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"Well... where do we begin with something like this?" Kaede asked the group after we'd all gone behind our podiums.
"Actually, I'd like to ask one question before we begin. What is that photo's purpose?" Kirumi points towards the picture of Y/N, with a large pink 'x' over her face.
"Aw, well just because she's dead, doesn't mean she can't join the fun too, right?" Monokuma snickers. The word 'fun' remained locked in my mind.. right, we're here for his entertainment. Or at least, somebody's. "Now then, no more questions! Just get started with the class trial already!" He nagged. He truly did find this amusing.
"Well, where the hell do we even start?" Kaito asked us, trying to keep his confidence.
"What about the motive? I found it weird that the killer didn't take the opportunity to use the first blood perk." Ryoma stated.
"Yeah, but they probably just really wanted to participate in a class trial..." Kaito answered.
"Who cares? That doesn't matter. Knowing why they didn't escape in that moment won't help us reach the culprit." I remind, wanting to not deal with unneeded topics. "I think we should go over alibis, that way, we're all on the same page. Then, it should be easier to find out who and how Y/N was killed." I suggest.
"That sounds good. Let's see.. Ryoma and I were in our rooms the entire time... does that mean we have no alibi?" Kiibo seemed nervous, for a robot.
"Aw, don't worry! It's pretty amazing for a robot to remember that much in the first place!" Kokichi put his hands behind his head with a grin.
"D-don't reassure me with your robophobic comments!" Kiibo said.
"Alright, well, then there was me, creepy-ass Kiyo, Shitogane, and mom were in the dining hall!" Miu exclaims.
"Nyeh?" Himiko merely made a sound, but I could tell what she was trying to say... anyone could. She was overall an easy person to read.
"She means Korekiyo, Tsumugi, and Kirumi were in the dining hall with her." I reply. "Korekiyo said the same thing, so we're good."
"Okay? What about everyone else?" Angie still kept that odd smile of hers through all of this.
"Well, Maki said herself that Kaito, Gonta, Himiko, Tenko, Angie, her, Y/N, and myself were in the game room shortly before the murder occurred." I said, recalling her account.
"That's right... but Gonta left and went to the A/V room immediately. A little while after, you and Y/N left for reasons unknown..." Maki seemed to doubt me, but I guess that was expected.
"Reasons unknown?" Kiibo questioned.
"Oh yeah, why'd you guys leave?" Kaito looked at me.
"..we had a plan. Y/N had noticed the door behind that bookshelf and told me about it. We were gonna expose the mastermind, thinking that that door was for them." I explained, not bothering with lying.
"She told you about it?" Kaede seemed to have some sort of emotion running through her face.. I couldn't tell what it was, though. "We saw her opening it a day or so ago.. we told her not to tell anyone..."
"How'd she find out about it?" Maki questioned.
"Probably the same way they did.. she just came across it." I answered.
"I got your remodel right here!" Miu stared me down.
"What?" I replied.
"That sounds way too convenient! There's no way dipshit just came across it!" Miu yelled. Even after Y/N goddamn died, she still called her dipshit...
"What do you mean? It's pretty likely if you think about it." I tried not to get too frustrated with her nonsense.
"I'm saying that Y/N is the mastermind!" She yelled. The courtroom went quiet. I know that's not right.. I just need to prove it.
"..what." Is all I muttered.
"Y/N is the mastermind! When Kaegay and Pooichi found the door, they caught Y/N in the act of entering! It's so obvious, dumbass!" She yelled. Her statement made sense, but I knew it wasn't the truth. "Hell, she probably enters that door all the time!" There it is — the flaw.
"No, that's wrong!" I yelled. Tenko looked like she almost fell over at my brash voice. "Ah, uh.. sorry. Anyway, Miu, that just isn't possible. In fact, I'm pretty sure the mastermind in general isn't one of us, or doesn't go through that door."
"The mastermind... doesn't go through that door?" Kaede asked me.
