†𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔†

324 22 6

Welcome back, I hope you feel the revenge ♡

The night had started off pretty simple.

Frank had been out at the typical diner him and his gang always attended where they sat in the farthest back corner, and harassed people that dared to come near them.

Frank didn't participate in those certain activities though- nor really any of the activities the gang were involved in- because he hated most of it. Only thing he enjoyed every now, and then was a hit and run, but those were still rare moments.

The gang teased him for his innocence, but he didn't particularly care. He didn't want to abuse or rape-oh god no-the innocent. It just wasn't an interest of his, so he tended to just tag along with the gangs activities silently observing. While the rest had their fun.

As one of the boys lifted up another teenage girls skirt-that was still too short before he even lifted it- Frank watched closely unamused by his actions.

He was so absorbed in the girls flash of embarrassment that he didn't even notice the stranger that had been sitting close to them for almost the time they had gotten there disappear from his table, and leave into the cold night.

The girl quickly went red, and swatted the boys hand away fiercely before storming off across the diner. 'What a slut' Frank thought to himself. He knew she was just pretending to be mad to get more attention.

All of the whores who hung around them did that. He ignored them rather successfully, due to the fact that he was gay, and all.

The boys harassed him for it, but oddly enough the females seemed to respect it. Which was the only nice thing he recieved from them.

Frank snapped from his thoughts as he felt John, the boy beside him, elbow him harshly.

"Hello? Earth to Frank!" John spoke sarcastically.

Frank gave him a blank stare as he did so, before replying "let me up."

"Where the hell are you going?" Tony leaned over from beside John, looking Frank dead in the eyes.

Frank hid his nervousness as Tony looked him up and down in anticipation of an answer.

"I-I need some fresh air" Frank said softly, and with that the boys slowly stood up from the booth parting a path for Frank to walk through.

He walked swiftly, looking out of the corner of his eye to see if Tony was following him.

He heaved a sigh of relief when he reached the bitterly cold outside air, releasing Tony was still at the table-thank god.

Frank was terrified of Tony-no that's an understatement-Frank was mortified of Tony.

Ever since Frank had been taken I, he immediately took a dislike towards his fellow member, and avoided him at all cost due to reasons he kept buried deep inside the smallest corner is his consciousness.

Frank shook the last shred of fear he had carried away with him as he continued down the darkened street that was vacated at this time of night. The diner his gang had been occupying was lined across a row of apartment buildings that also reached across the other side of the street.

They were old and mostly vacant, except for the few poor souls that couldn't afford to stay anywhere else.

He flicked his eyes all across the world around him, searching for the sign of possible other being among him.

The only light given was a broken street light that flickered on and off the shade of a dark orange from across the other side of the road, and a small light was on in one of the abandoned apartments complexes.

The fact the he was in a severely dangerous part of town, it was past midnight, and he was alone didn't seem to register into the small boys mind as he continued down the desolate street laid before him. Walking in a consistent relaxed pace.

He continued into the sudden darkness as the street light disappeared behind him. The only light being given from the moon.

He turned to look behind himself, realizing he had already walked a few blocks down from the diner unconsciously. He was slightly shocked and eyes widened at the distance he had made. He was so trapped in the own melancholy of his mind he hadn't registered the distance he had made.

He was now standing beside a pitch black alleyway that he could see no end to or a shred of light seeping through. It was already dark around him, but the alleyway to his side was ten times the darkness he stood in, and it caused goosebumps to slowly form up his arms. He stared for only a moment, before attempting to move away from it brushing his fear into the back of his mind.

As he walked away he suddenly saw a shadow move rapidly out of the corner of his eye, so quick that if he hadn't cleared his mind he would have missed it.

It moved near the end of the alleyway, only about ten feet away from Frank, and his eyes widened with fear as the goosebumps immediately took place back onto his skin.

He quickly swerved back around to run in the opposite direction when suddenly he felt a cold end of something press against the back of his head.

"Hands where I can see them, and move your tiny ass into the street before I blow a hole into that pretty little head of yours."


Welcome back my loves!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, the beginning is pretty shit, and I'm not happy with it, but the end gets better, I promise

Tell me, what do you think of little Frankie?

Votes and comments are always appreciated <3

See you all soon!

"May only death do us apart"


𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊†𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖗𝖉Where stories live. Discover now