8- Outing pt 2

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After the boys had finished their shopping they made there way to Jimins home. As they entered they were met with a gray and white fluff ball running over to them and following Jimin as he walked over to the couch and placed his bags to one side; taking out the food he had bought and going over to the kitchen to put them in the fridge. Yoongi closed the door as he walked in to the apartment and arcwadly stood in the middle of the living room.

Jimins apartment consisted of a very classic, homey feel with crime, brown and white as the main colour scheme. Much lighter than Yoongis grey, dark brown and black apartment. There was a large L shaped couch that was the first thing to catch his eye, there was a wooden coffee table slotted in front of it with a vase of pink and purple flowers in the middle surrounded by circle drink mats. In front of that was a flat screen TV attached to the wall with a rectangular storage unit underneath that had two draws at the top and an open space underneath that had been filed with neatly staked films and CDs.

When Jimin came back in he had cutlery and plates for the take out that Yoongi was currently holding along with his own things that he had bought. "You can put your bags and coat anywhere, could you put out the food walst I get us drinks?" Yoongi nodded as he put the bags down next to the coffee table, taking of his coat and putting it over the arm of the chair before setting out the food.

During this time Jimin had returned to the kitchen getting out glasses for the both of them. He stuck his head around the door "what would you like to drink?" Yoongi looks up from what he was doing to look over at Jimin. "What do you have?"

"I have orange juice, banana milk, sprite, coke, water"

"Coke please" Jimins head disappears back round the door coming out moments later with two glasses of coke; giving one to Yoongi and keeping the other for himself.


They had started eating when Yoongi felt a slight nudge on his arm when he looked down he discovered a small cat curiously sniffing him. He smiled and let out a small chuckle when he put his hand out, watching the cat smell it before deciding it wasn't a threat and head butting it. Jimin looked under the table, wondering what had caught his friends attention. "That's Nedgie" He said walst siting back up to his original position. "She's about two years old"

"She's cute" Yoongi put more food in his mouth before swallowing and continuing "isn't Nedgie a boys name though?" Jimin took a gulp of his drink then answered. "When I got her I was told she was a boy, when I out she was a she it was to late to change it" Jimin shrugged to himself then continued eating.

Throughout the rest of diner Nedgie was happily perched in Yoongis lap as he every now and then gave her a gentle scratch on the head. Jimin noticed how Yoongi seemed happier with the small ball of fluff happily purring to herself  walst being cuddled up in Yoongis grasp. He smiled to himself as he watched the older childishly talk to the cat with a grin on his face, cute he thought; though he would never admit it out loud. It's weird how with someone he has only none for a few weeks he felt really happy to have Yoongi with him.

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