"Kaede, you and Shuichi should know that better than anyone. Afterall, you guys put the dust on the card reader. When we looked at it during the investigation, it was still there. Which means the mastermind never opened that door." I explained.
"I-I see.. I made a mistake... how rare." She muttered to herself.
"Aw, it's not rare for you to make a mistake! Your entire existence is a mistake!" Kokichi chirped.
"Anyway..." I looked around the room. "Are there anymore alibis we need to go over?" I ask. Everyone else scanned the room, and all of a sudden, I heard a voice call.
"Nyeh.. Kokichi doesn't have one at all..." Himiko said.
"Oh, right. I already told Saihara-chan what I was doing! I was bashing Y/N's head in!" He smiled, but he was clearly joking around.
"Ichi, now's not the time to say stuff like that." I nag.
"Sorry, sorry. I mean, not really, but whatever. I was in my room, just like the midget and Kiiboy!" He exclaims.
"You're one to talk.." Himiko muttered.
"So are you.~" He snickers.
"H-hey!" Himiko was about to argue with him, but I cut her off.
"You guys are getting off topic again. Just.. now that we have alibis, let's discuss." I suggested.
"Well.. I do believe there was something missing from Miu's explanation of what I had said.." Korekiyo said. I tried to think of what it could be.
"It was.." I tried to remember what Miu hadn't mentioned. "Right, Tsumugi took a short bathroom break... do you think she could have committed the crime in the time she was gone, though?"
"Even though she was gone for a mere five minutes or so, I'm sure that would have been more than enough time to run down to the library and... participate in an unspeakable act." Kirumi stated.
"W-what? Plain old me couldn't have killed her! I just went to the bathroom, honestly!" Tsumugi defended. "Besides, wouldn't someone have seen me just walking around?"
"That makes sense. So we all agree Tsumugi couldn't have done it, then?" Kaede said. Everyone including myself nodded or mumbled 'yes'.. except one person.
"Atua has spoken!" Angie said. Did she have an objection..? What could it be? "Have you forgotten, dear Kaede? Tsumugi is the Ultimate Cosplayer! She dressed up as someone else! Atua told me!" She laughed with a wink. Her and Kaede talked back and forth for a while.
"Your reasoning is off-key!" She said. "Tsumugi gets cospox if she tries to dress up as real people!"
"Cos..pox? What's that?" Himiko questioned.
"She basically just gets a really bad rash.. it's.. spooky." She shivered a bit.
"Let's.. not go into anymore detail." Shuichi looked away.
"No way! I wanna hear about this!" Kokichi gave a wide smile.
"Kokichi, no." I shut him down quickly.
"Okay, well, what about you, Rantaro?" Maki asked me with little context.
"What?" My tone was laced with confusion, but there was a part of me that knew what she was gonna say.
"You were literally right there when Y/N was killed. What.. did you see.. or, do, rather?" She answered.
"Oh, I didn't kill her." I state.
"Then.. prove it." She began to get frustrated.
"Do you want emotional evidence or literal evidence?" I ask, trying to make light of the situation. I knew I'd eventually break down during the trial, so I might as well try to keep my calm demeanour while I can.
"Both, I guess." She replied.
"Okay, well, do you remember what the third picture that the camera facing the bookshelf was of?"
"It was of..." Kaede looked off to the side for a moment. "You and Y/N. Y/N was dead on the ground, while you were staring at her... what about it?"
"Well, if you look at the bloodstains on the bookshelf and those that were on my back, it's clear I wasn't looking at her when she died." I explained. "So, I couldn't have thrown it at her head."
"You could've thrown it backwards.." Himiko put her index finger to her chin. "That's how you could've killed her."
"Nah, I have more evidence.. this one's the emotional stuff though." I say. Kokichi gives me a look, and I nod.
"Wait, you have emotions?!" Miu snickered.
"Degenerates don't have emotions!" Tenko shouted.
