A Day With Him

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She brought back the feelings that I'd never thought I would feel again



Musa's Pov:

The Sloaria in beach was mesmerizing. The sand was the colour of pure gold and the water was shining bright blue, for a second, I felt happy to be there. Everyone puts everything they have down and sets up our towels in a circle, we've always done this every time we went to the beach as a group. Whenever we go take a trip to the beach Riven and I would invite the Winx and the specialists to the beach on Melody, since we would spend every summer together there. I haven't been to Melody since Riven left, I may have my dad there but it feels too lonely without him. 

"Brings back old memories, huh?" He said putting his towel down next to Sky's. 

"Damn, it's so hot today," he mumbled, he takes off his shirt right after. I couldn't help but look at his body, his skin always looked good in the sun. I stare at his abs, it was a whole six pack in front of me. I used to have very inch his body memorized, I would be lying if I said I still do. His abs kind of made me melt a little inside, I guess it was because it was my first time in a while seeing him shirtless. 

"Hey, what are you looking at?"  He said with a little smirk on his face. I had think of something say fast, I couldn't let him think I was staring at his body. 

"Keep dreaming Riven," I teased. I rolled my eyes at him and tried to turn around so I could walk away, just as I did he grabs my wrist and looks straight into my face. 

"Musa when I entered Alfea this morning to see you it looked like you were about to cry and your eyes are red and puffy, are you alright?" he said with a concerning tone in his voice. My eyes must have not settled down from this morning. The fact that he noticed and asked about it caught me off guard, could he still care for me? Why did I have to have a full on break down today out of any day, I has to quickly pull my myself together. 

"Couldn't be better," I  couldn't think of anything else to say. I forcefully pull my arm away from his hand and walked to Bloom.   

"What was that all about," she said. I had nothing to say, all I did was rest my head on her shoulder.

"Your eyes don't look bad at all and if you want Stella probably something in her bag to cover it up," Bloom has always been a good friend, whenever I needed her she would be there for me. It's rare to find someone like her.

"It'll be fine," I said giving her a little smile. 

"Here, put down your towel and come between Flora and I," she said, Blooms always finds a way to make everything alright. I agreed and placed my towel beside her and Flora. Everyone else does the same, we also had a few umbrella's to put up. Everyone eventually gets settled down and we all started to talk. 

"It's been awhile since we sat fall together, I remember how we all used to be so close," Brandon said while brushing out Heila's hair with his fingers. Heila takes his hand and puts it in his lap, we all giggle. 

"Time files when got a whole universe to save," Stella laughed as she laid down on Brandon's lap. 

"That's true, we had some great times together, remember when we got Sky to believe Bloom was going to be a striper before she came to Alfea." I said, everyone started laughing so hard.

"He even talked to me about," Bloom said barely breathing from all the laugher.

"Hey in my defence, I just starting talking to her when you girls told me that," Sky said trying to justify himself and make us all stop. It didn't work, we all kept laughing.

"Okay guys, lets stop talking about memories and make some," Nex said as he took off his shirt.

"Yea lets go into the water for a bit and play some volleyball," Aisha replied with as she grabbed her volleyball. She was already in her bathing suit, they both went into the water. 

"We're coming" Brandon says pulling Stella with him. 

"I'm going to stay there with Tecna, we might join later." Timmy said.

"Yea I'm coming in a little later," I say as I laid down. They all nod and go in, I thought Riven would go in too but instead he stayed sitting down on his towel. I pretend not to care and closed my eyes for a little, after about 20 minutes I get up to take off my shirt and shorts since I had my swim suit under them. As I was doing so, I noticed someone staring. 

"What do to you think you're doing." I said rising my eyebrow.

Riven's Pov:

I sat down for a little not knowing what to think, does she still love me? I mean if she really didn't she would've throw the necklace away, or maybe she just feels bad. My thoughts were interrupted when Musa got up, she took off her shirt and pants, her body was beautiful. I love her skin tone, I miss every inch of it.

"What do to you think you're doing." she said rising her eyebrow. Oh no I was caught, but I didn't  stop staring, I couldn't even if I wanted to.

"Keep dreaming Musa," I mimicked her from before. She gave me an annoyed look and tried to sit back down on her towel, just as she's about to, I pull her towards the water. 

"Riven what the hell are you doing," Musa said sounding a little mad. 

"Come on Muse, who knows when we're coming here again. The sun is shining, let's at least pretend to enjoy it," She doesn't try to argue with me anymore. I grab her hand and we go into the water to join them for a game of volleyball.

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