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Rantaro's POV

"Y/N! What the hell are you gonna do?!" Shortly after we spotted Y/N grabbing the kitchen knife, Kokichi and I made our way back to her dorm. We all talked for a bit longer when she got back, not mentioning what we saw. However, as soon as Ichi left, I shot my gaze at her, and started shaking her.
"What do you mean?!" She asked, inhaling sharply as I grabbed onto her shoulders.
"Don't play dumb, Kokichi saw through your lie earlier when you left!" I explained. "We saw you basically treat that kitchen knife as if it was a priceless object... Y/N... don't."
"You followed me?!" She asked, backing away a bit.
"Don't shift the blame, you called a weapon 'good enough'!" I felt my breath go shaky. "Look, I don't care what your circumstances are, you can't fucking kill someone! You can't... please. Put the knife back!" I began panting, not being able to look at her in the eye.
"W-what? I wasn't gonna go that! Just... the plan." She said.
"What about it?! You're just gonna kill me or something while we're executing it, right..?" I felt myself choke on my words.
"Of course not! I couldn't do that! It's just.. the mastermind.. if you're gonna kill them... I wanna help. I don't wanna just be there for moral support, okay?!" She put her hand over her mouth. "I... don't... I wouldn't ever, ever kill you, Rantaro. Don't say s-stupid things!" I felt something wet fall on me... I looked up at her, but she was just hurt, she wasn't crying... I was. "H-hey.. don't cry, it's okay.. just.." she covered her mouth, at a loss for words.
"I'm sorry... I just.. I'm paranoid, I guess. I care about you a lot, Y/N. You can't just leave me... ever, alright?" I chuckled, tears still falling on my striped shirt. "Whatever happens, you can't die on me. If you do, I'll kill you." I said.
"That's really bad logic, dummy." She chuckled, tears threatening to build.
"Shut up and enjoy the moment..." We sat in silence for a while, as the hiccups in our voices eventually stopped. "..why does this always happen..?" I thought aloud.
"..what?" She asked.
"We always end up crying in front of eachother. No matter how we act in front of everyone else.. I just.. get really emotional when I'm around you."
"Ah, uh.. not like that. Not tears of sadness. Just.. I open up to you quite a bit." For what seemed like the 100th time, a chuckle escaped my lips.
"Mhm... haha..."
"What're you laughing about?"
"Maybe everyone was right.. Ouma was right... you were right about him being right..."
"Right about what?"
"About the best salad, obviously." She said sarcastically.
"Yeah, okay, I get it." I look over to her. "But if they were right, would you hate me if I did this?" I held her shoulders tighter, and met her lips with mine. After a few seconds of shock overcoming her, she snickered and kissed back.
"Idiot.." she mumbled. I broke away and looked at her with a smile.
"Aww, is that my new nickname?" I teased.
"Yeah, pretty much." She said, hugging me tighter than usual.
"So does this mean we're.. yknow." I asked, hoping she knew what I was referring to.
"Yeah.. I'd like that." She rocked back and forth.
"Great. So.. do you wanna tell everyone or keep it a secret?"
"Well.. considering the situation, I think it's better to tell everyone once we're outta here. Then people won't freak out as much." She suggested.
"By people, you mean Kaede, right?" I teased.
"Oh, shut up dork." She slapped my back as she nuzzled her face into my shoulder.
"You're popping out nicknames real quick, aren't you, sunshine?" I said with a snicker.
"Sunshine? Now look who's making nicknames."
We sat in silence, small words coming from eachother every so often. Eventually, we heard a musical knock come from the door. Y/N broke the hug, put a finger to her lips as to tell me to be quiet, and looked in the direction of the door.
"Who is it?" She called out.
"It's your long lost childhood pet, Y/N-chan!" A voice said behind the door. Y/N let out a sigh.
"Kokichi, what do you want?" She asked.
"I'll tell you what I want what I really really want!" Y/N snickered and looked at me.
"So tell me what you want what what you really really want!" She yelled.
"I'll tell you what I really really want!"
"So tell me what you want what you really really want!"
"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I really really really want to ask you a question!" He sounded less sing songy at the end of his sentence.
