Episode 7

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~~Y/N's POV~~

Today doesn't seem right. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary but instead I have this feeling that someone is watching me and whenever I look there's nothing there but I still couldn't shake the feeling off. I asked Zane and he said he also had that feeling. We both decided to search the island but as we left the school we saw someone in a black Robe started to walk towards the lighthouse, we nodded and quickly ran after them and once we made it to the lighthouse the area around us turned heavy and the sun started to get blocked out my dark clouds leaving the whole area nearly surrounded in darkness.

Y/N: Zane! where are you!?

???: heh, Zane won't be able to help you and with me as your opponent you won't get out of this that easily.

Y/N: Who are you?!

???: who I am is not important but why I'm here shouldn't be hard to figure out. I want a duel and I'll crush you!

As the hooded figure said that they activated their duel disk and the arena around us glowed a faint green.

???: and as long as both of us are here neither one of use can leave until one of us is defeated.

Y/N: great... so I have no choice but to duel you.

I activated my duel disk and duel gazer.

Both: Duel!

(Y/N's LP: 8000)

(???'s LP: 8000)

???: I'll go first. I draw! I summon Shiranui Squire and when she is summoned I get to summon a Shiranui Spectralsword from my deck, so come forth Shiranui Spectralsword Shade. Now I'll tune my level 4 Shiranui Squire with my level 3 Shiranui Spectralsword Shade to synchro summon level 7 Shiranui Squiresaga! next I'll set two cards and end my turn.

Y/N: My turn! I draw! I discard Magician's Robe to special summon Apprentice Illusion Magician and now I get to add Dark Magician to my hand. So you use Synchro monsters? Then I guess I'll bring out my own synchro monster, I summon Night's End Sorcerer. Now I tune my level 6 Apprentice Illusion Magician with my level 2 Night's End Sorcerer to synchro summon level 8 Enlightenment Paladin! Now Enlightenment Paladin attack Shiranui Squiresaga!

(???'s LP: 8000 --> 7600)

Y/N: and Enlightenment Paladin's effect activates! when he destroys your monster he inflicts damage to you equal to it's attack!

(???'s LP: 7600 --> 5500)

Y/N: I set two cards and end.

???: My turn, I draw! now I activate one of my facedowns, Haunted Shrine! Welcome back my Shiranui Squiresaga. Next I activate my other facedown card, Call of the Haunted to bring back my Shiranui Spectralsword Shade! Next I'll tune my Level 7 Shiranui Squiresaga with my level 3 Shiranui Spectralsword Shade to synchro summon level 10 Shiranui Sunsaga! Now attack!

Y/N: I don't think so! I activate my facedown card Waboku! My monster is saved and I don't take any damage!

???: ugh! your prolonging the inevitable! I set one card and end!

Y/N: My turn! I activate my facedown card Magicians Navigation to bring out my Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl! Next I play thousand knives to destroy your Sunsaga!

???: Great... now I'm defenseless, or not! I activate my trap! Necro Fusion! By banishing my Shiranui Squire and Shiranui Spectralsword Shade facedown to fusion summon my level 8 Dragonecro  Nethersoul Dragon! 

Y/N: great... wait, that's a dragon type! I activate Polymerization to fuse Buster Blader and Dark Magician to fusion summon level 8 Dark Paladin! and he gains 500 attack for each dragon monster in our field and graveyards and Dark Magician Girl gains 300 attack for each Dark Magician in our Graveyards!

(Dark Paladin ATK: 2900 --> 3400) 

???: So all I did was for nothing?....

Y/N: it appears so. Go Dark Paladin attack her dragon!

(???'s LP: 5500 --> 5100) 

Y/N: Now Dark Magician Girl! Attack with Dark Burning Attack!

(???'s LP: 5100 --> 2800)

Y/N: Now Enlightenment Paladin attack!

(???'s LP: 2800 --> 300)

Y/N: Your move

???: I dra--!

suddenly the robbed figure was enveloped in a bright red smoke and started screaming in pain.

Y/N: what the!? what is going on!?!

???: Y/N! I-I can't hold it back for long! end this! I end my turn!

Y/N: what? alright... I draw! Go Dark Paladin attack!

(???'s LP: 300 --> 0000)

The robbed figure screamed out in pain even more and all the clouds dispersed letting the sun come out and instead of disappearing like the others their cloak disappeared revealing to be a girl with indigo hair.

Y/N: This day gets more confusing by the second.

Alexis: Y/N!

I turned around to see Alexis and Zane running over to me.

Alexis: Zane said you suddenly disappeared! what happened.

I looked back at the unconscious girl on the ground.

Y/N: honestly, you wouldn't believe it if I told you...

Zane: whoever she is we should get her to the infirmary. 

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