the chase

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Zipper watched in horror as the group of canines charged after Spencer and himself. But unfortunately the wolves weren’t look straight at them. Spencer turned his head to see a group of deer snorting and lifting their heads to he noise of walking. “That’s our way through come on.” Spencer yelled as he clenched onto a buck. Zipper followed and climbed as well. Then the male deer started to move he and the rest of his herd was being chased by the pack of wolves. “Hold on zipper!” Spencer shouted as the two held on to the deer.


The wolves were getting close to the deer they were on so zipper tried to see a way off. But then it was too late a wolf pounced on the deer making it fall down to the ground. Spencer and Zipper both fell on their backs as they watched the poor deer get slaughtered by the rest of the wolves. “Alright let’s head back.” One of the wolves commanded. “This could feed us for years!” Another wolf said. Zipper just stared at the them dragging the dead deer away and watched it’s spirit escape into the heaven of deerla. “Come on let’s keep going.” Spencer nudged him. Zipper nodded and followed Spencer into the bushes.


On the other side of the bushes there was a clearing with a sunlight spot lighting up little bits of darkness in the area. Zipper sighed in relief as he saw a bush with red berries. The strange berries had a hole that held a little seed. Zipper grabbed one from the bush but suddenly Spencer smacked it out of his hand quickly.” Hey I’m hungry here!” Zipper said. “Sorry but you must not eat those their poisonous yew berries.” Spencer responded. “Oh my bad.” Zipper said. One of the bushes began to rustle that made Spencer draw back behind this.

Out appeared the snout of another opossum.”Zipper??” The small mouth said soon after a whole head with small reading glasses appeared it was Weed.


“Weed what are you doing here?” Zipper asked him. “I saw you two on that deer and so I decided to follow you guys since I lost galora.” Weed responded. “Wait you work for galora how does she even allow you!” Spencer hissed. “I kinda like her since someone at least accepts me being a bookworm.” Weed said frowning. Spencer face palmed the said to weed “we don’t need you come let’s go zipper.” “No please don't leave me here please.” Weed sobbed. “Come on Spencer let’s just bring him.” Zipper rolled his eyes and saw Weed smile brightly. “Fine whatever.” Spencer went ahead with the other two opossums behind him.


Sunset was coming soon as the opossum trio walked through trees and branches. An abandoned badger den in the tree was their camping site for dusk. “So where are you guy’s going isn’t the kingdom the other way.” Weed laid beside zipper. “We are going to find a secret artifact in vine kingdom.” Zipper said. “Vine kingdom eh never heard that in awhile.” Weed took his glasses and sat them down laying close to zipper. “I just hope we would…” Soon Weed fell asleep while talking. Zipper looked at the entrance to see Spencer looking up in the night sky murmuring something. Zipper couldn’t help to think about weed too he wondered why he had gotten this far. All these questions may be answered after zipper finishes his sleep.

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now