9- Hurt

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Yoongi pov

I had been at Jimins for a good few hours now and decided it was time to go home, it was getting dark and I'm starting to get tired, plus I still need to shower as I didn't have time this morning because I over slept. What can I say? I like to sleep.

I was standing in the doorway of Jimins apartment with one of his backpacks on as he let me borrow it saying "this is much easier than having 50 different bags to lug around"

"Well See ya soon hyung" Jimin said smiling to me. "Yeah will do, bye" I gave a small smile and started to walk. "Be safe" I Hurd Jimin say, I replied with a yeah then herd the door close leaving me to myself as I walked down the street. It was quite with a cold breeze that sent a shiver down my spine despite the long fuzzy coat I was wearing. This and the thought of my bed made me walk faster, I have to admit it was easier than earlier when we were out shopping. The bags would constantly hit against my legs and dig in to my fingers causing me to try and change the fingers I was holding them with, ending with me nearly dropping them multiple times and deciding to instead try things like move them to my rists or on my arm; this Intern making me look more gay than I already am and making my arm hurt, so settled for the painful holding them with my fingers. Remind me to say thank you to Jimin again for the kind donation of his bag, although with how late it was no one would need to bear witness to the struggles of holding multiple bags and trying not to loose the circulation of multiple body parts.

Despite Jimins donation all of my combined items from our little shopping spree did feel a tad bit heavier now that they weren't split in half on either hand/or arm, making my back start to ache.  I decided to take a short cut through a small back ally, I'd used it before during the day once or twice when I'd forgotten something from home or simply wanted to avoid people because I couldn't be bothered with their shit that day.

As I walked down the ally I started to she shadows of people up ahead three all together. I could hear loud bickering along with the occasional swear hear and there, normally I would have turned back not wanting to confront random people but being so tantalising close to the end I continued to walk.

Rounding the corner I could see three people one leaning against the wall smoking with another crouched next to them and one looking through a bin opposite them. As they saw me the one leaning on the wall threw he's cigarette to the floor as he walked over to me with the rear of them following and blocking my path. "Could you move? Your kinda in my way" I told them as I leaned on one of my legs

The one in the middle looked to the other two before smiling " that's not how this works" I sighed, really not being in the mood for this " then how does it work?" All three took a step closer. "You are going to hand over all the money you have on you" I rolled my eyes as I when to walk past saying " yeah yeah whatever you say. The right one immediately moved in front of me, pushing me back. "Well then I guess we'll just have to do it the hard way then"

He punched me across the face  asking me stumble as I let out a pained breath, I was trying to catch my balance when I was shoved up against the wall of the ally, getting another punch to the face followed by another and another. He let go of me, letting me fall on to my knees walst holding my bleeding nose and gasping for breath. A few seconds later I was kicked in the side making me fall, laying on the ground before feeling a shoe violently stomp the side of my face forcing me in to the concrete pavement they pushed harder as I cried out only to be met with  harsh kicks to my stomach and chest as the other two joined in.

I started to feel my body go numb in pain and my vision start to blur as my head felt dizzy, my screams quite as black clouded my view until I couldn't feel anything but the cold breeze on my face and the fiery heat in my chest from not being able to re gave my breath. I was alone not being able to hear or see or feel anything around me, left defensles  and beaten. With out so much as a voice of hope other than the painful ringing of silence.

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