNS but thanks anyway'. After I notice my cheeks begin to blush, oh how I hope he doesn't notice.

Myles P.O.V

Once she had finished refusing help and thanking me anyways I can't help but stare at her cheeks blushing, it's adorable. However, I finally snap out of the moment as I realise I look like a complete jerk just staring at her face so instead I gesture my hand and ask if she wants me to give her a tour. To my surprise she actually take my hand and replied sweetly with a 'yes please'.

Briar P.O.V

My heart skipped a beat, when he offered a tour around CDC and of course I reply with yeah, I bet not every girl get a personal hot tour guide around here. 😏

(A/N) sorry it wasn't the best but I was rushing a little. Let me know any suggestions in the comments and feel free to ask questions. - Bryles_jess 💙

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