11- I got you

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As soon as Yoongi told Jin where he was Jin was gone, at the time of the call he was working in his cafe rewind. He was in the back with Jimin walst taking a small break when he got the call from his friend and had to go leaving Jimin to tell the rest of the staff that it was an emergency and probably wouldn't be back. Leaving a very worried and confused Jimin to take over.

He jumped in to his car and went as fast  as law abidingly possible as he could, taping his fingers on the steering wheel every time he needed to stop.


Jin pov

I parked at Yoongis apartment and quickly jogged up to the front door going to nock before remembering that he said it was open and then opening the door and going in. "Yoongi?!" I took my shoes of as I became more worried at the lack of response then walked to the bathroom, the door was wide open with Yoongi lent up against the wall his head hanging to the side. I gasped and ran over making sure he was breathing and had a pulse only then did my brain fully register the bruises and cuts covering his body, probably more on his legs that I couldn't see. My eyes started watering as I put my hand over my mouth because of the state of my best friend I then gently pulled he's body over to me and sat on the cold floor hugging him in my arms as I swayed slightly.

After re gaining my composure slightly i picked him up bridle stile and took him in to his bedroom, laying him down. Sighing I walked out to go back in to the bathroom, looking through the cupboard and getting everything I needed, turning up the heating on my way back as Yoongi felt very cold.

It took about an hour, probably longer for me to cearfuly clean of the blood then put cream over the small scrapes and the massive bruise to help them heal; and then bandage up the bigger wounds like the ones he had on his shoulder blades that had been caught more because of his skinny figure, causing them to poke out a bit. I also did his legs as well, there were deep cuts over his knees but the rest was mostly a little bit of broosing luckily not nearly as bad as on his stomach. After cleaning him up I put some new, more comfy clothes on him and layer a blanket over the top as I didn't want to move him around to much to put him under the covers.

Being finished with Yoongi I sat down at the desk next to his bed and decided to ring Jimin.

Third person

Jimin had just finished making an order when he received a call from Jin. He told his coworkers that he needed to take it and went in to the break room. "Hey hyung is everything okay?" Jimin answered he could hear a sigh from the other end "not really"

"Why what's wrong? Is Yoongi hyung okay?" Jimin said getting more impatient. "No, I don't no what happened but when I found him he was passed out in his bathroom covered in cuts and brooses. I've cleaned him up the best I can and changed his clothes but he's really hurt." It took a moment for Jimin to take in all of the new information he just received, I mean he was perfectly fine yesterday and seemed happy when hanging out with Jimin. So it must have been after he left right? He sat there deep in thought before being broken out of his trance by his hyung. "Jimin you good?"

"Uh yeah yeah I.... I just thought of something"

"What?" Jin asked "I think ... we'll it must have happened last night. He was round mine late. I said I would drive him home but he said no because his apartment wasn't far"  Jins end was quite fore a moment then a loud gasp as he had an epiphany. "He must have walked down that sketch ally nearby as a short cut" Jin sighed "pabo Yoongi he must have run in to a bad crowd walst walking through. God sake I've told him multiple times not to walk through there"

"Hey hyung is he going to be okay?" Jin lightly smiled to himself at how worried Jimin was about some one he's only bin around for a month or so. "Yeah he should be fine, very sore but fine" (Jin was at one point training to be a doctor due to his family wanting him to be one, he eventually quit and went on to his dream of having his own homey cafe. In the beginning his parents didn't approve but eventually warmed up to the idea and are now on good terms. Although being a medical student did pay of in situations like this)

Jimin sighed in relief "I'm going to stay hear at Yoongi's for when he wakes up okay?"

"Yeah that's fine hyung, are you going to be doing it tomorrow to?" Jin sighed again "I really want to but seeing as I'm the manager I really should be there just in case something happens" there was a pors before he continued, having a total amazing idea "Jimin you could look after Yoongi"

"What?! Look I want to but I have work tomorrow" Jin gives a slightly even laugh "you forget that I'm your manager, and I say take some time of and look after yoongles for me" Jimin was about to say no when "you will still get your full pay for the hours you're meant to be on" Jin deeply smiled as me herd a deep sigh and new that he had wone. "Okay.... could you text me his address so that I'm sure it's the right apartment? I can't exactly remember plus Hoseok took me last time"

"Okay now get back to work you have a short holiday to make up for"

Oof the more I wright the more my dysgraphia plays up oof 🤷‍♀️

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