†𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊†

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My apologies for the delayed chapter, but here's a longer one :)


Frank's body shook with fear as he slowly stepped down from the sidewalk into the rundown street that seemed to have not been paved in decades.

The ground felt unstable to his weary knees, and his legs threatened to buckle beneath him. Sharp bursts of nerves shot down his spine out of fear emitting from his brain, and his breathing increased immensely with it.

The man behind him remained anonymous as they stopped in the middle of the street, and Frank felt a cold hand applied to his shoulder to keep him from walking any further, the barrel still brushing against his long locks of dark brown mused hair.

Sudden pressure appeared on the same shoulder, and Frank flinched from the sudden sensation as his nerves turned his stomach upside down. The pressure increased as the man brought Frank to his knees rather abruptly, his knees hitting the pavement with more force than expected, and he groaned in pain.

Frank looked wide eyed into the dark street laid before him. The silver moon emitted a small amount of light that gave little to no advantage to his vision as he stared off into the dark abyss the road formed going on for what seemed like forever as the apartment buildings aligned it.

He felt the man behind him move the gun to the side of his head as he stepped to Frank's side slowly, the click of heels softly tapping the pavement as he moved to face in front of Frank.

Frank looked the man up, and down frantically trying to find any recognizable feature or clothing on him that would give light to whether Frank knew him or not. The darkness consumed them both greatly, and Frank could only see the shine of two piercing olive green eyes staring down into his own, sending a chill down his spine.

The man let out a dry chuckle as he noticed the fear radiating from the smaller mans eyes, and Frank's muscles tightened as he did so. Sudden nausea wavering over him as he kneeled in front of the towering body ahead of him.

"Oh Frankie, why the fear? It doesn't agree with your guilty conscience..." the stranger spoke in a tone as calm as ocean waves slowly hitting the sand, and he let out a soft tsk after he spoke, shaking his head in disagreement with Frank's uneasiness, as if he didn't deserve to be afraid.

Frank's eyes widen even more as the man had spoke his name, and his jaw dropped giving him a silly look that caused a pink tint to form on his cheeks.

The stranger smiled darkly at his dumbfounded expression before speaking again "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself" he let out a small chuckle before continuing "I am your savior, here to cleanse you of the sins you have committed Frankie."

Frank's eyebrows furrowed into confusion. "What?"

"I'm here to kill you dumbass. Why else would I have a gun to your head?" Gerard spoke with a tone that still remained calm, but had a twinge of irritation in it that Frank picked up on, and he immediately recoiled in fear of the gun going off if he frustrated the stranger more.

As Frank had continued staring at him through terrified eyes, he realised the man had velvet locks of red hair that buzzed bright in the darkness of the night, cascading down his neck to his collar bones in a flattering way that had Frank almost mesmerized if it wasn't for the fact that the man was holding a gun to his head.

Frank gulped fearfully before taking a deep breath, taking in what could be his last amount of oxygen before speaking again. "And why exactly are you here to exterminate me?"

A small few seconds of silence filled between the men only inches apart before the strangers chest erupted with laughter. Frank watched in confusion as his assassin seemed to be extremely amused by his statement.

𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊†𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖗𝖉Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora