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Jimin POV

Later that evening, after I had finished work I found my way over to Yoongis apartment. When I got there Jin came and let me in. "Hey...how is he?" Jin sighed, scratching his head. "He woke up about an hour ago and has just been laying in bed, he wouldn't talk to me" Jimin put down his bag then looked back up. "Okay, are you going home now?" Jin gave a small nod "yeah I'm meeting a friend; I'm already late so I need to get going"

"Okay hyung, ill see you later" Jin garbed his bag before going to the door. "Make sure he eats okay?" I gave him a reassuring nod before he left, gently closing the door. I decided to go check on Yoongi so found my way to his room and lightly knocked. "Hyung?" I got no answer. "Hyung I'm coming in" after slowly opening the door I went in, spotting a lump hidden under the covers of the bed. I went over and sat down next to it. "Yoongi hyung?" There was slight movement underneath followed by strained sniffles. I grabbed the end of the cover and slowly pulled it over to reveal Yoongi. After pulling the cover of I could clearly hear him sniffing, he had his knees tucked up in his chest with eyes red from crying. I bit the bottom of my lip at seeing him like this, it really made my heart ache to see him hurt.

"Jin hyung said that you haven't eaten. Want me to make something?" There was no reply. I sighed to myself and then covered him back up. "I'll be back in a little bit okay" I then got up and went in to the living room to sit down. It makes me feel so helpless to see him like this and knowing that I cant do anything to make the pain go away. Although... I could help him along the way. I get up and go over to the kitchen, looking through all the different foods and ingredients available. What's the easiest thing to eat?

After some searching through the cupboards and minor burn I was now walking back to Yoongis room with a tray that consisted of chicken noodle soup,fresh bread and a warm hot chocolate. "Hyung I made you something to eat"
...no reply.

"I got you some chicken noodle soup with bread, I made you a hot chocolate to can I come in?" Again there was no reply so I put sown the tray, opened the door slightly and then picked it up again. "I'm coming in hyung" and with that I went back in to see Yoongi in the exact same place I had left him in, only this time he was looking at me. He was no longer crying but you could see he might start up again at any moment. I went over to his bedside table ant put the tray down and then go to walk out again saying "Please eat some" but before I closed the door there was a soft nearly inaudible "wate"
I turned slightly surprised at the quiet outburst. Yoongi had now sat himself up with pain filed grunts and his eyes now on me. "Yes?" I replied he looked towards the floor and sighed "would.... you stay...with me?"

I sadly smiled "always"

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