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Raspberry swing open the door to a group of nasty looking opossums. One of which had a missing leg replaced with a stick tied up with a Vine. “Hey lookie here.” The one legged possum chuckled. “Pokeweed…” Raspberry muttered. Weed heard his name and gave her a concerned glance. “Looks like Spencer is doing more of his artifact stuff huh?” A possum behind him spoke. His tail was incredibly long and battle scarred. “You aren’t getting the artifact his time!” Yew yowled. “Oh that’s not what I want I want the strongholds.” Pokeweed chuckled.


“That is what keeps our kingdom together!” Ivy gasped. “Yeah and that’s what I want to do break it down.” Pokeweed continued.” Then you would have to bow down to me.” “Never!” Wolfberry said scooting closer to Zipper. “Who are they.” Zipper whispered to Wolfberry. “Those are the nastiest kingdoms around their called the badlands they live near a oasis close by.” Wolfberry replied. Living in the desert seemed terrible to Zipper there was only one water source and the prickly pears that gave a fruity taste. “Get out of here Pokeweed or we will kill the lot of ya.” Spencer snarled. “Hazelnut,juniper,holly all of ya attack!” Pokeweed ordered. The opossums nodded and jumped at them to attack.


A fight broke out outside the vine kingdom Zipper watched in horror as they all fought each other. Soon an opossum or what Pokeweed called them hazelnut who was a strange brown looking opossum with terrifying white zombie like eyes. The marsupial charged at zipper pinning him to the ground. Zipper struggled to break free but the eyes were hypnotic. “Can you run?” Hazelnut murmured into zipper’s ear. “I don’t think so.” She continued. He realized that she was sniffing him a lot. “Zipper!” Weed shouted. “She’s blind!” Zipper could not believe it. He was losing to a blind opossum.


Zipper finally snapped out of her hypnotic doings and kicked her stomach gripping down on her back now. Zipper got off her and ran down to help Weed who was struggling fighting Juniper a swift but dangerous looking opossum with hooks instead of hands. Juniper swiped at the two opossums hissing and growling. “What even are you.” Weed cried. “I’m an experiment just like you weed.” Juniper snickered. “What?” Weed said confused. “Oh Weed I’m your sister.” Juniper cooed. Weed gasped and ran up to hug her but she flinched. “Go now brother before you get hurt.” She muttered prodding him into the bushes. “And you.” She turned to Zipper Who gulped.


“You must head with him there is so many secrets Spencer has not sha-.” But before she could finish she was stabbed in the heart by Ivy. She pulled her knife out and watched the opossum fall to the ground dead. Zipper gasped and ran into the trees trying to catch up with weed. Weed stopped in horror after zipper told him what happened. “She had a chose.” Weed sobbed. Zipper hugged him and told him about his sister who he had lost long ago. The bushes rustled as Spencer appeared in front of them. “Come on out the danger is gone.” Weed and Zipper nodded as they got out their hiding spot. “Zipper are you ok?” Wolfberry ran up to him searching for scratches and bites. “I’m fine.” Zipper replied.


“We must go back home now.” Spencer muttered. “Goodbye you guys nice meeting you!” Raspberry called out as they left. The doors swung open and bonfire and his troop came out. “Where are they.” Bonfire growled. “Who.” Wolfberry replied. “Spencer and his team of thieves!” Bonfire replied fiercely. “We did not see such.” Yew pointed out. “Yeah you did liers.” Bonfire snarled as he sniffed the air for a scent. “I smell them this way.” A opossum pointed forwards.” Good work hawktalon now its time take back what’s ours.” Bonfire said running forward disappearing with his troop. “Their doomed all because of us.” Ivy whined. “Not true we are gonna help them.” Raspberry said making them gather in a circle. “I have a plan.” Raspberry murmured.

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now