"What question?" She asked.
"I wanna come in to ask you." I could almost see his pout behind the door.
"Ah, okay. Come in, then." Kokichi snickered from behind the door and waddled inside.
"Oh, Nii-chan is here." He gave me a look. "Nii-chan, can you leave? I need to ask Y/N-chan something." He demanded more than asked.
"Sure. Will it take long?.. actually, don't answer. Just, lemme know when I can come back in." I said, giving the two of them a quick wave as I walked out. Shortly after, Kokichi came out and told me I could come in again. I nodded and walked in. Shortly after, Kokichi spotted Saihara without Akamatsu for once, and began pestering him. "So, what'd he want?" I looked over at Y/N.
"It's kinda ironic actually." She chuckles a bit.
"How so?" I tilted my head.
"He wanted to know if I had a crush on you." She explained.
"Well, do you?" I teased.
"Hmm... I'm not sure. I mean, it's not like we literally just kissed or anything, right?" She teased, and then stretched out her arms, beckoning me over to her. I gave a small chuckle as I walked over, and sat next to her.
"Seriously though, what'd you tell him?" I asked.
"Why should I tell you?" She asked.
"Because then I know if we're gonna let him set us up or if we're gonna keep the secret." I put my index finger on my chin as I spoke.
"Fair enough. I debated with him until he said I was denying him because I liked you, and then I gave in." She explained with a smirk.
"Alright, so he thinks we both have feelings for eachother but that we aren't aware the other person does as well?"
"Yep." She confirmed.
"This should be fun, then." I chuckled as I stood up. "Cmon, let's go outside for a bit — don't want people to get suspicious." I suggested.
"Sounds good." With that, we walked out of her dorm. We soon heard Kokichi's screeching as he backed Saihara into a corner, with Kiibo hiding. Y/N put her hand high above her hand with the other one kept at her side. She gave them a wave as she called for them.
"Hey Kokichi! Wanna hang out?" She yelled. The motion she was making gave me nostalgia.. but not in the good kind of way, where you remember a nice memory... more so a traumatic memory. I didn't know what I was having hazy flashbacks to until my vision became warped. I looked back at Kokichi and Shuichi, but in place of Kokichi, there was a brown haired girl, smiling at Y/N. She struggled to keep the person in place of Shuichi from looking at Y/N. Shuichi seemed to be warped into... me, but less sleep deprived and with better posture. The person resembling myself seemed to be trying to look over the girl's shoulder, but she was pushing his face back. I gazed back to Y/N, holding my head. Though her hand was still high above her head, she gave off a creepier, less sincere vibe. She had faded pink hair, and her yellow-brown eyes seemed to be draining of colour by the second.
"Tsubaki~ What're you doing? He's not hurting anyone! God, you're annoying sometimes." She sneered, the same eery smile planted on her face. ...Tsubaki? As in.. Tsubaki Mienai?
"Haha, see? Even she agrees with me!" The boy I thought resembled me was soon faced towards 'Tsubaki' and slapped. Even his voice was like a more improved and energetic compared to myself. "Hey, what the hell?" He crossed his arms and looked at her with a pout. The girl with pink hair let out a hoarse laugh and then looked back at them.
"Sis? What's.. wrong with you?" Tsubaki asked.. her sister? That can only mean...
"What do you mean?" She snickered.
"You're acting too upbeat.. and you're too... you're just acting weird." Tsubaki abandoned the boy who resembled me and jogged over to her, and out a hand on her forehead, checking for a fever. I tried to move my feet, to do anything... but I couldn't. I was helpless as I watched.
"Seriously, there's nothing wrong!" The girl gave a painfully fake smile to the taller one.
"Taru... are you sure?" She asked.
"Of course! Hey, Rantaro, do you notice anything weird? You don't, right?" She joyfully turned towards my lookalike, calling him by my name. I guess he really was me.
"Actually.. you do seem weird. You okay?" The confident boy, who was supposedly me, walked up to her with doubt and worry.
"Seriously? You guys finally agree for once, and it's something like this?" She rolled her eyes in annoyance. All of a sudden, Tsubaki appeared in front of me, waving her hand in front of my face. I blinked, and it was Kokichi.