"Please, stop talking." I warn. "Just because I could've killed her, that doesn't mean I would've. See, there's something about the two of us only Kokichi and I know... uh.." I let out a forced chuckle.
"What's so funny..?" Korekiyo sneers.
"Ichi, can you tell them for me?" I ask, not being able to form words.
"Yep, of course, Nii-chan!" He seemed oddly upbeat, but he had good intentions. "Y/N-chan and Amami-kun were in a relationship! So, you all blaming him for killing her is sadistic, good job!" The short boy seemed almost enthusiastic, but there was a sickly undertone. His words echoed through my ears as I did my best to not break down, but my hands started shaking the moment I tried to calm myself.
"Oh my god..." Kaede looked at me, with an expression I couldn't describe. "I'm so sorry.. I had no idea."
"Mhm... we didn't really tell anyone though." No matter what I thought, said, or did, I couldn't stop blaming myself for everything. I should've moved out of the way, or suggested we stick together, or just... something.
"Puhuhu.. what a twist!" Monokuma laughed.
"Just ignore him." Maki sneered.
"Well, no matter what, we still gotta keep going!" Kaede pounded her fist on her podium. "We need to find the culprit, that's what Y/N wanted, right?" She gives me that signature, bright smile of hers.
"Yeah.. you're right. So, where were we?" I ask the group. Kokichi seems to look up for a moment, then looks at me with a grin.
"Well, we were in the middle of talking to you about the crime, until some people started accusing you, Nii-chan!" He chirped.
"Oh yeah! You were there the whole time, so you gotta know what happened, right?" Miu shouted.
"Well, sorta? I'm pretty sure... Y/N took the hit for me." I said.
"..what?" Tenko asked. "Y-Y/N sacrificed her life just for you?!"
"I think so.. look at this picture." I held up the photo taken right before she died. The picture showed her looking in my direction, with wide, terrified eyes. "If she saw something that made her react like that, and in a short amount of time was dead next to me, I'd assume she ran towards me.. does that make sense?" Uncertainty and doubt in myself enveloped my mind, but I tried to push those thoughts away, so I could focus on the case.
"If she thought she could truly accomplish something by running towards him, fear in her pupils..." Korekiyo looked off to the side. "She could've only had one intention.." I felt my chest drop into my stomach. I noticed Kaede looking at me with worry in her face.
"You know what it is, right?" I said, looking at her, then to Y/N's podium. Kaede seemed point to random things on her sleeve as she played with it, mumbling things to herself. Almost as if she was using a special strategy to find the answer I was referring to. She seemed to shake off the feeling, and her eyes landed on Y/N's photo.
"Rantaro was gonna die.. but Y/N managed to save him." She muttered. The courtroom went silent once more.
"Wait.. does that mean it's a suicide?" Kokichi said to himself.
"Su..icide..?" I looked to Monokuma, who was eating popcorn, clearly invested in what was going on. He let out a large burp, then cackling laughter.
"Hmm... if that's what you think happened!" He tilted his head.
"No, stop playing stupid games. Does it count as a suicide or not if she accepted her death?" I asked, harshness lacing my voice. He put his robotic paw on his chin and thought to himself for a moment. "Well? Just answer, damnit!" I yelled.
"Nah, that's not dramatic enough! Cmon, everyone wants a better result than that!" Everyone..? I made a mental note to remember his wording.
"This thing isn't over then..? What a pain..." Himiko mumbled.
"Alright, well, we've established how Y/N got to the place the ball hit." Kirumi said. "We are certainly making progress, though it isn't swift."
"It's better to go slow though, then we don't miss out on anything important!" Tsumugi exclaimed.
"Guys, guys, guys!" Kaito said with urgency. "What if the ball isn't the murder weapon!?" Nobody talked for a moment.
"..excuse me?" Maki sneered.
"Momo-chan, now's not the time for you to act like a moron!" Kokichi teased.
"No, no. I'm serious." He gave us a blank stare. "There was another thing that could've killed her!" I tried to remember what we had seen.
"You mean.. the knife?" Ryoma asked.
"Yeah, he gets it! She could've been killed with the knife!" I remembered what was necessary to debunk his statement.
"No, that's wrong!" I yelled. Tenko almost fell over again.
"Control your emotions, degenerate!" She shouted.
"Whoops.. sorry. Anyway, Kaito, that doesn't sound right. The knife came from Y/N's handbag, and we've already established she came over to stop me from getting hurt, so, she wouldn't have committed suicide." I felt my stomach churn at my rebuttal, but I tried to ignore it.
"She didn't need to commit suicide! What if.. the culprit took the knife from her and then stabbed her! Remember? The knife was bloody!" That's wrong, the knife wasn't too bloody. It still doesn't completely contradict his statement, though. "The knife is the only possible murder weapon!"
"You've got that wrong!" Tenko was prepared this time, and only stuck her tongue out at me. "Don't you remember what it said in the Monokuma file about her wounds?" I ask.
"Yeah, it said the assumed cause of death was her hit to the head!" He defended.
"It did, but it also mentioned no other exterior wounds, except for a small cut on her wrist... huh?" As the words left my mouth, a memory from the third case of the 52nd killing game hit me, along with details of the case. "..what the hell...why now.." I mumbled.
"Huh? What the fuck's he muttering about?" Miu asked.
"Are.. you okay?" Kaede worried.
"Of course he's not okay you airheaded piano freak!" Kokichi snickered.
"Oh.. uh... it's not that. Sorry, just felt lightheaded for a sec there." I lie. Kokichi looks me up and down, then gives a small nod.
"So, it's settled then? Y/N's cause of death is confirmed to be blunt force trauma?" Tsumugi asked.
"Hold up, hold up! He said a cut on her wrist, and there was blood on the knife! Yup, I knew it!" Kaito gave the group a big thumbs up.
"..so? Something like that couldn't have killed her. The cut wasn't deep enough to be the chase of death." Maki sneered. "So, just shut your gaping maw." Kaito looked at the floor, then back at us with a confident grin.
"Yeah, I knew that! I just wanted to test out how you'd all react!" He chirped.
"Kaito, please be quiet for a moment, Atua is speaking to me." Angie warned. "Yes.. yes.. okay, Kaito! Atua says you need to shut up!" Kaito gasped, then looked away once more.
"Anyways.. besides for how deep the wound was, we all know how bloody the shot put ball was, right?" I confirmed. People nodded, as Kaito looked up again at me, beaming.
"What if the culprit smeared blood all over the sh-"
"No, shut up." Kokichi demanded. "Seriously, every word that comes out of your mouth is making you look like a bigger idiot than you already are. So, shut the fuck up."
"Hey, you shut up!" He yelled.
"Can both of you be quiet so we can move on already?" Ryoma asked, clearly not wanting an answer.
"Alright.. where were we again?" Kaede wondered. "Ah, right! Alibis!" She put her hands together.
"Jesus fucking christ, we're still talking about that?!" Miu complained.
"Hey now, calm down. It's better if we don't rush through anything. Our lives are on the line here." I try to help her relax, since I'm used to tolerating the more outgoing members of the group. She gives a slow nod, pouting. "So, what else is suspicious with the alibis?"
"Oh, what about Gonta's?" Angie asked.
"Gonta?!" Himiko thought aloud.
"Gonta?!" Tenko mimicked.
"Gonta?!" Gonta worried.
"Yes, Gonta!" Angie smiled.
"Are you kidding me? It can't be him, he's too pure to ever hurt someone!" Tsumugi crossed her arms.
"Yes, gentleman no hurt lady!" Gonta defended.
"But the original target wasn't Y/N.." Korekiyo mentioned.
"Guys, don't argue like this." I said. "Angie, how is Gonta's alibi off?"
