†𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗†

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Frank's mind was all over the place as the man who still remained anonymous to him, lead him through the rundown street he was kneeling on less than five minutes ago.

They were coming close to approaching the diner, and Frank glanced at the man discreetly, noticing that he recognized it from the glint in his eye, and the way he gripped Frank's arm tighter in his hand.

The diner laid across the street onto the other side, and as they approached it he turned down an alleyway walking side by side with Frank on his left, still a shaking terrified mess.

Frank turned his head to look behind himself at the blue-lit diner he had so many memories of. Ever since he was fifteen he had been going to that diner at least three times a week, but he only looked for a second before turning around, and having a feeling of relief cascade over him now that he would hopefully never go back.

The alleyway wasn't as dark as the one the man now carrying him through had appeared from, and oddly enough Frank found relief in that as they neared the end, and it lead into another street.

"Can I at least know your name?" Frank asked looking up at the man who was dragging him down the right side of another sidewalk as they turned out of the alleyway.

The street they now walked along had small shops, and a bar they passed that was near closing up for the night. The blue neon sign hanging above the bar outside with the words "Northside Tavern" in cursive shined down onto the man beside Frank brightly. Making it easy for him to see the details of his face, and pale skin that became a pasty white in the blue lighting, giving him a glowing affect Frank found astounding.

It was wrong to say Frank found the man who had a gun against his temple less than ten minutes ago attractive, but he couldn't help himself as he stared at him mouth agape at how remarkably beautiful the man was.

His lips formed a perfect line, as his thick eyebrows furrowed together in concentration as he continued to drag Frank down the street with him, ignoring his question completely.

He sensed Frank's wandering eyes on him, and he glanced in his direction. Piercing olive green eyes with a hint of brown specks that lined the outer edges of his pupils that seemed like smooth forms of honey dripping from them met with Frank's own hazel eyes that shone a bright brown in the blue lighting. A smirk formed against the strangers mouth as he saw Frank's expression, and Frank went red with embarrassment, snapping his mouth shut as the man quickened his pace surprisingly.

Frank tried his hardest to keep up as they passed multiple vacant shops, and restaurants that were closed for the night. His legs began to sting from the pace they were going, and he hissed under his breath as the stinging became stronger from how much distance they had gained from where they once were.

The green eyed man came to a halt as they stopped in front of an abandoned apartment building. Frank stopped with him looking to him for an explanation as to why they were standing in front of it.

The taller man ignored Frank's lingering gaze, and looked around their surroundings thoroughly, and Frank's expression became more puzzled from his frantic searching.

His gaze suddenly snapped to meet Frank's own puzzles expression, and they stared into one another's eyes for only a few seconds. The mans expression one of stone, and Frank's filled with confusion and worry.

The taller man suddenly pushed Frank down yet another alleyway, and Frank's fear increased as the man still looked around them searching for something Frank wasn't sure of.

They walked briskly down the dark alley that had zero light coming in, and Frank could see trash lining either sides of the neighboring apartment buildings. The walls were filled up with graffiti that Frank couldn't make out from the darkness as the man beside him suddenly stopped.

𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊†𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖗𝖉Where stories live. Discover now