15- Closer pt 2

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I started to stir awake at the feeling of movement next to me, it was usually something i would ignore and blame on my annoying friends that would some times sneak over to wake me up in the morning by using their spare key. This however felt different. Digging my head in to the pillow I could tell that it wasn't the normal smell that would greet me, and as I began to wake up more I could feel a hand on my waist. It was warm as if it had been their for some time , not like when Kookie or Tae would come over and lay next to me making loud noises and bringing me in to a tight hug at the same time. No this was soft, gentle. The smell welcoming and comforting almost lulling me back to sleep, but I need to get up.

Opening my eyes I saw the beautiful Min Yoongi opposites me shifting a bit in his sleep before falling silent and still again. 'I could get used to this'


After a while of contemplating i decided to get out of bed and make some breakfast for the both of us, I decided to make scrambled egg with toast on the side and a nice warm coffee. Before i started i sneak back to yoongis room to grab my phone, I slowly open the door again and poke my head in then tiptoe my way round the bead to grab my phone that i had taken out of my pocket last night as i was trying to get to sleep. On my way out i hear shuffling and immediately stop and bight my lip as i turn to look at the sleeping man in bead. I could see his brows furow before unfurling and smacking his lips slightly before going still again to leave his soft breaths.

I sigh and then walk the rest of the way out of the room and close the door behind me so it leaves a small crack opening, with that over i go back to the kitchen and put on my Spotify playlist after making sure that the sound isn't two loud and then get to making breakfast.

Yoongi pov

As i start to wake up i can feel how stiff my body was after staying in the same place for some time, then I'm hit with the pain and cant help but let out a few pained grunts as i try to sit up. Then then there is the rush of feet until Jimin makes his way to my side in order to help. normally i wouldent want help like this no matter what but ... i don't mind if its him. "Yoongi hyung you should be more careful . Your wounds are still fresh and i don't want you getting more hurt from things that i can help with." said Jimin as he helped to sit me up in a comfortable position.

"Thanks chim" I give him the biggest smile i can muster in my current state and he gives me a small smile back.

"So are you hungry?" He asks as he sites down on the chair next to the bed.

"No, not really" I could see Jimins form deflate a bit. "But i could eat a little something" after saying that he smiles before leaving and then re entering moments later with a tray of food that he very cearfuly plases on my lap. Upon closer inspection their are two plates, one with a small portion of scrambled egg with salad and the other having two slices of toast that had been kut in to small triangles.

"Oh one more thing!" Before i could protest he jumps in to action and runs back out of the room only to slowly make his way back in with two steaming mugs of coffee. He then sits back down and places one on the night stand and gives the other two me.

"oh umm thank you"

"It was no trouble at all" he smiles at me as i take a sip of the freshly brewed coffee beans, humming contently then letting Jimin take it from me and places it next to his. With slow movements i begin to eat, letting out small grunts of pain and frustration every now and then as my body ached and hurt from the relatively fresh cuts and bruises.

"What about your food?" I said as i looked over to jimin who was observing me from the seat next to my bead.

"Oh, i had some scrambled egg on toast not long before you woke up so I'm fine thank you" he said smiling at me before looking in to his lap as he played with his fingers.

"Well i couldn't have you going hungry after looking over me like you have been" Even with his head down i could see a slight blush on the top of his cheeks as he let out a soft hum before looking back at me with a smile.

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