Chapter Seven

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When we got to the common room, I saw Sambiance, look up from the book she was reading, sending me a confused look before she shrugged and turned her attention back to her book. Malfoy walked over to one of the black, leather couches and plopped down, his arm propped up on the back. Ron and Harry followed him and sat on the couch across fromhim, quite stiffly, I might add. As for myself, I made my way over to Sambiance, grabbing the Daily Prophet that was sitting on the small table that was in between the boys as I did. I wasn't really payingattention when Malfoy started speaking since the title on the frontpage caught my attention.


'Oh no,' I thought before I started reading.

Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office,

was today fined fifty Galleons for bewitching a Muggle car.

Mr.Lucius Malfoy, a Governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry, where the enchanted car crashed earlier this year, called

today for Mr. Weasley's resignation.

"Weasley has brought the Ministry into dispute," Mr. Malfoy told our reporters.

"He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act

should be scrapped immediately."

Mr. Weasley was unavailable for comment, although his wife

told reporters to clear off or she'd set the family ghoul on them.

I couldn't help but chuckle at what Mum has said.

'First of all, why did they have to make it more public than it already was and two, of course, Lucius would say something like that. Okay, it's official, Lucius is far worse than I thought Malfoy was.'

"It's been fifty years since the chamber was opened," Malfoy said, catching my attention. "He wouldn't tell me who opened it. Only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me...I hope it's Schuessler." I looked back at Sambiance, only to see her glaring at him over the top of her book.

"Y'know, I thought you would've learned your lesson, but apparently not," I said to him. He glared at me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Harry's scar and Ron's red hair started to appear. The two of them seemed to notice and started for the exit.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Malfoy called after Harry and Ron as they ran out of the common room.

'Wow. An hour really does go by fast.' The moment the two were out of the room, Sambiance closed her book and grabbed me by my wrist before she dragged me to the girl's dorm.

"Spill," she said, so that what I did. It wasn't till the next day that I found out why Hermione told us to go without her. Apparently, the hairs that she got off of Millicent Bulstrode's robes was cat hair. So Hermione unintentionally turned herself into a humanoid cat.

"Have you spoken to Hermione?" Ron asked as we reached the grand staircase.

"She should be out of the hospital in a few days," Harry answered.

"When she stops coughing up fur balls," I added with a small smile, which also caused them to smile too. "Looks like Moaning Myrtle's flooded the bathroom again," I continued when I saw the water on the landing. The three of us made our way to the girl's bathroom to see all the sinks running and hearing Myrtle moaning away as she sat in a round window sill.

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