"Nyahahaha! He went to the A/V room right away! Suspicious, is it not?" That's true..
"If he was in the A/V room, wouldn't he be unable to throw the shotput ball?" Kiibo countered.
"Hmm.. What seems suspicious about it?" I asked.
"Well, you remember the crack in the door, yuh huh? He could've thrown it through!" She explained. Something about that doesn't seem right.. I'm not sure what yet, though.
"You couldn't fit your arm in the gap though.. it was stuck too, so you couldn't open it more." Tsumugi defended. "I don't think Gonta of all people could fit his arm through there."
"Yeah, that seems too perfect.. the shot would be hard to aim." I added.
"No.. someone like Gonta coulda' opened the door, easy. Remember the manhole cover?" Himiko accused. The others continued to argue as my mind began to swirl with doubt, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. She wasn't wrong.. damnit, who's statement needs to be corrected?! Or, what if I can't find it, and they'll all die..? It'll all be my fault...
"No, that's wrong!" Kaede yelled. She caught me off guard.
"You too?!" Tenko shouted.
"Oh, um, sorry... uh.." she muttered.
"There's nothing wrong with Himiko's statement, is there?" I asked.
"I talked a long time ago.. nyeh.. are you okay?" Himiko worried.
"What? Me? Y-yeah, I'm fine." My words were barely audible.
"Nii-chan.." Kokichi muttered.
"Seriously, I'm fine. Stop worrying about me already... we gotta finish this, for Y/N's sake." I said, not being able to look anyone in the eyes.
"Please stop lying, Nii-chan. You know I know." He chuckled then waddled over to me, a reluctant smile planted on his face.
"Ich—.." I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders. "Come on, now."
"No, stop it. You're not gonna be able to help Y/N-chan if you're pretending not to care... so, please." I felt my heart drop into my stomach.
"Ichi, can we please have this weird therapy session thing later? We need to get this over with." I snapped. He seemed to be a bit taken aback, but he gave me a close eyed smile after a few moments had passed.
"Fine, fine. So, what were you saying, Kaede?" Kokichi sneered.
"It was.. with me. The receiver. I had it, not Shuichi! Sorry, I guess I forgot about that!" She chirped. I didn't bother listening, since I hadn't been already. Even if I tried to figure out what they were talking about now, it wouldn't matter, since I didn't find enough evidence. But as I looked around the courtroom, everyone seemed to be staring at Shuichi suspiciously or at Kaede with belief. It soon hit me that Kaede may have spun a lie to keep Shuichi away from suspicion. I gaze over at Kokichi, who clearly didn't believe her. Then again, why would she protect Shuichi if she didn't know the truth.. unless... there's something she knows that we don't. I realize this and immediately go to Kaede's defence rather than Kokichi's. People begin arguing.
"Kaede is innocent until proven guilty. If we can't disprove her statement, then it's as good as true!" I yell out in the commotion.
"Puhuhu.. looks like you kiddos are split down the middle.. well then, only one way to deal with this!" Monokuma cackled. I shivered at his demonic giggle. "The Ultimate Academy is proud to present its very own Morphenomenal Trial Grounds!"
"..Morphenomenal Trial Grounds..?" Maki sneered.
"The trial grounds are gonna morph?! I totally wanna see that!" Kokichi gave a wide smile to Monokuma, then his podium. He looked at me, excitement dominating his impatience.


A/N: guess who hasn't posted for like two months, and now has a shitty chapter out? ya, it's me. anyway, I'm probably gonna stop using that schedule for a bit. it's kinda bothering me a bit.. but, now that I'm on summer vacation, I'm less stressed because of school work!! now I'm just stressed and anxious and kinda terrified over literally nothing lololol.
oOps this is getting long.

oh, right. I started making this chapter in like,, May; and now, in July, am finishing it. sorry if it's all over the place ✌️🤠

3639 words
started: may 28th, 2019
published: july 22nd, 2019

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