Hole in my Heart

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I rather face death

than have to face days without you



Musa's pov:
My mind is blank, I can't seem to comprehend what happened a few hours ago. I managed to help a few people out with the Winx, but it was really hard with me being the only one with powers. We got back around 30 minutes ago with an air craft from Eraklyon that Sky called in for us since the all the air craft's at Red Fountain were destroyed. I couldn't even remember getting upstairs, everything is so blurry to me right now.

The Winx and specialist are in the corner of Bloom's and Flora's room speaking to each other on what should they do next. What Valtor said lingers in my ears, could the powers in me really helped shape the whole universe? True or not he needs my powers and he needs them bad since he's trying to take people I love out of my life one by one. I look at Bloom's wall then I look at my hands, they can't stop shaking. Just as I look up I notice their talking suddenly turns to screaming.


"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US ALL KILLED SKY? WE HAVE NO POWERS WE'RE USELESS RIGHT NOW," Bloom's starting to scare me.  They rarely fight, and when they do, they deal with it in private. Sky turns his hand into a fist, just as he's about to speak, Ms.Faragonda comes in.

"I understand everyone is stressed now but we must remain as calm as possible, Musa, come with me," everyone turns their eyes towards me. I get up slowly from Blooms bed and follow Ms. Faragonda to her office. We both take a seat, it was quiet for a bit until she started to speak.

"The whole magic dimension is puzzled by what happened today, I released out a statement but that only caused more chaos and confusion." She got up from her chair and looked at her window, Ms. Faragonda does that when she's troubled about something.

"Is the legend real? Did the dragon flame really mix with music?" I asked getting up and walking to her, she turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"Oh my dear, the magic inside of you helped create this whole dimension. You must not let Valtor no where near you and your powers, the same magic that made the land we stand on, is the same magic that could destroy it," I knew what is was implying. She wants to make sure I don't give my powers up to let Riven go, I stay silent.

"You have to be wise Musa, I know you are. Whatever you and the Winx decide to do headmaster Saladin sent a message hawk to tell me that their emergency weapons haven't been destroyed," I get a confused look on my face.

"Emergency weapons? I've never heard of them," I walked back to the chair and sat down.

"No one is suppose to know about them until situations like this. Long ago, when all these school started to be built, it was decided that emergency weapons would be built under Red Fountain and Alfea. They some got some the strongest fairies ever to exist powers in these balls in use in case people like Valtor came along. I was told to activate them you shake and throw them, if you do chose to use them taking the ones from Alfea and Red Fountain should be enough," My mouth dropped open. Valtor might of took the magic out of everyone but not everything.

"Thank you Ms. Faragonda, I'll talk with the Winx and Specialist about it," I nod my head and exit out her office. Just as I'm about to head up stairs I see Sky falling down the stairs, both the Winx and the Specialist are up at the top just watching him fall.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WOMEN, WHY DID YOU PUSH HIM DOWN THE STAIRS? WE NEED HIM TO WIN THIS FIGHT," Brandon starts screaming too. I just stand still and watch.

"YOU HEARD BLOOM, WE'RE NOT FIGHTING NO ONE UNTIL WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING," Stella screams at Brandon while he runs down the stairs to Sky. Brandon bends down and tries doing CPR on Sky while he's trying to get up, Tecna bangs her head against the wall a few times because of Brandon's stupidity.

"Brandon please let the boy try to get up, you're only supposed to be CPR when someone is unconscious," Flora says as she makes her way down stairs to help Sky up.

"Guys I think I found a substitute for our powers so we could attack back as soon as possible," I said before anyone got a chance to say anything else. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

"Ms Faragonda just told me about these emergency weapons that we might make use out of," I look down at my feet then back up at everyone.

"Go on Musa, we're listening," Aisha said.

"They contain some of the most powerful magic in the world, really easy to use and Ms. Faragonda knows where they are," I made my way upstairs and sat down when I reached the top. So much has happened this week, I've got Riven back and Valtor took him away from me, I needed a break. As I sat down I finally got a chance to think about everything that happened, I can't forgive myself for letting Riven go without a fight.

"What are you waiting for, let's go get Riven and save the universe again... as usual," Aisha said grabbing my hand to go back to Faragonda. Just as I get up to go, Bloom puts her hand on my back, stopping Aisha and I.

"Guys the universe is depending on us, we shouldn't rush this. Let's take our time to know exactly what we're going to do," she's more calm than before.

"Bloom you're forgetting that Riven's there, the longer we wait, the more he'll be beaten and hurt. I can't let that happen," I started tearing up.

"Our last worry is Riven right, the whole universe is in trouble. I rather lose a life and save billions than rush plans to save one life and kill billions," Bloom said, I can't believe that came from her mouth. I feel like my whole world's coming to an end, my body is numb. I wipe the tears away and look at her straight in the face.

"He not just a life to me or any of his friends. Even though my future with him isn't clear unlike yours and Sky's is I still love him and need him in my life, even if it's just for now. So if you all won't go, I'll do it alone," Bloom was speechless and so was everyone, did I really sound that mad? I can't believe I admitted my true feeling about Riven to the Winx and Specialist, I didn't even get a chance to tell Riven that.

"Planning something out doesn't have to take forever, I get we're all in trouble, but do we really have to spend hours on a plan, can't made make up something effective in 20 minutes," Flora said yawning.

"Guys it's 4 am and we all had zero sleep, can't this wait until the morning," Stella says as she yawns too.

"How about we make up something now, go get some sleep and wake up at sunrise to attack Valtor. We can even get some sleep on the ship if we need," Sky said. We all nod including, Bloom. We all sat down at the top of the stairs and started coming up with ideas. I couldn't bare when Riven left me, I can't even begin to think what'll do if he's gone because of me. The thought of me just leaving him at Melody to die makes me feel like a hole in my heart as formed. I didn't even realize how much he meant to me until now, I guess you value most when they're gone. I have to save him, even if it's the last thing I'll do.

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