"Hey, Nii-chan! Earth to Nii-chan!" I snapped out of my thoughts, and saw Shuichi looking at me confused, while Y/N looked up at me, worry on her face.
"Ah, uh... hey." I muttered.
"Are you okay Rantaro? You just stared into space for a good minute or two." Shuichi showed compassion towards someone other than Kaede for once.
"Yeah, just got lost in thought, sorry." I lied.
"'Taro... you weren't lost in thought.." Y/N can apparently detect lies as well, I guess. "You were shaking.. and kept looking at us with this weird expression." She touched my forehead. "Are you sure you're okay?" I almost fell from the touch as memories of Tsubaki and H*taru came flooding back, hitting me like a brick.
"Nii-chan!" In the blink of an eye, Kokichi was holding onto my shoulders. "..what happened? Don't lie!"
"I..." I looked at Shuichi, hoping for reassurance as Kokichi looked at me with suspicious eyes, and Y/N stared at me in worry. He gave me a shrug, not having a solution. "Don't worry about me guys. I'm seriously fine."
"Are you fine, or 'fine'?" Y/N used air quotes when mentioning the second 'fine'.
"The first one. It's nothing, just got distracted, that's all." I spread my lies reluctantly, for their safety and my own. Kokichi crosses his arms and puffed his cheeks.
"Nii-chan! Stop lying... brothers tell eachother things!" He nagged.
"B-brothers?!" Shuichi asked. Y/N gave him a look, and swiftly turned her head to face me.
"Kokichi.. leave it alone. If he isn't gonna talk about it, he shouldn't have to." She gave in, but I could hear her voice crack a bit. She shook her head and looked at us, with her signature planted on her face. "Anyway, what were you doing Kokichi?" She changed the subject awfully quickly.
"I want Saihara-chan to hang out with me, but he's being mean!" Shuichi seemed to be almost shivering.
"H-he was h-harassing me..." he mumbled.
"I was not! You guys believe me, right?" He put his hands behind his head with a shining grin.
"Ichi, we caught you in the act." At my comment, he made a dramatic gasp.
"Shuichi was running from me though! I had to trap him!" He defended.
"I sincerely doubt that..." Y/N giggled a bit.
"But.. but that's what happened! Right, Saihara-chan?" He scoffed at us and turned to Shuichi, who gave a reluctant thumbs up. While Kokichi's head was turned, Y/N mouthed the words 'run'. I assume he was saying yes to Y/N... not Kokichi.
"See? See? Saihara-chan agrees with me!" As soon as his face turned back towards us, Shuichi cautiously made his escape, and then ran as fast as he could. Kokichi blabbered on for a little while, until he noticed he had vanished. "Why didn't you guys tell me?!" He pouted.
"Whoops, sorry Ichi. Didn't notice." I apologized.
"What he said." Y/N pointed towards me.
"Whatever.. I'm gonna go find him. Bye-bye!" With that, he dashed off in the wrong direction.
"That sure was.. something.." Y/N chuckled. "Does he like Shuichi or something?"
"What are you, five years old?" I teased.
"Five and three quarters, actually." She joked.
"Aren't you hilarious?" I snickered a bit. "Cmon', I wanna show you something."
We walked a bit until we went to the barrier trapping us.
"Why are we here?" She asked, feeling a bit uneasy.
"I figured no one would wanna come here, so we can be here together without any annoying interruptions." I said as I sat down in the damp grass, patting the spot next to me.
"Good call." She collapsed into the grass. "Now, remind me why you wanna be here with your girlfriend, hiding from everyone else?" She tilted her head with a giggle.
"Don't get the wrong idea, sunshine. I've just noticed something about you, specifically your hands." I explained, not implying much on purpose.
"My hands?" She put them up, her palms facing me. "What's wrong with them?" I grabbed her left one and forced it to rotate so her finger tips were towards me.
"This." I pointed to her nails.
"Don't tell me that just because they're short you hate them..." she pouted as she looked down at her hand.
"No, it's not that. They just have so much potential... I'm surprised you haven't painted them yourself yet." I explained, still lacking context. "You are an artist, afterall."
"Yeah, but I do drawings — I suck at painting. Painting nails is stupid anyway, only some people make it look good whatsoever." She explained, the same pout covering her face.
"Well, there's something I didn't tell you... I kinda sorta can paint nails pretty well." I chuckled.
"Seriously? That's cool.. it's because of your sisters, right?" She assumed.
"Yeah, actually. I just picked it up as a hobby after a while." I explained. "So, the reason I actually invited you here is because I wanna paint your nails."
"Sounds fun. You have supplies though, right?" She asks. "I dunno about you, but I don't think painting my nails with mud would exactly be relaxing." I snicker.
"Don't worry, I got the stuff." I show her the nail brush Kaede gave me along with some nail paint Angie found.
"You say that like we're exchanging drugs or something." I shrug with a nod as she giggles. "Well, how does this work?"
"Well.. with short nails like yours, I think a French slant would be best." I suggest.
"French slant..? What's that? Will it have baguettes and stuff?" She snickers.
"Nah, nothing like that. It's like a two tone diagonal thing... uh.. I'm not very good at explaining stuff." I nervously chuckle. "Just give me your hand, and I can show you."
"Okay." She puts her left hand up, and I put the brush into its' container. I steady her hand with my left hand as I begin to paint it.
"Try your best not to move, alright?" I tell her as I stroke the brush up and down. She holds in a giggle as her hand begins twitching a bit.
"I-it tickles!" She says in between snickers.
"I'm almost done, hang in there." A few seconds pass and I finish up. "How's that?"
"Woah... I didn't know you could paint nails this well! It's amazing! Thanks... uh..." she struggles to find words.
"Ah? Are you okay?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.
"Yeah.. I just wanna call you something other than 'Taro... I dunno what, though." She pouts.
"Well, I've got sunshine for you.. what do you think fits well?" I ask her, trying to help her come up with something.
"I dunno.. don't worry though, I'll think up something, babe!" She smiles wide, waiting for my reaction.
"Yeah, babe! Uh.. is it too cliche or something?" She twiddles her fingers against her knee in doubt.
"Hey!" I grab her wrists. "Don't ruin the paint... it probably isn't quite dry yet."
"Oh, right." She sheepishly says.
"And your nickname is perfect." I smile. "Call me that all the time, okay? At least when we're not around the others."
"I hereby promise to call my boyfriend, Rantaro Amami, 'babe' at all times when we are not accompanied by the presence of another." She jokes. I put her hands up closer to my face and inspect them.
"Damn.." I say aloud.
"..did I smudge them?" She asks.
"Nothing like that. They just aren't dry yet." I sigh.
"Yeah, we established that less than 30 seconds ago." She chuckles.
"I know, I guess I'm just pretty eager."
"E-eager? For what?"
"Don't think about it like that! I just.. wanna be able to hug you without worrying about them." She looks away, clearly blushing.
"..smooth." She mutters.
"Speaking of smooth, I think they're almost dry... one sec." I pull her hand up to my mouth and blow on her fingers. She flinches briefly. "Hey, don't move."
"It's not my fault! You didn't tell me you were gonna do that!" She argues.
"Sunshine, that's why you shouldn't look away. Besides, I don't want you to hide your face, you're the cutest tomato I've ever seen." I remind. I can hear her squealing through closed teeth. "Alright, they're dry." I smile as I put her hands down, pulling her into a hug. She stuffs her face into my shoulder. "See? We can hug without the big emotional fiasco." Normally I'd expect a snicker, but instead, she just nuzzles her face into me more.
"Hey... T-..babe... I know it's quick but.. I, uh.. I think I love you." She says the words so quickly I could barely understand her.
"I love you too, sunshine."


I struggled not to literally scream into his shoulder the entire time we sat there. That day was amazing, though one of our last. I gradually pulled my face away from his shoulder, then looked up at him with a grin. I didn't even know how to express myself, I was just so happy. I quickly pull myself up to his height, giving him a quick peck on the lips before looking back up at him, staring at his features while my hands were wrapped around his neck. He tilts his head.
"Whatcha' doing?" He asks.
"Just admiring." I bluntly say, trying not to break into laughter. Suddenly, we hear a voice come from my right.
"Hey, maybe they're over here!"
"Nyeh.. this is weird."
"That degenerate is always with her, they've gotta be somewhere!"
I basically shoot myself off Rantaro, banging my head into the dirty ground below.
"Shit..!" I hear Rantaro mumble before hurrying over to me. "You okay?" He asks in a quiet voice, probably hoping it would take the two voices - who were supposedly Tenko and Himiko - longer to find us.
"Mhm.." I point to the door as the handle is fiddled with, while Rantaro grabs my other hand to pull me up. I sit up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head. The door opens, and reveals Kokichi and Kaito.
"Aha! Momota-chan, I told you so! I knew they'd be here!" He runs over to Rantaro and basically hops into his lap.
"Oh, hey guys.. where are Himiko and Tenko?" I ask.
"That was his idea!" Kaito points at Kokichi's smiling face.
"What was his idea?" I question, having little context.
"I thought it'd be funny to see your reactions if someone else to come through the door!" Kokichi explains. I look to Kaito, and he nods to reassure me he wasn't lying.
"Fun.. so, what's up?" I ask, hoping for something other than the answer I got.
"Oh, we're.. uh..." Kaito leans in to whisper. "We're gonna fight Monokuma. You guys should help out." I put up my arms.
"These noodle arms can't do much, Momota." I warn, half-joking. I'd given a few people bloody noses before.. by accident, of course.
"Yeah, but we already have a bunch of fighters. You guys need to be there for preparation and moral support." Kaito explained.
"What about him?" Rantaro points to Kokichi. "Uh, no offense Ichi."
"None taken! I just don't wanna do it! It sounds boring!" He pouts and crosses his arms. Fair enough..
"So, when are we gonna do this?" Rantaro asks Kaito.
"Right before the time limit ends, so as soon as it's nighttime, we're gonna head down to the game room." He answers. I give Rantaro a look, as to remind him of our plan. He nods.
"Sounds good." I say, giving a thumbs up.
"I'm in." Rantaro says.
"Momota-chan, we have everyone on board now, right?" Kokichi crosses his arms, bombarding Kaito with yet another question. He mumbles to himself as he counts with his fingers.
"Yep, that's everyone!" He exclaims. "Well then, I'll leave you two to do whatever you were doing." I tilt my head, pretending to be completely oblivious. Before either of us can debate with him, he walks away. Kokichi looks at us, clearly suspicious. He gives both of us a strange look.
"Now, what were you guys doing out here, all alone..?" He drums his fingers together, mischief coating his expression.
"What we always do, Ichi. We talked." Rantaro lies. Well, it wasn't exactly a lie, we did talk.
"You guys only talked? Go on, spill your secrets." He nagged, seeing through the hole in the avocado's statement. Not knowing whether or not to lie, Rantaro kept his mouth shut.
"Kokichi, stop being stupid." I tell him.
"That's not a 'no', Y/N-chan! Come on, Nii-chan won't tell me so you gotta!" He was strangely excited. I looked back to Rantaro, who shrugged. "Hey, what's that shrug for?" He gave us a sceptical look. Right, he isn't incredibly oblivious. Before I could mutter an answer, Rantaro piped up.
"Hey, Ichi, can you keep a secret?" He asked. Kokichi nodded eagerly. "Hey, you okay with this?" He looks over to me, and I nod after slight hesitation. "Alright, well, Ichi..." he scoots behind me, and puts his head on top of mine. "We're both dating someone, guess who?" Of course he'd beat around the bush, per usual.
"Eachother!" Kokichi says with a smile, not even thinking twice about the words taht had poured out his mouth.
"Aww.. he got it right on the first try. Boring." I make a fake pout, looking up at Rantaro. "But yeah, your older brother is now my boyfriend!" I figured I might as well stay optimistic, since I'd have to get this moment over with at one point or another.


A/N: whoops I'm late again but heY at least there's stuff that happens also thx for 500 views ( ノ゚∀゚) y'all are great

3963 words
started: may 9th, 2019
published: may 11th, 2019

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