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The name 'Killian Flinn' haunted many in his home town. For most accused the boy of killing his mother. No one listened to poor Killian, even though he was pained with the fact that she had killed herself. He watched it happen.

That day was the day that defined his life for eternity. He spent three years in a mental ward before being released into the grey void of his life. His family, ashamed of him, set him out of their minds.

His sister, Natasha, was the last person to ever hear his words.
The day was discharged from the 'Samuel Valley Mental Institution', he made a pledge to never utter a single word ever again. For he managed to convince himself that he was the reason his mother was dead.

Desyree Judith Flinn was a frail Catholic woman who lived with her three children, Conrad Sawyer Flinn, Natasha Violette Flinn, Killian Ryse Flinn, and her husband Griffin Orion Flinn. She valued her family and her wealth.
On the outside, this was a perfect family, however, Desyree was suffering. She always took her anger out on her children.

Killian's sister slowly became their mother of the years. Lack of control was felt by Killian in most circumstances. He would build rage in his mind, only to put steel walls around his skull to keep it in.

One day, specifically the day that Desyree decided to end her life, was the same one that Killian broke down those walls.

His mother watched as his eyes turned a vibrant green and his small frame seemed to suddenly gain the power to fight back.

This day, Desyree had pushed Killian down the stairs for a seemingly illogical reason, causing him to bust his lip, and cut his nose, making his face swolen and bruised.

This, on a typical day, was trivial to Killian. However, that day, it became worse.

The 17 year old boy, sat alone in his room fuming for some time. He had decided enough was enough. He stormed into his mothers room to see her staring out the window. He felt the room spinning as he finally jumped past the shadows he was hiding under for so long. He screamed and yelled, but never laid a finger on the frail woman.

Crying, she told him, "'Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn'"

Those were the last words she ever said, beforr she jumped from the six story house.

The neighbors of the Flinn's, the Marston's, reported hearing Killian shout at his mother. His words were perceived as threats.

Once the police arrived at the scene of his mothers suicide, Killian was found as well. There he was, on the floor of his mother's room, clutching her suicide note in his shaking hand.

His breakdown had taken so much out of him, that the second it was over, he blacked out. It had taken him months afterwards to remember what truly happened. Every night, visions of her suicide were played in his head inside of the institution.

He was acquitted for his mother's death, but was deemed mentally unstable, therefore spent three years in the institution.

Only once did he have a visitor. It was Natasha. She gave him the blue bracelet. It was the only thing he received of his mother's after her death, well, other than the single Bible verse that corrupted his mind as it was the reason he became silent.

"Be silent with those who are silent", he preached to himself while staring at the white floor of the white room inside of the white building of the institution.


I sat on the floor for many hours that night, silently sobbing. Which, is the worst way to sob. Silently. But I had not muttered a word in three years. The last words I spoke, were to Natasha. I had called her the day of my release.

"Don't worry" I reassured her. She was afraid that our father nor brother would never talk to me again, "words are unnecessary".

Those were my last words. I couldn't even remember how my voice sounded, nor did I remember how to speak. I hadn't even talked to Natasha since then. It was like the whole world had forgotten about me. I was content with that.
I had become accustomed to my way of life. I enjoyed the way people ignored me. For I knew it was well deserved. My words spurred my mother off the edge that night. My angry words. I would never let myself get that angry again. Ever.

It took four hours to calm myself down enough for sleep again. I was mentally and physically exhausted from the night. I slept through my alarm the next morning.

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