Chapter Four

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Eventually, Harry found out what a Mudblood was, which is a not so nice term fora witch or wizard whose parents are Muggles, or non-magical. I was walking with Harry and Ron, who were on their way to their detentions. Hermione had chosen to go back to the Gryffindor common room. Even with what Hagrid had said to her I could still tell that being called a Mudblood was still bothering her.

"Hey, Cynthia."

"Yes, Harry?"

"What happened with Malfoy?"

"Sambi knocking him out," I answered, causing the two to look surprised.

"Why would she do that? She's a Slytherins," Ron asked.

"True, she is, but she also a Muggle-born, so Malfoy's comment applied to her as well."

"A Muggle-born Slytherin!" Ron said, eyes practically bugging out of his head. I nodded.

"Yeah. Not all Slytherins are Pure-bloods, they just happen to be the ones running the show."

"Wait, so does that mean you're–" I shook my head, knowing what Ron was going to ask.

"No. I'm friends with Gryffindors, a few Muggle-borns, and I've been constantly butting heads with them since last year. Do you honestly think that I would be running anything?" I informed, causing the two to shake their heads.

"Then why are you getting followed by most of them?" Harry asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Malfoy opened his mouth about the Flourish and Blotts incident with his father and most of them are curious about this "Slytherin Attitude" I apparently have."

"Well, you have been a little snippy lately," Ron said, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.

"I prefer the word sassy, but I guess I have," I said before I saw that we were going to be passing the library. "Hey, good luck with your detentions, but I think I should go find Sambi." When I got to the library I found Sambiance in a corner with her nose stuck in a book.

"So, what's the damage?" I asked her as I sat on the desk next to her. Sambiance's looked at me before she bookmarked her page.

"Justa detention, though Snape wasn't happy," she said, turning in her seat so she was facing me.

"Ouch. Nice punch by the way," I said with a small smile, which caused her to smile a bit.


"You missed a bit after you left."

"Oh?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. So I told her everything that happened along with the short conversation that happened with Harry and Ron before I got here. She ended up laughing at a good amount of the things I told her, especially the Black Lake comment. We ended up spending most of the time just talking about all sorts of things and before we knew it it was time for dinner. The tow of us continued to talk even at dinner or at least until I got fed up with the constant glances and glares that I was getting.

"I'll see you back in the common room," I told Sambiance, who nodded as I stood up and left.

'Finally! I can think without being watched for once!' I thought before the sound of something sliding reached my ears.'What was that?' Walking over to the wall I placed my hands against the rough surface before I rested my ear on it. The sliding sound was louder, telling me that it was right behind the very wall. I followed the wall, making sure that I was able to still hear the noise as I went. Abruptly the noise stopped.

Her Dragon, His Moon (Book Two)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora