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Zipper and the gang all walked through a temple with vines and torches on the walls. His paws trembled just thinking about what was going to happen to them. So bonfire stopped walking which made everyone else come to a halt. “I must see if the king wants me in so stay here.” Bonfire said walking into the depths of the temple. “Great good going zipper.” Weed murmured. “Well if only Spencer would of told me!” Zipper grumbled back. “Silence!” A voice called out. Bin had returned all by himself just how he left.


“Well?” Spencer said to bonfire. “He said for you guys to come in.” Bonfire spoke moving out the way so the three opossums can head in. The throne room was tall and rusted with tan rapocks and a bunch of vines. Some of the walls were cracked and had a language zipper hadn’t seen before. “Welcome travelers.” An opossum stepped down from his throne. His fur was tattered and worned and he worn a leaf crown. “Hello.” Zipper And Weed said at the same time. Spencer unfortunately didn’t speak like he knew something was wrong.


“Ahh Spencer back for more shenanigans eh thief?” The chief chuckled sinisterly. “What is he talking about Spencer.” Zipper said. “Yeah explain!” Weed hissed. “Yeah tell your little friends the truth.” Chief said mockingly. “Look I have already been here before and tried to get the amulet secretly until I was caught and escaped from their prison.” Spencer hung his head. Zipper gasped and looked at him with disgust. “Anyways my name is blackberry and I’m talking to you two.” The chief said pointing to Weed and Zipper. Weed and Zipper both introduced their names and watched Spencer be taken away.


“Wait where’s he going!” Zipper blurted out. “Back to jail of course.” Blackberry said snotty. “Do you guys come from the other kingdoms for what?” “We came here with Spencer to help him!” Weed yelled. “Don’t raise your tone with your chief.” Bonfire snarled running at at Weed. “Who said he was our chief.” Zipper replied to bonfire’s remark. “I am for now until you get out of here.” Blackberry said. Bonfire smirked and walked back to the chief’s side. “Daddy whose there?” A soft voice spoked from the door.


“Prisoners.” Bonfire replied. Blackberry immediately shot Bonfire a warning glare. “Prisoners daddy I told you about letting them go they haven’t stolen anything!” The small opossum hopped over by Weed and Zipper. “Well not yet they haven’t.” Blackberry replied. The little opossum rolled her eyes and turned to Weed and Zipper. “My name is lily but my full name is lily of the valley don’t let the shortness fool you I’m not a baby I’m a teen.” Lily murmured. “Lily do not speak to them!” Blackberry said. “Why not?” Lily replied. “I said so take him away Bonfire with Spencer.” Blackberry ordered. Bonfire nodded and prodded the two away. Lily threw a tantrum and stomped out the room.


Trapped and locked in a prison that smelled like Zipper’s old home they waited. Weed was sobbing as Zipper comforted him with a pat of his paw. “Will we ever get out Zipper.” He sniffled. “I’m sure.” Zipper purred. “Yes zipper is right we are gonna get out of here.” Spencer said gazing at the prison bars. “How?” Zipper asked. “By an old friend who helped me escape last time.” He snickered. Then appeared lily with small jingling keys smiling brightly in the darkness.

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now