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“When I say run we all run into that door flap at the bottom or what humans call it the doggy door.” Spencer instructed. Zipper,Weed,and Caroline nodded as Spencer disappeared into the doggy door. Zipper waited until they saw his head pop out of her door. “Run!” Spencer hissed. Zipper and the others ran inside the smooth tile pavement of the jewelry store. A tall human man can and walked over to Spencer with his face full of pride. “Good work Spencer get ready for your assignment tomorrow!” The man glanced at the other opossums and a snake as he took the ring from Spencer. “And you brought new recruits?” The man asked. Spencer nodded no and left the store with them.


They stopped at the small crack entrance of the abandoned hospital. “Well I’m going to head off now good luck to you guys.” Spencer smiled. Weed sat Caroline down and ran to give Spencer a hug. Zipper joined in as well and Caroline just watched smiling. Spencer let go and said “if you ever need me I’ll be at the jewelry shop.” Zipper nodded and walked in with the others watching them saying goodbye Spencer was pain to them maybe he would visit sometime but like Caroline said “soon.”


Zipper walked through the door of the throne room with Weed and Caroline. “Welcome home!” Seaport said running up to group. “Snake!” Nightstander screamed. Seaport immediately backed up away from them a little. “Don’t worry she’s friendly!” Zipper said petting Caroline’s back. “Oh don’t worry I don’t have an appetite for opossum they call me Caroline.” The snake hissed. “Akushitsuna hebi?” Feather turned her head and peered at Caroline. “Ooh a snake I love em!” Zira chuckled. Caroline blushed in embarrassment as everyone admired the beautiful scaled white coat. “Weed what are you doing here.” Zira growled at him.


“Don’t get worked up sweetie it’s not good for the baby.” Seaport nudged Zira softly. “But he has betrayed us!” Zira pointed. “I think he’s with us now.” Zipper purred. “Yeah I’m not with galora anymore I want to return as fire kingdom’s royal librarian.” Weed smiled. “I’m down!” Feather giggled and fell dramatically. “Weed has got me!” “Oh really just wait till you see this!” Zipper playfully tackled feather. Weed chuckled and joined in on the game. Jade walked in the room confused but was laughing at the same time. This was a very fun time for zipper and his friends but


Is the battle really over?

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now