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Rantaro's POV

I wake up in my room, as memories from yesterday come flooding back. The time limit was the first thing to came to mind, and I checked the time on my Monopad. It was still in the wee hours of the morning, but we had almost hit the 24 hour mark since the time limit began. We had the entirety of today and tomorrow, and then our lives would be no more. Luckily, I had a plan, to expose the mastermind. Afterwards, I'm sure I'd be able to somehow end this nightmare, through their death or some other option that I hadn't thought of yet. Though I had woken up at this time the past few days, I was more exhausted than usual. I was never what you'd call a morning person, but today, I felt more drawn to head back to bed. Then another memory of yesterday came flooding back. I remembered chatting with Y/N until over an hour after nighttime last night. I guess that would explain it.
I stood up from my comfortable mattress, accepting the reality that I was awake. I realized I had fallen asleep in my clothes last night, and I changed into something else. Well, it was the same outfit, just a different pair. I headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with my complementary toothbrush. I wondered if the others had received one as well, or if it was a part of my survivor's perk. I almost found myself laughing at the thought that surviving a killing game gave me the reward of a free toothbrush. I grabbed my Monopad and stuffed it into my pocket, leaving the Survivors Perk under a dresser. Sure, it wasn't the best hiding place, but I didn't expect anyone to break into my room anytime soon.
I decided to not wake up Y/N or anyone else just yet, since it was early. I walked over to the dining hall, hoping to catch breakfast before everyone else came in screaming at eachother.
I wasn't feeling too hungry, so I just grabbed some cereal and ate that. Afterwards, the morning announcement still hadn't played, and nobody else was here yet. I decided to take another look at the hidden door in the library, but I had to be careful not to brush off the dust from the card reader. As I headed down to the library, I didn't see anybody, surprisingly. Then again, after yesterday, the others might not have much motivation to get up and start their day after the additional motive was introduced yesterday.
As soon as I was in the library, I saw the skid marks on the carpet near one of the bookshelves. I immediately knew that was the one hiding the door. I opened it carefully, and just as I predicted, a large metal door was revealed. There wasn't much I could do, I just wanted to see it for myself. However, I did notice that the dust Y/N told me about wasn't on the card reader, but instead on the floor around it. I put the bookshelf back into place carefully and walked over to the other shelves, searching for a book to read to pass the time. Soon enough, the morning announcement went through the library, and I mimicked it, just like I did with the nighttime announcement.


I woke up, the morning announcement really was an alarm to some of us. Or to me, at least. I rub my eyes continuously as they adjust to the light. I'd never been completely full of energy, but this morning I was purely exhausted. It was probably on account that I had stayed up pretty late with 'Taro last night... that was fun. I dress myself and brush my teeth and hair, preparing for the day ahead. While I was rinsing my toothbrush, I remembered the time limit. Even though I had confidence in Shuichi's plan, I was so scared that these next two days would be my last. That's normal.. right?
After I finished that thought, I headed out to the dining hall for breakfast. I couldn't help but be excited for breakfast these days, since Kirumi's an amazing cook. On my way, I bumped into Tenko.
"Oh, g'morning Tenko, did you sleep well?" I gave her a bright smile.
"Oh, good morning Y/N! Ever since I met Himiko, I've really found a love for sleeping! It's so fun, right?!" Fun isn't how I'd describe sleeping, but to each their own. "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept well, but I'm still a bit tired.." I let out a yawn.
"Y/N! Did you stay up late last night? You need sleep to feel happy!" She put her fists up in confidence.
"I only stayed up a bit late with 'Taro last night.. it's okay." I reassured her. Then I realized 'oh crap, this is Tenko, and she—'
"W-w-with 'Taro'?! You mean Rantaro?! Like, Rantaro Amami! Y/N, he's a degenerate!" She shivered at his name.. aggressively.
"Tenko, don't worry! We just talked for a little while, that's all." I felt my face grow hot. Before she could put up another argument, we had stepped inside the dining hall. I scanned the room for Rantaro, but he was nowhere to be seen. I went into the kitchen, to grab food and check if he was there. Oddly, he wasn't there. He was always here before me, I wonder where he is today... maybe he slept in or something?
"Y/N, are you feeling okay? You seem to be concerned." Kiibo had snapped me out of my thoughts. I realized I was just staring into the kitchen without a word.
"Uh, yeah, sorry. Just got lost in thought, I guess." I grabbed the box of Despairios cereal from the cupboard. Just as I was about to grab a spoon, Ouma came into the room.
"Y/N!" He pointed at me with a goofy smile planted on his face. "Where's Amami-kun? He's always here before everyone else, and always with you, but he's nowhere to be seen... Y/N... did you.. kill him?! I knew it!" He exclaimed.
"Y/N killed Rantaro? Well, I'm sure he will be welcomed by Atua!" Angie looked at me with a creepy smile plastered on her face.
"Are you kidding me?! I would never kill anyone!" I walked over to Ouma and looked down at him, anger filling my face. "I'm sure you would though, you baby-bitch grape." I sneered. Tears began to prickle at the corners of his eyes.
"Y-Y/N? How c-could you be s-so.. so mean! I did n-nothing wrong!" He began an ugly, fake cry.
"Shut it pipsqueak, anyone could see through that." I rolled my eyes at him and went back to retrieving a spoon.
"Still.. isn't it weird Rantaro has not shown up yet." Angie pokes her cheek cluelessly. "Perhaps someone should go get him!" She cheered.
"Not it!" Kokichi touched his nose and crouched down.
"Not it!" Angie did the same.
"Not it!" I dropped the spoon into the bowl quickly and fell to the floor.
Kokichi giggled. "Y/N-chan!~ You have to go get him!"
"What? What about Kiibo?" I put my hands on my hips.
"Y/N, a robot like him needs to focus all his attention on acting normal. He doesn't have enough worth to go and get Amami-Kun!" He gave me a childish smile, though he had awful intentions.
"That's robophobic!" Kiibo pointed at Ouma, offended.
"..and just plain out rude." I added.
"Whatever, Kiiboy!" Kokichi looked towards me once more. "Now, Y/N-chan, go get Amami-kun, okayyy?" I sighed and slid my feet until I got outside. For some reason, I thought snow would make this place a bit more tranquil right now. I made my way to the dormitory and knocked on his door.
"Hey, 'Taro? It's Y/N!" I said as I knocked harder. "Open the door!!" No answer. "Hey, wake up, dummy!" I bellowed. No answer. "Hey, open up, 'Taro!" I started pounding. "Rantaro Amami, this is your father speaking, open the door right now or you're grounded!" I used my best deep voice. Still nothing - not even a groan or a movement. "..'Taro..? Seriously, open the door." Still nothing. What if.. Kokichi was right..? "Rantaro! Open the damn door! Move, say hi, anything! Please just let me know you're in there!" I began pounding and shouting.
"What.. are you doing, Y/N?" Maki appeared behind me. "I had to come back to the dorms to find you... screaming."
"Have you seen Rantaro?" I looked at her, not answering her question.
"Not yet? Seriously though, why are you screaming?" She pouted. "It's annoying."
"He hasn't been to the dining hall yet, Rantaro, I mean. And he's not answering his door." I explained.
"He probably went for a walk or something, don't get so worked up." She rolled her eyes. Right... that's it, he went for a walk.
"Yeah, probably. Thanks Maki!" I said and ran out of the dormitory.
If I was Rantaro Amami, where would I go? And at this early in the morning, none the less. My first thought was the bench where we met. I carefully walked towards the spot and didn't see him there. I then just sat down, feeling the comfort of our first conversation all over again. My next thought was the gym. I went over there, but he wasn't there either. The memory of him carrying me over there on his shoulders, and then having that embarrassing little run in with everyone else at the entrance hit me. I snickered a bit but it was clear he wasn't there, so I kept looking. Then I thought of the basement, mainly the AV room and library. I decided to check the AV room first. I quietly opened the door, but he wasn't there either. All I could think of when I entered there was when Ouma came barging in on my conversation with Kiibo about Rantaro, and he assumed that I had a crush on him. I didn't know why, but I couldn't just discard that incident as one of Kokichi's stupid lies. I guess I was trying to figure out if it was the truth. Still, that's ridiculous, right? I've only known him for a few days, and we don't know much about eachother other than our shared love for F/B. Not to mention, a killing game like this probably isn't the best setting to develop a crush in. After confirming he wasn't in the AV room, I headed to the library. I remembered last night when we talked about random things until less than an hour away from midnight. Since there were bookshelves everywhere, I couldn't just look inside and see whether or not he was there as I did with the other locations.
"Taro'..? Are you in here?" If he wasn't here I didn't know what I'd do. If I couldn't find him, who could? Or what if someone found him dead. None the less, there wasn't an answer. "Rantaro? Please, answer." I walked through the library with my teeth chattering a bit. I eventually got to the end of the library, and I looked to my right — nobody was there. However, when I looked to my left, I saw a head of kiwi-green hair on top of a book, heavy breathing coming from it.
Wow, he fell asleep while reading. Gee, and I thought I was tired.
I walk up to him and shake his shoulder.
"Hey, wake up!" I said. He shifted a bit, but he didn't really wake up. "Cmon, this isn't funny!" I shake him a bit harder, and this time I actually hear him grunting. It may not be much progress, but it's progress. "Hey! Wake up, sleepyhead." I shake him even harder, and he mumbles gibberish in response. "'Taro! Wake up!" I whine.
"..hey... ritsuki... five.. more minutes.. okay?" He called me Ritsuki again.
"I'm not your sister, it's me, Y/N." I mentally pout. "Now wake up, okay?"
"Y/N..." he opens his eyes and faces me... his morning voice was sorta raspy, but in a cute way. His messy hair made him look pretty cute too. "I meant what.. I said.." he drifts a bit back into sleep. "Cmon... five more minutes." I let out a mix between a sigh and a groan.
"Haha... are you really that tired?" I ask teasingly.
"I am, now c'mere. You're probably just as tired as I am, right? We can just take a nap.. it's okay..." With the last of his will to stay awake, he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me close to him, causing his baggy sweater to act as a blanket. He was right, I was pretty tired. "See? This is comfy.. right?" I nod back in response.
"Fine... but only five minutes, alright?"
Yeah... I definitely had a crush on this boy.

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