Chapter Two

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A week later we were heading to the Hogwarts Express, though we were cutting it a bit close when it came down to it. The train ride was quiet, for the most part, the only time it wasn't was when Sambianceasked to sit with me, but other than that. Unlike last year we filed into the Great Hall and went to our receptive houses and talked amongst ourselves as the Sorting Hat did as its name implies, Ginny, being with our brothers. I also found out why we were made to by all of Gilderoy Lockhart's books. Apparently, he is our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, not sure how I feel about that yet.

I had noticed Harry and Ron joining the feast a little late, along with Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape, which made me a little worried. I also noticed Malfoy's goonies glancing at me when they thought I wasn't looking. I guess he told them what I did in Flourish and Blott's. It's the next morning from all the welcomes and I was making my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"There you are," I heard a female say as I felt someone wrap their arms around my right one. Looking at the person I saw that it was PansyParkinson.

"You were looking for me?" I questioned, trying to pull my arm from hers, sadly with no luck.

"Of course. There's something we wanted to show you," she answered, sweetly, causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

'We?' I thought as she pulled me towards the Great Hall. Soon enough I found out that we was actually Malfoy and his friends. I also noticed Ron give a funny look when we walked into the Great Hall. Not that I blame him even I have no bloody idea why she has me either.

"I found her," Parkinson said when we got closer to the small group of Slytherins, which I only could place a few names with the faces. Parkinson practically forced me to sit in between Malfoy and Crabbe.

"So, why did you send her to kidnap me," I asked Malfoy since he usually the ringmaster with this group. A few of the Slytherins chuckled.

"Because of this," he answered, placing the Daily Prophet in front of me. Immediately the headline caught my attention.


"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I said as I continued reading. Just from reading the story I could already put everything together. Somehow Ron and most likely Harry missed the train and took the flying car to the school, being seen by at least seven Muggles in the process. When I finished I looked to where the two morons were sitting.

'I can't believe they were dumb enough to take the flying car,' I thought before an owl screech caught my attention. I snapped my head into the direction it came from only to see Errol.

"Oh god." Some of the Slytherins gave me a questioning looked to, which I just shook my head. We watched Errol fly face first into a bowl of chips, causing anyone who saw it happen laugh, including myself.

"Well, that's a new one."

"Wait, you mean that's happened before?" Malfoy asked.

"Yes, though normally it's a glass window he hits," I replied, causing not only him but the other Slytherins to laugh as well. Ron took a red letter from Errol, causing the said bird to right himself before he took off.

"Look, everyone. Weasley's got himself a Howler," Seamus said, causing the Slytherins around me to laugh.

'Oh that's...not...good,' I thought knowing just how bad Mum can be as Neville said something to Ron, which only caused Ron to look even more afraid to open it.

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