13- Always

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"would.... you stay...with me?"

He gave me a sad smile "Always" He walked over to me and pulled out the seat from the desk to sit on. I tried my best to position myself so that I was facing him but it was hard with the intense pain that shot threw me every time I moved. I let out a small wine and Jimin jumped out of his seat to assist me.

"Hey try take it slow, Jin hyung said your going to be really saw for a while" he gently picked me up bridal style and put me back down so I was facing where he was sat, he then went and sat back down. "Is that better?" I nod "yeah...thanks" There was an awkward silence between the both of us before Jimin finally decided to speak. "So...why do you want me with you?"

I let out an anxious breath as I fiddled with the end of my shirt ' should I tell him the main reason ? That I don't wanna be left alone. Or that it's hard to move and there fore eat? Although I'm not that hungry. I could just say no and tell him to leave, but that's selfish. He made this for me. And he is looking after me. The least I could do is eat some...and tell him what's wrong. He wouldn't judge me would he? No, no, no he wouldn't, he wouldn't. Your fine. He will understand, will he? Yeah he will. Come on Yoongi. Don't be a pussy do it. Do it. Do. It!'

I had another shaky breath as I tried to calm down, their was another moment of silence before I built up the courage to talk. "I.. it-it's hard for me t-to eat so I was wondering if y-you could maybe help? Please?" Again their was a moment of silence between us with Jimin remaining in the same position without changing his expression ' I new I shouldn't have said anything. Yoongi you such an idi-'  Jimin smiled at me "of corse hyung, that's what I'm hear for" I let out a sigh of relief as my anxiety started to leave my body, allowing my muscles to un tighten. Although I was still debating with my self on weather or not I should tell him the main reason.

Jimin picked up the now warm bole of soup and placed it on his lap before grabbing the spoon that was next to it, he gently dipped it in and then lightly blew on it and put it up to my mouth letting me swallow. For some reason him treating me like this made me feel all warm and fuzzy but it also caused my heart to have a horrible aching feeling, though I chose to ignore it. Jimin feeding me like this continued up until I didn't want anymore, I had had over half of the soup and one out of two slices of bread and the hot chocolate was no more.

"You did really well hyung, did you enjoy it?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes walst waiting for my answer. "It was really nice Jimin thanks" I smiled at him as I saw his face light up. "Yay!, I'm so glad" he said walst his knees jumped up and down with his small hands curled up into fists. 'Cute'

As I had finished eating and had become uncomfortable as a result Jimin helped to move me so I was laying down on my back, he then started to neatly stack the cutlery ready for him to take out. 'Come on. Tell him Yoongi!' He was about to grab the tray and head out until I raised my voice causing him to face me. "Yes hyung?"

"Could...you sit with me for a while?" He put the tray back down a little surprise but nun the less sat down on the seat again. "I-i mean hear...if you w-want to...of corse" Jimin looked more surprised at this but went round the other side of the bed and sat next to me making sure to get under the covers making our legs touch.


Author hear🖐

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