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“Long ago when I was only a small toddler I was experimented on by humans I was taught to sniff out things and search for things and was taught how to fish and hunt by humans.” Spencer continued. “I met your mother before she was about to be slaughtered Weed she was nice and told me to never stop believing.” Tears started to come out of Spencer. “She was like the mother I never had.” Spencer stopped walking and sat beside a rock. The others followed and rested by him. “I always wanted to be an officer when I was young since I had some much capability to sniff out things and others.” Spencer sniffled. “Then you were born Weed with your sisters Juniper,Toska,Raven,Sparrow,and dandelion.” “Toska is your sister?” Zipper gasped.


Zipper had a friend named Toska before he came into the city she had been friends ever since. “I was the one when you guys got out of your pouches had to help you escape so I gave them to a squirrel friend named blossom.” Spencer continued. “Now from what I heard blossom died,Toska died from a weasel attack,Raven is Queen of grass kingdom,Sparrow is a loner,and dandelion is combat of ice kingdom.” Spencer continued “ I was given a task to retrieve the wedding ring back to the shop it is said it costed millions of dollars.” “So your a loner who was trainer to find stuff.” Zipper wondered. “Yeah and Weed I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier that you belong here I didn’t want you to come along cause of this.” Spencer frowned. But when Spencer looked at him he was asleep with Caroline wrapped up against him.


The next morning small portions of rain fell from the sky. Zipper looked up to see Spencer who was sleeping by the same rock yesterday and Weed who was staring at him. Caroline was around his neck with the tip of her tail she pet him. “Zipper.” Weed muttered not looking at him. “Yes.” “Do you think I can meet my mother.” Zipper flinched when he said that. “I don’t think so Weed.” Zipper susurrated. “She’s dead.” “I know but you can see spirits right you can bring her to me” Zipper sighed then spoke. “It doesn’t work that way.” “Oh.” Weed looked at Caroline then sighed. “I’m sorry for you lost I know how you feel.” Caroline murmured. Spencer finally woke up with a stern tired look on his face. “Let’s keep going now.” He spoke


They were close to home now as they passed by the tree home with mama Anna was. Zipper wondered if blossom and Anna could be sisters. But that’s a story that should be saved for later. Clouds covered up the sun as rain poured on top of their heads as they arrived into a stop. “If we go left we would be in grass kingdom and trust me they aren’t friendly.” Weed said. “We’re going through there.” Spencer muttered. “What!” Weed shot Spencer a shocked glance. “Didn’t I tell you it’s dangerous!” Weed protested. “Yes but it’s a short cut we will get to the ring shop quicker.” Spence grumbled. Zipper watched the two carp about which was they should go then the light of thunder rumbled scaring both of them. Spencer didn’t want to argue anymore so he just went the way he wanted. Zipper didn’t think twice so he followed him with weed catching up behind with a snake on his scruff.


Zipper and his group walked through the scent of other opossums as they past through trees. An opossum jumped in front of them snarling. “We were just passing through.” Spencer said calmly. “Nobody just passes through grass kingdom.” Snarled the other opossum. “Move alone now!” Spencer rolled his eyes and walked past them with Zipper and Weed behind them. “They always try to look intimidating.” Spencer sighed. When they passed across the street and on the street where the store was they hid behind a trash can.

Zorilla book 2: the lost heirWhere stories live. Discover now