Seeing him

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I'd be lying if I said I never wished for you to come back, but I've killed that part of me. 



Musa's Pov:

Tecna and I exit out of main door that connects us to the other girls room and start heading down stairs where the others are waiting for us, there's way too many stairs at Alfea, this place almost feels like a palace. I realized as we were half way down we both forgot our towels.

"Yo what are we going to dry ourselves with," I said jokingly to her. We both stopped and laughed at the fact that we would ever forget such a thing.

"Well, not it!" Tecna said with smirk across her face, I rolled my eyes as if I was annoyed with a giggle and run back up stairs to find towels for us. As Im walking back up stairs, the same question goes through my head again, why did the specialist want me to come so bad, could it just be them making sure I just didn't feel left out, well we'll never know until they come, I thought to myself as I reached the top.

I go into Stella's room to look for towels, I know for a fact Tecna and I don't have any towels that are clean and Stella has the most things than all the Winx combined. As I enter her room I see pictures of her and Brandon on her night table, all of them were filled with smiles and laughter. I wish I had someone like that, someone who could understand me and not get mad every 10 minutes, if Riven and I were a little more like that I bet he would have stayed. I snap myself out of it and head to the washroom to find extra towels, I reached for her cabinets and found two clean towels and head back down stairs to meet Tecna and the rest of the girls.

As I go down to the main lobby this first thing I hear is Stella screaming at me to give her back her towels, I tried to keep it together but I was this close to punching the guts out of her.

"Have you not learned to share? all of ours are in the wash Stella," I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Jheezz ok, just wash them both after the trip for me" She said, surprised I was giving her attitude. I didn't say anything back and sat in the corner of the massive lobby waiting for the specialist to arrive. Just as I sat down Aisha came and joined me. Confused at first since it's been a few moments of silence, she finally began speaking.

"I saw you were a little down this morning, I just want you to know I'm here for you and you can talk to be about anything," She said with a worried tone in her voice. It made me feel happy she said such a thing, Aisha has been with me through thick and thin and I'm glad to have her as my friend. I knew it was time to tell somebody about this, maybe it will help me heal a little.

"Oh Aisha, I've been missing Riven. I thought I would get over it by now but he hasn't left my head since he walked out those doors," I confessed as I covered my head with my hands. "I miss him and I don't want to anymore."

Riven's Pov

It's been two weeks since I've joined the specialist again and I finally get to see the girl I did all this for, Musa. Excitement and fear runs through me at the same time, will she be happy to see me? has she missed me? all these thoughts in my head, I just need to see her. Timmy's bumpy landing interrupts me and my daydreams and made me land face first on the ground.

"Well it's time now buddy," Sky said as he pats me on the back while the all specialist's laugh at me.

"I figured," I mumbled as I got up a little annoyed by everyone. I got off of the aircraft which is parked outside of the Alfea gate, further than I remember and walked towards the school. As I'm doing so thousand things rush through my mind, I'm going to see her again. When I got to the entrance of the lobby I see at the very corner a girl looking like she's about to cry. I approached her slowly, I went closer and closer until I finally realized who it was.

"Musa," I said. She looks up at me and I realized how beautiful she was, maybe even more beautiful than before. She was so breathtaking that I didn't know what to do, so I just froze.

Musa's Pov:

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I screamed. I've never been so confused in my life. Why is the man that left me three years ago right in front of me?

I looked into his eyes and all my pain crumbled in me but I can never show Riven weakness, he didn't even think to call me once when he ran away from this place and he'll sure enough leave here again soon.

"Hello," Riven said with a half smile. I could tell what he was confused on what to do at the moment.

"You didn't answer my question, why are you here?" I said more seriously avoiding eye contact at all cost, I cannot show him my puffy eyes caused from crying this morning and the tears that are starting to come out now. Riven seemed to get even more confused, his confusion was interrupted by Sky when he said we should get a move on. I got up and walked away from Riven, not even looking back and headed to the ship.

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