10- Help

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I woke up shivering, the small amount of light let through from the ally blinding my eyes as I look around trying to get a grip on reality as I felt my head spinning. The features of the dirty ally all Blurry as I try not to loose conshesnes again. I decide to lay there until my eye site returned to normal, once it did I slowly try to sit up being hit with a strong sense of dizziness and pain shooting through my entire body. I lean on the wall behind me closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing.

I don't no how long I sat there for, opening and closing my eyes over and over again as my body ached and called out in pain. I eventually gained the power to move, trying my best to stand up with Jimins backpack still on my shoulders despite the harsh beeting. I lent against the wall as my legs shook beneath me, trying to hold me up as I slowly began to walk harshly biting on my lip from the amount of pain. Thank the universe that my apartment wasn't far away it was extremely difficult to get there let alone somewhere further away.


I closed the door to my apartment and slid down the back of it taking deep breaths as relief started to fill me. I had sum how made it back in to the comfort of my own home. My eyes started to water as I slid the bag of my back emeediatly feeling lighter. I pulled myself up from the floor and dragged myself to the bathroom, looking in the mirror to assess the damage.

Upon first glance you could see a deep scrape covering my right cheek and a cut across the top of my left both sides were swollen red and green apart from the bridge of my nose that was a hideous dark purple/black and the high cheek bone on my right that was the same colour. There was dried up blood spread around the entirety of my face, some smudged on my neck and hand from the nose bleed. I cerfuly lifted my shirt over my head and discarded it on the floor. There was an ugly black and green broose that covered my stomach, reaching up my chest. There was also small cuts and gashes randomly littering my torso as well as my arms with green broosing manly on my right arm. There was also harsh gashes covering my right nucle  from being pushed to the ground.

I sat on the floor leaning against the cold tile wall and pulled my phone( that had sum how survived)out of my jeans pocket and looked for a name, my eyes landed on the contact 'Seokjin' i emedietly  pushed ring and put it on speaker not having enough energy to hold it up.

The phone stoped wringing and i smiled slightly as i was met with my friends voice "what's up Yoongs you never call"

"I....I need help" i could hear Jin start to worry " Yoongi what's wrong were are you" I took a moment to breath before answering. "My place........ bathroom.......doors open...come please"

"Okay I'm on my way, stay there don't move" I Hurd the call end and sighed as I started to feel dizzy again as black dots started to come back then completely taking over surrounding me in darkness.

For no one| YoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang