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The next morning Weed’s head was on top of zipper’s back slobbering and snoring . Zipper nudged him away as he stood up and noticed Spencer shaking weed. “Get up you two let’s get moving.” Spencer grimed. Weed yawned and stretched and zipper padded outside. “How many more miles do we have.” Weed said. “We still got a long way to go.” Spencer said and bounded off. Zipper and weed followed him. It was very bright outside and cool with a bit of a cold chill. Spencer,Zipper,And Weed all walked til they saw a rushing river with fish hopping from up the mini waterfall with it. The sight made Zipper’s stomach growl.


“Anyone want some fish?” Spencer said. Weed and Zipper licked their lips and nodded but before they could catch one a huge brown creature sluggishly walked over to the river beside. “A bear!” Weed gasped. He was correct the bear looked like it was trying to catch a fish. The bear grabbed one of the fish as it was jumping and sat it down. He finally noticed the opossums and laughed at them.” What’s so funny?” Zipper said confused. “YOU GUYS REALLY THINK YOU CAN CATCH A FISH AHAHAH!?” The bear laughed. “Nice try rodents but you aren’t gonna.” Before the grizzly could finish Spencer had already caught 3 fish with 4 swipes of his paw. “You were saying?” Weed chuckled. The trio nibbled on the fish as the bear looked at them in shock.


“How did you do that?” The bear asked. “I was trained to catch fish.” Spencer replied. “Ah were you really by who?” The bear asked. “That shouldn’t concern you bear.” Spencer growled. “It most definitely doesn’t anyways they call me woodland or just wood for short.” The bear dramatically bowed. “Hello there I’m zipper this is weed and.” “Spencer.” Spencer finished zipper’s statement. “Ah nice to meet you guys we usually don’t get opossums here unless there hungry for fish.” Wood said.” Wait is there an ancient pyramid around here?” Spencer stopped chewing on his food to ask. “Mhm that’s where most of the possums live they call themself well vine kingdom.”


“That’s where we are heading!” Weed said finishing up his meal. “Is that so mind if I give you guys a ride there?” Wood asked. “We could use a break from walking so yeah.” Spencer nodded climbing on the bear’s back. Weed climbed on then finally zipper. Woodland crossed the river and into the trees soon they were in a small pit with sandy brown rocks and pebbles. “Stay alert wood these are home to adders.” Spencer waned. “I know I’ve been here and it wasn’t very pleasant.” Wood said in a disturbed voice. As Wood stepped around rocks and other minerals he was almost out of the snake area. Soon behind them slithered out a gorgeously scaled albino viper with red eyes of the devil. “Soon.” It hissed


After the squad escaped the rocks of the snakes they crossed many roads and clusters of trees but have not arrived to the ancient civilization. “How much further my big brown friend.” Zipper said. “Almost there I promise.” Woodland said. The birds tweeted a wonderful tune as the friends walked past rivers stumps and more. Then they finally went past the trees to see the pyramid they have finally arrived at vine kingdom’s palace.

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now