Yo Bitches

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A/N I'm back and I'm updating again it may not be fast update but still updates :) I take requests BTW. Fluff in this one

Cheryl's pov.

I watch toni as she smiles peacefully in her sleep, she looks so adorable it's unbelievable. As I'm looking at her I notice her eyes start to flutter open, "morning baby" she say to me while stretching "happy birthday" I say with a smile on my face. She laughs "oh yeah, I'm not sure how but I completely forgot." I lean over and give her a gentle kiss on her soft plump lips.

I pull away and get out of the bed "where are you going?" she ask "to make you breakfast so don't follow me" I state while pulling my silk robe on.

I walk down the stairs and start making the food, I make heart shaped pancakes with bacon and eggs and I put in on 2 plates and take it upstairs to my baby. I walk back into the room and place a plate on tonis lap as she is now sitting up on her phone. She looks up at me and smiles "thank you babe" I plop down next to her on the bed and we both tuck into our food.

A little while later after we had finished out food, toni got a call from Veronica singing happy birthday to her, and asking if she could come round which toni said that she could. And well because it's Veronica she invited Betty who invited jughead who invited archie who invited Kevin, who invited fangs who invite sweatpea. So now we are all sitting in the living room laughing and joking around.

"Time for gifts" I speak loudly so everyone can hear me. They all stop talking and pull out a present for toni. Veronica gives the first gift. Toni tears open the paper and is met with a besties necklace. And she laughs with joy " thanks Veronica I love it". Then it was sweatpea, then Kevin, then jughead, the archie, then Betty, then fangs, which now left me.

I handed toni a box with a red bow around it. She opens it and gasps. Inside is half a heart necklace with my face on it and another half with hers, with two rings one with cherries and one with a snake, and finally a rose. She turns to me and kisses my lips in a loving kiss.

She pulls away with happy tears, "I love them so much Cheryl." She picks up the one with my face and puts it around her neck and places the cherry ring on her finger, then puts the other half on the necklace with her face around my neck and places the other ring on my finger. She picks up the rose and smells it before placing it down on the coffee table.

A little while later when everyone is talking I sneak on into the kitchen and get tonis birthday cake ready. I place 18 candles in it and light them all, before I pick it up and start walking into the living room.

I start singing happy birthday and everyone else joins including toni who is singing "happy birthday dear meeee, happy birthday to me!" I whisper "make a wish" before she blows out the candles and everyone cheers. "whoooooo ckae time!" toni shouts fist pumping the air, I laugh and walking into the kitchens everyone following after me.

After we ate the cake people started to leave until it was just me and toni again. We sat in the living room wrapped in a blanket watching a movie. I hoped toni had a great birthday I tired my best to make it the best for her. After the movie finished it was quite late, and toni was asleep on my so I turned the TV on with the remote and gently picked toni up. Halfway up the stairs she woke up and smiled at me, she wrapped her arms around my neck as me continued the journey to our room.

I place toni down on the bed but she didnt let got making me fall back on her "your my human teddy bear so I want to cuddle you" she state with her eyes closed so I crawled on top of her properly and pulled the covers over us, then snuggles into toni.

"thankyou for today" toni said her voice raspy from sleep " it's what I wanted to do you are my girlfriend after all" I giver her a quick peck on the lips then snuggle my face into the crook of her neck while she strokes up and down my back and we both fall into a deep sleep.

A/N I actually had so much fun writing this. Aww my choni heart. Probably my favourite thing I written so far. Love you all thanks for reading

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