The Return of an Old Friend

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He was a rose. Every time I came close to him, his thorns would hurt me.



Musa's Pov:

I know it's wrong to be kissing him but, my heart could never say no to him. I still don't fully trust him, my mind and heart are at war. How do I know he changed? How do I know the words coming out of his mouth are true? All these thoughts going through me as I keep kissing him. I really did miss him when he gone, but do I truly love him? He pins me against the wall and looks into my eyes, I know where this is going. I put my fingers on his lips.

"Riven, can we not do this tonight, I just want to lay down," I said. He was kind of surprised, he didn't see that coming.

"Of course, anything wrong?" He asked, I didn't answer. I slowly took my fingers off his lips and head to my bed, he follows. I got into my bed and pull the covers on me, Riven looks at me for a bit and then sits down on the floor. I laid there with no expression on my face, I just looked at him. After awhile, he grabs my hand that was hanging out of my bed.

"Musa, what's wrong," he asked again. I look at our hands, squeeze his and look back at him.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for us again, I'm not sure if I can learn to trust you again," I said. He was loss for words, it was quiet for a bit and then out of no where he lets go of my hand aggressively.

"WHY, MUSA WHY?" he started to scream and pushed everything off my desk. I was shocked.

"Riven stop," I said getting out from my bed and start walking towards him. Everything got out of hand out of no where. I thought this part of him was gone, I was wrong.

"MUSA EVERYTHING I DID WAS FOR YOU, WHY CAN'T YOU TRUST ME? IS IT BECAUSE I WASN'T ABLE TO BE THERE FOR YOU BEFORE," he looks right at me with so much anger, he makes his hands into fists. I stopped walking towards him and just froze.


"WHATEVER I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH YOU, WHY DID I EVEN COME BACK. I'LL LEAVE AGAIN AND THIS TIME I WON'T THINK OF EVER RETURNING HERE AGAIN" He looked at me, I was almost in tears. Riven walked out and slammed the door. I couldn't feel a single feeling in me, I drop down to my knees and start crying.

After 30 seconds or so I heard my phone make a sound, it's on the ground now since Riven pushed it there along with a lot of my stuff. I walk up to it was open my phone, it was a text from Tecna. Valtor is at Red Foundation, we're under attack, I'm speechless. I ran after Riven who was almost at his wind rider, I have to get to him before he's gone again.

"RIVEN," I screamed as he took off. He noticed and came back down, if I came down second later he would've been gone.

"What do you want?" I can tell he's mad, but there's no time to work out problem out right now.

"Valtor is at Red Foundation, we have to go now," I could barely speak, I was out of breath and in tears because of Riven and Tecna's text.

"How is what possible?" he asked, I wasn't going to waste time with his questions while my friends could be hurt.

"We're going to Red Fountain," I said and hopped on his wind rider.

"How do you know this," He asked, he had such a serious tone in his voice.

"Tecna texted me, can you try to go any quicker?" I asked as I'm grabbing on to his waist tighter.

"I'm going as fast as I can Musa," I didn't even care that I didn't have a helmet on, I just had to get to Red Fountain. We didn't even try to resolve what we had, which was awkward but we had a bigger problem at hand, our friends.


When we reached Red Fountain half of the school was already destroyed, a little section of the building was on fire, seeing the destruction drove shivers down my spine. I looked around for a few more seconds, why wasn't any fairy called to fight back? No one was transformed and no one tried to extinguish the flames. There was just a bunch of specialist trying to save people.

"Do you know where their rooms are?" I asked Riven, before I do anything I need to make sure the Winx are safe.

"It's where the fire is, follow me." We ran up stairs, I used my magic make a sonic bubble to protect Riven and I from the flames. When we got to the room there was so much smoke. The first person I saw was Aisha, I ran up to her.

"Valtor took everyone's powers," she couldn't stop coughing. I was so confused, if Valtor took everyone's powers, why did I still have mine?

"Musa make the bubble big enough to cover the room," Riven said. I expand my bubble as much as I can. I used so much of my powers that I almost fell, but Riven caught me. I got back on my feet right away and tried to see if the Winx are ok while Riven tried to wake up the specialist. I noticed everyone opened their eyes but Flora.

"Riven do you have water in this room?" I asked. I had no time to waste, I couldn't lose Flora.

"There's a sink over by the left." I held Flora and carried her to the sink. If the damage isn't that serious a little water should wake her up. I put her head over the sink and wet her forehead, she started opening her eyes. As she started opening her eyes, I noticed another person entering the bubble from the corner of my eye.

"Hello Musa," it was Valtor.

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