3- Silence

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After talking for a while we had decided to order pizza, I got pineapple Walt's the others had ordered a meat fest and just cheese with two boxes of chips. The food had arrived relatively fast and after arranging the food we began to eat. "I can't believe you got pineapple pizza, that's like an insult to the pizza gods" Jimin looked over to Jungkook how now had a mouth full of pizza with cheese strings stretching out. "I like pineapple pizza" Jimin shrugged as he got a glare from Jungkook.

"I don't mind it either" Jungkook then looked towards Hoseok how was putting vinegar on the chips. Jungkook shook his head "I can't believe that my two closest friends are betraying me like this". After a further discussion on wether pineapple should be on pizza it was time for the three of them to go home.

Jimin came running over to me after putting is coat and shoes on, handing me a piece of paper with a number on it "see you soon hyung" he smiled at me before running back over to the door and leaving, softly closing the door behind him. I sighed looking around, and decided to wash up the plates. The rubbish had been cleared up and taken out with the boys to be disposed of, apart from one box for leftovers that I would no doubt be having for breakfast tomorrow.

After putting the last plate away I re arranged the cushions and moved the table back to its place, turning the TV of as it was about 11. I went up to my room, grabbing my pj's then going to the bathroom to quickly shower before brushing my teeth. Stepping out in to my room I got hit with a cold breeze making me shiver a bit, once I turned the light of I got under the covers of my bed and couldn't help but have a look around as the feeling of loneliness started to creep it's way in. The room looked darker than it did a moment ago and the silence felt deathaning to my ears as I could hear nothing, every time I breathed my chest would ache to the point it hurt; the need to cry came chasing after me as the dark casted darker shadows. The longer I looked the more I could see monstrous faces, making me scared,unable to move.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath 'It's not real, it's your mind playing tricks on you. Your fine. Everything is fine.' I opened my eyes, again taking a deep breath before getting up and turning the light back on, I rubbed my eyes getting a warm liquid on my hands. I hadn't realised til now that I had been crying, I wiped them once again before slowly turning round. 'See nothing... just your room... your plane..empty..room' I let out a shakey sigh before leaning on the wall and wrapping my arms around myself as I started to cry more, letting my body slide to the floor. After a wile I had gotten up and put the lamp in the corner of my room on before turning the light of and getting back in bed, whipping my eyes before I tried to get comfortable and drifted in to sleep.


I sat down in silence, taking a sip of my coffee then sighing. "You alright man?" It was now Monday, a day since that night and I hadn't gotten over it yet. I felt shit, down, I could hardly be bothered or do anything let alone get up this morning.

Hoseok and I have been friends from high school, every now and then I would have break downs in class and refuse to work or I would simply skip and stay at home, telling mum I felt ill and couldn't go; so of course I had told Hoseok at some point that I was probably depressed, more like he caught on to something being wrong then pestered me about it until I told him.

I shook my head as I took another sip of my coffee, Hoseok sighed "what's up? The normal or anything else?" I nod my head, humming slightly "so the norm?" I nod again "you wanna come over after work? We can watch movies and play games or you could sleep" he laughs a bit when I smile and nod as soon as sleep was mentioned. Soon enough break was over, I gulped down the last of my coffee sighing as I stood up. Hoseok put his hand on my shoulder smiling to me "A few more hours then we can go" he patted my back and went in with me lagging behind, just waiting for the day to be over with.

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