†𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊†

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After Frank's melt down, Gerard had let go of Frank, and began to act as if nothing had happened. He became colder than before, and it almost scared Frank. Frank wasn't sure what it meant, any of it really, so he just tried to ignore it as Gerard began to do other things. Gerard searched for a TV or just a fucking radio, but to his luck there was none in the room, so he made the decision to go out to a diner to watch the news and pick up dinner.

Frank begged him to let him tag along, but his bruises, and cut on his forearm were still very apparent. Gerard couldn't risk someone seeing them, and calling the police on domestic violence, so Frank stayed in the room. He curled up on the bed thinking too hard, and was unsuccessful at falling asleep, so he took a shower instead. He went through Gerard's bags to find a toothbrush, and what he came across were things he wished he wouldn't have, but he ignored them. He didn't want to scare himself more, he just needed a damn toothbrush. He found one inside a small pocket on the side of the bag, and went back to the bathroom unruffled by the weapons, and bloody belongings inside of Gerard's bags.

Frank stepped under the warm spray after he got it to the perfect temperature of just between hot, and cold. The spray of water hitting down his back comfortingly, and he sighed softly. He felt so small underneath the water, as if he just an ant beneath rainfall. It was comforting yet not at the same time, and he couldn't explain it. Maybe because he knew Gerard had also showered in here, and that brought images into his head he wished would have stayed out.

He shook his head sharply, shaking away the thought of Gerard in a shower as he began to lather himself in soap.

After he rinsed off, he washed his hair, and turned the water off. He stepped out of the shower slowly feeling the harsh whip of cold air sting his skin. Frank's mind seemed to be at ease at the moment, and he wanted it to stay that way, but he knew it wouldn't as long as he was with Gerard. Something about that man just gave him constant anxiety, and he knew that 'something' was the fact that the man had kidnapped him, and kills people.

As Frank put on new clothes, and brushed his teeth, he wondered how many people had fallen at the hands of Gerard. Was the man a serial killer? An assassin who worked for someone? If so, then why was he after Frank? How did Frank play into Gerard's killing spree? What if.....Frank was the first person Gerard was going to kill, and that's why he stopped? Frank shook his head at his own thoughts. There was no way, just the look in Gerard's eyes gave away the scenes of murders Gerard had been the protagonist of. It was obvious not only from his looks, but his actions, and intellectual that Gerard had killed before. He had experience, which scared the hell out of Frank.

Gerard could easily murder Frank, and dispose of his body without second thought. After the beating, and looking into the pit of bitter coldness pooling in the man's olive green eyes, he knew the man was apathetic. No doubt about it, that he wouldn't give two fucks over killing Frank. He was just another waste of space to Gerard, but as Frank thought about how cold Gerard was, the words he had spoke only hours earlier came into mind.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." Were the words Gerard (the cold blooded murderer) had spoke, and it baffled Frank. Since when the fuck does he care? That was all Frank could think about as he walked out of the bathroom to find a man sitting on the other side of the bed with his back towards Frank.

Frank paused for a moment, the person was wearing a black hood, and hadn't seemed to notice Frank's presence yet. Frank couldn't remember what Gerard had wore out, but this figure didn't seem to be Gerard's. The person seemed wider, and the clothes didn't seem to match Frank's hazy memory of Gerard's outfit. Frank took a few steps closer to the bed to examine the figure, and realised that they were definitely not Gerard. Frank could only see their back, but he could tell the person's frame was wider, and their pants were sagging dramatically. If they stood, Frank was sure the person would at least be six foot tall.

𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊†𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖗𝖉Where stories live. Discover now