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Toni's POV

Me and cheryl have been dating for almost 1 year now and no matter how much I try I cant get her to like my brother jughead. I've tried everything but they just hate each other. So when I heard that cheryl and jughead had made a bet and where going to fight for it i wasnt all that surprised, however I was more that surprised what the bet was about.

They bet me!

The deal was jf jughead won cheryl had to leave me and never speak to me or him ever again and if cheryl won he would accept that cheryl was my girlfriend. It was a good deal on cheryl behalf but I was furious that cheryl would agree to bet me. I grabbed my keys and drove to Cheryl's not caring about speed limits.

I ran to cheryl's front door and pounded on it "CHERYL OPEN THE DOOR!" I shout through the one opens it "CHERYL I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD OPEN THIS DAM DOOR NOW!" I stop wacking the door and sit down on a rock and cry at the realisation that I might lose the best thing that has happened to me.

The door slightly opens "toni?" I hear a familiar voice say I look up and see cheryl, I jump up and hug her sobbing  onto her shoulder " I-I cant lose y-you, I can't, I-I love y-you to much" I manage to get out inbetween sobs. She pulls away looking at me "you found out about the fight didn't you" I nid slightly "toni trust me when I say this I', Jason taught me how to fight and I became better that him, your not going to lose me" my crying has stopped now and I look down in sadness " but what if you do lose" I say tilting my head to look her in the eyes "there's no point worrying about something that wont happen trust me toni please" I give her another hug "okay I'm trusting you on this, when is the fight?" I question "tomorrow 5:00 at sweet water river after school" I give her her a peck on the lips " I'll see you there cherry I love you" she kisses me softly "I love you to" I close the door behind me as I leave, nervous for the outcome of tomorrow.

I wake up to my alarm beeping 'God I hate that alarm' I roll over to go back sleep and skip the day but then I remember "Cheryl's fight" I say out loud to myself, I rush to my bathroom and quickly get ready for the school day so I can spend as much time with cheryl as I can just in case the worst happenes and she loses the fight and I lose her.

I pull up to the school and I see cheryl walking into the school so i follow her. I see her at her locker so I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss the side of her neck "hello beautiful" I say to her, she turns around in my arms "your not to bad yourself she says giving me a lingering peck on the lips. I pull away " I really do hope you win this fight tonight blossom, I want you to fight like you have never fought before, okay?" She smiles "okay" she say before giving me one last peck on the lips and heading to first period.

The whole day I'm nervous but when the time comes for the fight I'm so stressed I feel like I might pass out luckily sweetpea was there comforting me or else I'm pretty sure I would die. When cheryl arrives she is wearing red Jean's black boots a red  top and her red hair is up in a ponytail. People gasp in shock probably becasue they thought she wouldn't turn up. She stands in front of jughead " sorry I'm late hobo I just wanted to look good when I beat your ass" she says I smirk having a slight bit of hope. There is a count down and the fight begins.

Jughead throws a fist straight a cherys face and I go to move to fo after jughead but sweetpea holds me back. I watch as cheryl grabs her face in pain and she stumbles back, but I was shocked at how quickly she recoved becasue she was now throwing a punch right back at him in the gut making him bend forward so cheryl knees him in the face and people hiss as they imagine the pain that would casue she then proceeds the kick him in the gut a few times before saying " well then hobo wasnt as strong as you all though he would be is he so you can all go now show is over."

I run over to cheryl and hug her " omg cheryl you are the best girlfriend anyone could ask for and I love you so so so much" I kiss her "told you I would win" she says with a smirk "oh dont start that I told you so game again for the love of god" she laughs "ok I wont go there" I turn to a groaning jughead on the floor and saying "asshole" before I kick him in his junk "he wont be having fun for a while"i say smirking taking Cheryl's hand as we walk away.

Thankyou for reading this far I just reached 162 views on these one shots put together so I'm very grateful for that thnkyou for your reads ❤❤

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