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After the gang had escaped their cell Spencer looked at lily and spoke.” Thank you lily we may need your help again soon.” “I’m listening.” She purred. Spencer went up to her and muttered something in her ear. Zipper was swirling with questions on what it was. After they were done lily nodded and pointed to the left so see a wooden door which lead to the artifact.


Zipper and his squad snuck inside behind a thick pillar in the throneroom to see chief Blackberry snoozing in his seat with bonfire watching carefully beside him. Lily walked in the room with a bag. “Oh what is it now you runt.” Bonfire groaned. “For your information you’re not my brother so you have no right to call me that you vicious viper.” Lily snapped. Soon lily signaled her tail to go sneak behind her. Lily pulled out a compass and kicked it over to Bonfire who observed it puzzled. Then the gang snuck pass them and into a room called the stronghold.


“Now I’m going to give you idiots a warning do not touch anything and let me get the artifact.” Spencer demanded then walked off to get the jewel. Zipper looked around to see opossum statues these might be the strongholds that keep the kingdom balanced. Both were female and they had a sun and a moon tattooed on their head. Zipper and weed were fascinated by the designs. Then a sudden thump happened Zipper turned his head to see weed knocked down one.


“Weed!” Zipper ejaculated. “Sorry.” He murmured. Spencer had already grabbed the artifact but suddenly a group of opossums had blocked the door. “Who goes there!” The one in front exclaimed. “You morons it’s me Spencer.” Spencer rolled his eyes. “Ay why isn’t it the criminal itself with a little game too.” Another opossum chuckled. “Hush up wolfberry.” A smaller opossum nudged his side. “But it’s true yew why would he be stealing the only artifact we have stolen from the city.” Wolfberry said trying to move his curl on his head from his eye.


Zipper gasped and looked at the artifact again it was a wedding ring. It looks like the opossums he seen had stolen from it. “Hello there.” Zipper finally spoke. “Hello there I’m ivy.” A female opossum appeared from behind the leader looking opossum. “I am the leader of this group raspberry.” The female leader bowed. “As you may know I am wolfberry the most charming opossum in the world.” Wolfberry smirked and posed. “And I am yew and I make thing go kaboom!” Yew said dramatically blowing something up. “Hehe well I’m zipper.” “And I’m Weed!” They both said. “You both are adorable.” Ivy smiled.” They smell bad.” Wolfberry snorted. “Hey raspberry mine If I’d like you to block us while getting out.” Spencer asked. “Raspberry nodded and closed her group in. They moved around a bit so it wouldn’t be crowded. They all finally walked out this time Blackberry was awake.


“Raspberry.” Bonfire cooed. She stopped which made the whole group pause after her. “What.” “Raaaasssspppppbberrrry.” Bonfire cooed once more. “Shut up you poor excuse for an opossum.” Raspberry retorted. “I’m just messing with ya.” Bonfire laughed. Raspberry rolled her eyes trying to get out but Blackberry stopped her. “Raspberry do you have time for a mission?” “No.” She replied trying to get out the door.” Please it’s very important.” Blackberry commanded. “No I cannot sorry.” Raspberry said slamming the door. “Finally.” Spencer moaned. Zipper and his gang hopped out the group circle and down the stairs but into the silky smooth grass. “I love this grass.” Zipper said. “I agree.” Wolfberry layer his head on Zipper’s. Zipper chuckled as he tried to playfully push him off.


Pelican came scurrying over to the group quickly yelling. “Badlands Badlands!” Everyone turned to him and gasped. “Where are they brother.” Raspberry asked. “Behind the door they want in but I didn’t let em.” Pelican replied. Raspberry quickly ran to the door with Wolfberry,ivy,and yew behind her. “What are badlands?” Zipper said to Spencer. “These are the idiots who didn’t let me get the artifact last time.” He growled charging at yew who was the last behind the group. Weed and Zipper peered at each other then shrugged running out to the group.

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now