Spill That Spring Break Tea (1)

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Heeeyy so this is gonna be a two part thing! Hope you enjoy~~



An American Airlines plane finally landed in South Park, Colorado after a dragging flight from San Francisco in California. It was pretty early in the morning, but a squabble-y red haired woman pushed through crowds of people at the airport, with an uninterested teen following not too far behind, both of them looking for Kyle.

"Ike!" Sheila yelled over the noise of the people, "Keep up will you? You might get lost." Ike just rolled his eyes. He's gotten a bit of an attitude these couple years, but heck he's always had a bit of an attitude.

Eventually, after some frantic texting on Sheila's behalf, she finally found her other son, who was standing by the carousel and just got his luggage back. The three of them exchanged their hellos and their hugs, and made it back to the parking lot to drive back home, with Kyle falling asleep instantly. He had to wake up pretty early after all.

"So how's your father, bubbeh?" Sheila asked Kyle from the kitchen, who was currently trying to fight the claim of sleep on the couch, his eyelids struggling to stay up. "He's fine," Kyle mumbled back. Gerald has been living in Los Angeles in California for a few months, because of his work. Kyle decided to tag along with his father, since he would be going to Berkeley anyway. It was now spring break, so Kyle decided to come home for the week, and unfortunately Gerald had to stay behind. Kyle could hear his mother's voice, which was probably asking him another question, but he was too far gone to care about listening and responding, falling asleep on the comfy couch.

Around 10 in the morning, Sheila left to head to the grocery store to buy certain ingredients required for lunch, while Ike retreated to his bedroom. Kyle was left in the living room, however his solitude didn't last long as he heard a knock at the door. Upon answering it, he saw that it was Kenny, with Cartman idling behind.

"Hey Kyle! Weeeeelcome back to South Paaaark!" Kenny joyously exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. Kyle gladly accepted the embrace, then held Kenny at arm's length. "Hey Kenny, sorry I didn't come over when I got here, I'm tired as fuck." Kenny shrugged, a smile still on his face. "That's okay, we'll just crash here instead!"

Kenny and Cartman walked passed the redhead into the house. "'Sup jew," Cartman said as he plopped himself on the couch and grabbed for the TV remote. Kyle just angrily huffed. "It's great to see you too, fatass." Kyle and Cartman still bicker a lot, but both of them grown too tired to give a shit about fighting each other anymore.

Soon they were all seated at the couch, catching up with each other to make up for the past few months of Kyle being away. Out of the group of friends, Kyle was the only one in college at the moment, with everyone else taking a year break, mostly to work, before starting for themselves.

"So," Kenny said, changing the subject of their previous conversation about all the PC babies growing up to be super annoying, "Where's Stan?" Kyle shrugged. He hadn't heard from him since he was getting on the plane to come home. "Oh, I dunno. I thought you would?"

All of a sudden, as if on cue, the front door busted open and there stood a breathless Stan. Kyle was sure he locked the door, maybe he forgot. Nonetheless, he stood up to move in front of his best friend. "Dude!" Stan panted, tightly wrapping his arms around Kyle in a hug. His voice had a sense of panic in it. "Sorry I couldn't get here sooner. I woke up and saw that my phone was dead so I charged it and saw a text from Kenny saying that you were here so I ran as fast as I—" He was cut of by Kyle laughing, who hugged Stan back. "I missed you too, dude."

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