first date

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Toni's POV

Cheryl had finished cheerleading practice and I'm standing in the locker room wait for her because I have a question to ask.

I'm on my phone when I hear a door open and close, I look up to see a stunning looking cheryl walking towards her locker. "Oh hello toni what a pleasant surprise" she smiles at me " hello cheryl so I'm just gonna get straight to the point will you go on a date with me its ok if you say no because I know we have only kissed a few times but I would like to take you out for a night" she opened her locker while talking to me "okay cha-cha come by my place at 7 and pick me up?" A smirk spreads across my face " alright cherry see you then" I walk out and fo home to get ready seeing as it is already 5:30.

I get home at 5:45 and go inside my trailer to take a shower. After my show I go to my closet and take out a pair of black jeans a gray crop top and my serpent jacket. I walked into the living room and put on my black boots. Then I walked into my room and brushed my hair and put a bandana on my hair and whent to check the time 6:48 "shit" I grab my keys and rush outside to my motorbike.

I pull up to Cheryl's house and I knock on the big doors. Ther door opened and I was not greeted with cheryl instead it was her 'hideous mother' as cheryl likes to call her. "Erm I'm here to collect cheryl" she looks me up and down and just slams the door in my face "what the actual fuck this bitch" I mutter under my breath.

I stood there for a moment but when I heard a scream a slam of a door being closed and someone banging on that supposed door to try and get out I rushed round the back of her house and looked for Cheryl's window. Sure enough it was the one painted red. I saw vines so I started to climb up them to get to Cheryl's window.

When I got to her window I looked inside and I saw a crying chery on her bedroom floor against the door. I lightly tapped on the window just loud enough to get her attention. When she say me she jumped up and ran to the window. She opened it and helped me inside.

I immediately hugged her to try and calm her down because she was still sobbing. She sobbed quietly into the crook of my neck. She pulled away from the hug "toni I'm so happy you came here, my hideous mother dragged me to my room and locked me in here and she said she would leave me in here until I stopped be a deviant little child." I looked at her shocked." Cheryl she cant do that to you and if you where wondering we are still going on this date" she looked confused "but the door its locked how would I get o- wait no way am I about to risk my life trying to climb down some vines to get out my room. You get to come on my motorbike. "Ok you have a deal just let me fix my make up and I'll be there in a second"

Cheryl's POV

I finished my makeup and walked to the window to watch a spiderman like toni make her way down the wall. I climed out my window and started to do the same , I got about 2 ft away from my window when my foot slipped and I fell. I screamed as I though i would quite possibly break a bone but instead of the hard ground i fell into Toni's arms with a thud causing her to fall over.

Toni's POV

I'm watching cheryl climb down her wall when she all of a sudden slips and I dont the only thing I can and catch her however it heavier than I expected so I fell to the ground when she landed in my arms.

I made sure to take the impact of the Fall so cheryl would be ok and uninjured however I on the other hand wacked my back on the floor upon landing so that hurt but as long as cheryl was ok that's all that matters. I carefully moved cheryl off me and stood up cheryl following my actions after me. I was limping a little and I wasnt sure why, but cheryl noticed and came and wrapped her arm around my waist to support me as we walked to my bike.

I gave her my helmet and got on the bike cheryl doing the same. "Where do you want to go?" I said over the roar of my engine, she wrapped her arms around my waist "just go to pops for today that will be fine" I nod and we go on our way to pops.

When we arrive we go to the corner booth and sit down, me near the window and cheryl next to me. Pop comes over and gives us our regulars a burger and fries for both of us a chocolate milkshake for me and a strawberry one with 2 cherries for cheryl.

We where talking for hours and I got to know cheryl even more than I thought was humanly possible. She looked over at the clock and said "toni we should probably go soon" ok I say resting my hand on her thigh, I was expecting her to pull away but instead her breath hitched. I gave pop the money and we left the shop.

I grabbed hold of cheryl's wrist and dragged her round the back of the shop.

I slammed her against the wall and kissed her, she clearly melted into the kiss and was enjoying it To. She moved her hands from my face down my body and stopped when then reached my ass and she squessed hard making me moan. We continued like this for about 10 minutes when I pulled away and I look her home.

When we get to her house I tell her "cheryl if you ever need help or just need to talk call or text me and I'll be here quicker than a heart beat ok?" She kissed me "okay, ceya toni " she said before walking into her house. I started my engine and drove back to my trailer.

A/n if your still here thank you for reading and I take suggestion so feel free to tell me some.❤

choni one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora